Hydrogen Technology towards the Solution of Environment-Friendly New Energy Vehicles
:1. Introduction
2. Methods: Change Management for a Successful Hydrogen Economy Transition
- As part of the renewable energy transition, the gradual reduction of fossil fuels needs to progress. As a response, the currently used ICE engine technologies powered by fossil resources need to be mitigated by the vehicle sector.
- Hydrogen generation, distribution, and utilisation have to be initiated and appropriate technology for each step is required. Moreover, for this change, the vehicle sector is forced to undertake major revisions within the propulsion systems.
- The final stage would comprise the consolidation of the transition. This would mean that the changes undertaken so far are stabilized and need to be incorporated into everyday life and used further.
3. Current Challenges Impeding a Successful Change to a Hydrogen Economy
3.1. Political and Ecological Challenges
3.2. Technological Challenges
3.3. Social Challenges
4. Concluding Remarks
Conflicts of Interest
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Peksen, M. Hydrogen Technology towards the Solution of Environment-Friendly New Energy Vehicles. Energies 2021, 14, 4892. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14164892
Peksen M. Hydrogen Technology towards the Solution of Environment-Friendly New Energy Vehicles. Energies. 2021; 14(16):4892. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14164892
Chicago/Turabian StylePeksen, Murat. 2021. "Hydrogen Technology towards the Solution of Environment-Friendly New Energy Vehicles" Energies 14, no. 16: 4892. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14164892
APA StylePeksen, M. (2021). Hydrogen Technology towards the Solution of Environment-Friendly New Energy Vehicles. Energies, 14(16), 4892. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14164892