Assessing High-Voltage Shore Connection Safety: An In-Depth Study of Grounding Practices in Shore Power Systems
:1. Introduction
2. HVSC Grounding System Requirements
2.1. HVSC System Framework
2.2. HVSC Grounding (Earthing) System
3. Safety Voltage Assessment in HVSC
3.1. Body Resistance and Permissible Current
3.2. Shock Model and Permissible Voltage
3.3. Phase to Ground Fault Current
- Symmetrical Components Method
3.4. Assessment Method
4. Case Study of Kaohsiung Harbor
4.1. HVSC Systems of Kaohsiung Harbor
4.2. Permissible Touch and Step Voltage
4.3. Actual Touch Voltage in Case Study
5. Conclusions and Recommendations
- Direct electric shocks in HVSC systems can cause touch voltages that exceed international safety limits, regardless of NGR specifications or equipotential bonding. To reduce this risk, the strict prohibition of direct contact within the HVSC system, use of insulating protective gear by operators, and installation of an NGR at the shore-side transformer’s neutral point are essential for safety and compliance with international standards.
- Using HRG and a PEN conductor in HVSC systems keeps indirect shock voltages within safe limits, ensuring compliance with standards. However, with LGR, there is a risk of arcing and minor exceedances of safe voltage limits on ship decks. To improve safety, the careful selection of neutral protection relays and proper personal protective equipment is crucial for maintaining operational safety within acceptable voltage limits.
- It is crucial to continuously monitor and maintain equipotential bonding to prevent direct and indirect contact voltages from exceeding international standards, regardless of the grounding method used. Adhering to IEC/IEEE 80005-1 regulations for monitoring equipotential connections ensures safety and reduces electrical hazards.
- The findings of this study indicate that moisture levels in dock concrete surfaces have a minimal impact on contact voltages. The key determinants of safety are the proper installation of the NGR and the maintenance of an intact PEN conductor.
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Ship Type | Voltage (kV) | Power (MVA) | NGR (Ω) |
Ro-Ro Cargo/Passenger | 11 | 6.5 | 335 |
Cruise | 6.6/11 | 16–20 | 540 |
Container | 6.6 | 7.5 | 200 |
Liquefied Natural Gas Carrier (LNGC) | 6.6/11 | 10.7 | N/A |
Tankers | 6.6 | 7.2 | N/A |
Shock Duration (s) | Shore Side (V) (Wet Concert) | Shore Side (V) (Dry Concert) | Ship Side (V) (Metallic Desk) | ||||
Estep | Etouch | Estep | Etouch | Estep | Etouch | Etouch (with Gloves) | |
0.01 | 12,784.00 | 4396.00 | 20,410.00 | 6280.00 | 10,990.00 | 3925.00 | 7065.00 |
0.1 | 4071.12 | 1390.14 | 6454.21 | 1985.91 | 3475.34 | 1241.19 | 2234.15 |
0.5 | 1820.66 | 621.69 | 2886.41 | 888.13 | 1554.22 | 555.08 | 999.14 |
1 | 1287.40 | 439.60 | 2041.00 | 628.00 | 1099.00 | 392.50 | 706.50 |
5 | 575.74 | 196.60 | 912.76 | 280.85 | 491.49 | 175.53 | 315.96 |
10 | 407.11 | 139.01 | 645.42 | 198.59 | 347.53 | 124.12 | 234.41 |
Locations/Items | Shore-Side Substation to AMP Junction Box: 0.6 km | Ship-Side AMP Junction Box to Ship: 0.1 km | |
Supply power | 11.4/6.6 kV 60 Hz | 6.6 kV 60 Hz | |
Human resistance |
| |
Soil resistivity |
| |
Phase and neutral cable |
| ||
Others |
PEN Connect | NGR (Ω) | Ifault (A) | Shore-Side AMP Junction Box (V) | Ship-Side Receiving Panel (V) | ||
Vtouch (Dry) | Vtouch (Wet) | Ib | Vtouch | |||
Y | 200 (HRG) | 19.04 | 3628.96 | 3556.35 | 1.411 | 3528.06 |
Y | 100 | 38.07 | 3717.47 | 3678.98 | 1.466 | 3663.75 |
Y | 10 (LRG) | 377.39 | 3800.91 | 3796.81 | 1.518 | 3795.12 |
Y | 0 | 39,282.70 | 3810.41 | 3810.37 | 1.524 | 3810.29 |
N | N/A | 3675.17 | 3809.51 | 3809.09 | 1.523 | 3808.25 |
PEN Connect | NGR (Ω) | Ifault (A) | Shore-Side AMP Junction Box (V) | Ship-Side Receiving Panel (V) | ||
Vtouch (Dry) | Vtouch (Wet) | Ib | Vtouch | |||
Y | 200 (HRG) | 19.00 | 8.17 | 8.17 | 0.00327 | 8.17 |
Y | 100 | 37.91 | 16.30 | 16.30 | 0.00652 | 16.29 |
Y | 10 (LRG) | 361.97 | 155.63 | 155.62 | 0.06203 | 155.06 |
Y | 0 | 7230.52 | 3108.79 | 3108.65 | 1.16079 | 2901.98 |
N | N/A | 2597.79 | 1116.93 | 1116.88 | 0.44453 | 1111.31 |
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Hsu, S.-H.; Tzu, F.-M.; Chang, W.-H.; Chen, Y.-D. Assessing High-Voltage Shore Connection Safety: An In-Depth Study of Grounding Practices in Shore Power Systems. Energies 2024, 17, 1373.
Hsu S-H, Tzu F-M, Chang W-H, Chen Y-D. Assessing High-Voltage Shore Connection Safety: An In-Depth Study of Grounding Practices in Shore Power Systems. Energies. 2024; 17(6):1373.
Chicago/Turabian StyleHsu, Shih-Hsien, Fu-Ming Tzu, Wei-Huang Chang, and Yi-Dong Chen. 2024. "Assessing High-Voltage Shore Connection Safety: An In-Depth Study of Grounding Practices in Shore Power Systems" Energies 17, no. 6: 1373.
APA StyleHsu, S.-H., Tzu, F.-M., Chang, W.-H., & Chen, Y.-D. (2024). Assessing High-Voltage Shore Connection Safety: An In-Depth Study of Grounding Practices in Shore Power Systems. Energies, 17(6), 1373.