Real Options Volatility Surface for Valuing Renewable Energy Projects
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
3. Results
- Case Study 1
- Case Study 2
- Case Study 3
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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2009 | Mean | Median | ||||||||||||
Lev (%) | 3.55 | 13.01 | 27.33 | 36.56 | 40.93 | 42.71 | 44.19 | 47.91 | 55.79 | 72.23 | 38.42 | 41.82 | Min | Max |
Vol (%) | 48.79 | 68.75 | 77.45 | 45.41 | 33.48 | 37.27 | 26.37 | 49.85 | 29.88 | 94.58 | 51.18 | 47.10 | 26.37 | 94.58 |
2010 | Mean | Median | ||||||||||||
Lev (%) | 3.48 | 10.59 | 23.08 | 29.36 | 36.00 | 40.15 | 46.25 | 49.44 | 58.98 | 63.15 | 36.05 | 38.07 | Min | Max |
Vol (%) | 30.52 | 30.93 | 29.41 | 27.18 | 36.75 | 29.85 | 45.23 | 57.13 | 31.42 | 68.62 | 38.70 | 31.18 | 27.18 | 68.62 |
2011 | Mean | Median | ||||||||||||
Lev (%) | 24.15 | 25.65 | 31.09 | 35.14 | 40.16 | 47.02 | 53.32 | 55.52 | 61.99 | 63.70 | 43.77 | 43.59 | Min | Max |
Vol (%) | 52.77 | 32.01 | 87.41 | 36.75 | 28.06 | 5.65 | 8.42 | 47.38 | 28.02 | 75.73 | 40.22 | 34.38 | 5.65 | 87.41 |
2012 | Mean | Median | ||||||||||||
Lev (%) | 16.47 | 26.76 | 36.15 | 38.52 | 42.10 | 44.89 | 51.33 | 57.06 | 60.86 | 61.78 | 43.59 | 43.49 | Min | Max |
Vol (%) | 35.21 | 20.07 | 35.42 | 81.90 | 16.21 | 18.91 | 7.11 | 32.58 | 8.43 | 57.41 | 31.33 | 26.33 | 7.11 | 81.90 |
2013 | Mean | Median | ||||||||||||
Lev (%) | 13.43 | 22.79 | 27.04 | 38.96 | 39.27 | 42.68 | 59.75 | 59.99 | 62.07 | 62.73 | 42.87 | 40.98 | Min | Max |
Vol (%) | 69.63 | 33.49 | 21.17 | 6.20 | 40.15 | 9.92 | 13.02 | 10.15 | 19.81 | 3.37 | 22.69 | 16.42 | 3.37 | 69.63 |
2014 | Mean | Median | ||||||||||||
Lev (%) | 12.96 | 22.84 | 24.75 | 38.47 | 38.68 | 44.70 | 57.41 | 58.79 | 63.50 | 71.50 | 43.36 | 41.69 | Min | Max |
Vol (%) | 21.75 | 76.05 | 51.65 | 43.06 | 37.36 | 15.77 | 12.48 | 18.63 | 12.61 | 15.10 | 30.45 | 20.19 | 12.48 | 76.05 |
2015 | Mean | Median | ||||||||||||
Lev (%) | 19.13 | 29.22 | 37.57 | 37.62 | 39.60 | 46.28 | 63.64 | 63.83 | 65.35 | 73.81 | 47.61 | 42.94 | Min | Max |
Vol (%) | 47.76 | 49.74 | 17.70 | 9.08 | 45.73 | 21.74 | 21.07 | 24.81 | 12.24 | 9.66 | 25.95 | 21.41 | 9.08 | 49.74 |
2016 | Mean | Median | ||||||||||||
Lev (%) | 19.85 | 30.35 | 33.59 | 36.71 | 38.30 | 41.80 | 59.80 | 61.99 | 71.70 | 74.95 | 46.91 | 40.05 | Min | Max |
Vol (%) | 40.35 | 54.42 | 27.01 | 13.00 | 56.96 | 27.11 | 27.88 | 20.46 | 9.02 | 8.67 | 28.49 | 27.06 | 8.67 | 56.96 |
2017 | Mean | Median | ||||||||||||
Lev (%) | 20.02 | 23.42 | 27.14 | 36.39 | 38.07 | 47.05 | 61.38 | 70.78 | 71.90 | 77.55 | 47.37 | 42.56 | Min | Max |
Vol (%) | 32.07 | 85.44 | 68.98 | 23.88 | 7.14 | 34.39 | 22.16 | 17.93 | 6.72 | 5.33 | 30.40 | 23.02 | 5.33 | 85.44 |
2018 | Mean | Median | ||||||||||||
Lev (%) | 20.56 | 26.76 | 28.25 | 31.43 | 38.24 | 56.78 | 63.71 | 71.60 | 72.27 | 72.32 | 48.19 | 47.51 | Min | Max |
Vol (%) | 26.70 | 83.30 | 63.35 | 12.89 | 20.60 | 40.66 | 26.00 | 4.61 | 10.06 | 7.85 | 29.60 | 23.30 | 4.61 | 83.30 |
2019 | Mean | Median | ||||||||||||
Lev (%) | 20.75 | 26.68 | 30.24 | 37.45 | 40.83 | 59.21 | 61.36 | 68.85 | 71.87 | 73.69 | 49.09 | 50.02 | Min | Max |
Vol (%) | 113.38 | 35.74 | 101.68 | 20.18 | 15.00 | 33.00 | 10.69 | 9.66 | 5.43 | 9.11 | 35.39 | 17.59 | 5.43 | 113.38 |
2020 | Mean | Median | ||||||||||||
Lev (%) | 1.83 | 18.28 | 24.12 | 24.47 | 36.37 | 37.37 | 38.12 | 66.57 | 67.37 | 70.98 | 38.55 | 36.87 | Min | Max |
Vol (%) | 46.03 | 48.71 | 86.33 | 61.27 | 22.81 | 87.23 | 13.05 | 8.23 | 13.13 | 13.67 | 40.05 | 34.42 | 8.23 | 87.23 |
Parameter | Symbol | Value | Unit |
Current cash flow from investment | S | 302.8878 | $US million |
Fixed investment cost | I | 340 | $US million |
Time to invest | T | 25 | Years |
Volatility | 0.1045 | ||
Risk-free discount rate | r | 0.0875 |
Kroniger and Madlener [45] | Lowest Vol (January 2014) | Highest Vol (January 2014) | |
0.2100 | 0.1248 | 0.7605 | |
1.9367 | 2.8209 | 1.1232 | |
0.2615 | 0.1598 | 0.6782 | |
2.0676 | 1.5492 | 9.1199 | |
1.0676 | 0.5492 | 8.1199 |
Calculations Based on Torani et al. [49] | Mean Vol in 2013 (Our Study) | Median Vol in 2013 (Our Study) | |
0.2007 | 0.2269 | 0.1642 | |
0.0289 | 0.0289 | 0.0289 | |
−0.0441 | −0.0441 | −0.0441 | |
1.0118 | 1.0111 | 1.0127 | |
0.0102 | 0.0102 | 0.0102 | |
0.8760 | 0.9285 | 0.8137 |
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González-Muñoz, R.-I.; Molina-Muñoz, J.; Mora-Valencia, A.; Perote, J. Real Options Volatility Surface for Valuing Renewable Energy Projects. Energies 2024, 17, 1225.
González-Muñoz R-I, Molina-Muñoz J, Mora-Valencia A, Perote J. Real Options Volatility Surface for Valuing Renewable Energy Projects. Energies. 2024; 17(5):1225.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGonzález-Muñoz, Rosa-Isabel, Jesús Molina-Muñoz, Andrés Mora-Valencia, and Javier Perote. 2024. "Real Options Volatility Surface for Valuing Renewable Energy Projects" Energies 17, no. 5: 1225.
APA StyleGonzález-Muñoz, R.-I., Molina-Muñoz, J., Mora-Valencia, A., & Perote, J. (2024). Real Options Volatility Surface for Valuing Renewable Energy Projects. Energies, 17(5), 1225.