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24 June 2021
Prof. Dr. Gang Pan Appointed Associate Editor of Water

We are pleased to announce that Prof. Dr. Gang Pan has been appointed as Associate Editor of Water (ISSN 2073-4441). His term started in June 2021.

Dr. Gang Pan is a Full Professor and Ex-Associate Dean of Research for the School of Animal, Rural, and Environmental Sciences. He is now the Director of the Centre of Integrated Water–Energy–Food (iWEF) studies at NTU. Prof. Pan is an environmental, ecological, material, and physical chemist. He pioneers in geoengineering technologies for natural water restoration and eutrophication control, sediment remediation, environmental nanotechnology, surface adsorption, algal biotechnology, and synchrotron techniques. He was awarded the National First Prize of Environmental Science and Technology of China (2009); “Scientists of the Year” (2010, Chinese national annual award); 2014 Excellence in Review Awards (ES&T); the First Prize of “Dayu Award” in 2017 (the highest Chinese national award in hydrology and ecology). He has published over 300 peer-reviewed papers (H-index 51 Google Scholar) and filed over 50 patents. His current research focuses on algal biotechnology and nanobubble technology.

The editorial team warmly welcomes Prof. Dr. Gang Pan as Associate Editor and looks forward to his contribution to the continued success of Water.

For further information on the journal Water, please see here.

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