
23–25 May 2012, Marseille, France

Despite major advances in the past 25 years, HIV infection remains a global threat with major scientific, societal and human challenges ahead. With an economic crisis able to undermine public investments, access to HIV prevention, HIV treatment and care are in jeopardy.
The ISHEID seeks to promote scientific excellence and to strengthen the global commitment against HIV/AIDS. It presents new scientific knowledge and offers many opportunities for structured dialogue on the major issues facing the global response against HIV/AIDS.

The 2012 programme will focus on current ‘hot topics’ in HIV research: understanding the mechanisms of HIV persistence and maintenance in reservoirs, trying to find a cure…, but also on socioeconomic and policy aspects. Different sessions will tackle ‘Human Rights & HIV/AIDS’, ‘Prevention of HIV Transmission’, ‘Access to Care’... Ultimately, the meeting will also address recent findings in the fields of viral hepatitis and emerging infectious diseases which need the same kind of global approach.

A variety of session types – from abstract-driven presentations to symposia, workshops and plenary lectures – will meet the needs of various participants. This human scale conference allows to meet international Key Opinion Leaders in a friendly atmosphere, to exchange ideas and to share experience. Consequently, the 2012 ISHEID will offer an exceptional opportunity for professional development and networking.

See you in Marseille in 2012!

Alain Lafeuillade
Symposium Chairman

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