
23–24 June 2011, Boston (Hyatt Regency Cambridge), MA, USA
6th International Workshop on Hepatitis C, Resistance and New Compounds

Dear Colleagues,

We are delighted to announce the 6th edition of the International Workshop on Hepatitis C, Resistance and New Compounds.
Over the years, this workshop has become the leading event on Hepatitis C resistance. Scientists from both academia and industry have attended the conference in increasing numbers, attracted by the high level of science and the closed nature of the workshop that encourages participants to share their knowledge and latest findings.
The International Workshop on Hepatitis C, Resistance & New Compounds provides a platform for scientific presentations and discussions for those interested in the area of antiviral drug development and antiviral drug resistance.
We bring together scientists representing different disciplines (chemistry, virology, hepatology, immunology, infectious disease) to facilitate cross-discipline interaction and debate. 
Areas of particular interest are: identification of new targets and compounds, novel screening approaches, in vitro efficacy and resistance evaluations, the basic and evolution of resistance and cross resistance, in vivo efficacy measures, tools for monitoring resistance in the clinic as well as clinical correlates of resistance development.
The core of the meeting consists of abstract-driven sessions introduced through invited lectures by leaders in the field. In addition, round table discussions and poster presentations ensure an interactive atmosphere.
We look with great optimism to the 2011 workshop that will be held in Boston (Hyatt Regency Cambridge), 23 and 24 June 2011.
Due to the success of last year's back-to-back format with the International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology of Hepatitis, the two workshops will again be held in close proximity to each other, with a joint session on tangential topics linking them together.

We look forward to another inspiring meeting!

The Organizing Committee

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