
14–15 July 2011, Rome, Italy
6th International Workshop on HIV Transmission - Principles of Intervention

Dear Colleagues,

Over the years, advances in HIV treatment have led to an enhanced understanding of the virus and improved care of HIV infected patients. However our insights into the spread of the HIV virus remain limited. A more extensive exchange of knowledge on the various aspects of HIV transmission provides important perspectives for a better approach to the epidemic. For this purpose, an integrated forum was set up in 2006 to reveal perspectives of experts from different fields enabling discussion on all relevant mechanisms of HIV transmission. The annual Transmission Workshops have since continued to prove themselves valuable to those specialized (or specializing) in HIV transmission.

The main objectives of this meeting are to provide a forum for basic scientists, clinicians, virologists, epidemiologists and public health officials to present and to discuss the various aspects of the transmission of HIV. The ultimate goal of the meeting is the integration of efforts from all relevant disciplines in order to constrain the spread of (drug-resistant) HIV.

The workshop addresses the following important topics:
•     Biology of HIV transmission
•     Virology of HIV transmission events
•     Epidemiology & modelling of HIV transmission
•     Mother-to-child transmission
•     Transmission of drug-resistance
•     Biomedical approaches for HIV prevention of sexual transmission
•     Social sciences & behavioural risk factors

We are pleased to announce the organization of a 6th International Workshop on HIV Transmission in Rome, Italy on 14, 15 July 2011.
We are looking forward to a full program of invited lectures, oral and poster presentations and roundtables.
For additional information on invited speakers, topics and online registration, we invite you to stay tuned to this website. Updates will be posted regularly.
We look forward to welcoming you all in Rome in 2011!

The Organizing Committee

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