
13–15 August 2014, Bisbane
11th Australasian Plant Virology Workshop

This is the 11th workshop in the series and will be held in Brisbane, located in subtropical south-east Queensland. In August, the days are mild and sunny and perfect for enjoying the wonderful outdoors, such as the sweeping beaches of Surfers Paradise, the World Heritage rainforest of Lamington National Park or the annual Humpback Whale migration at Hervey Bay. This workshop is timed to immediately precede the 29th International Horticultural Congress, which is also hosted by Brisbane. This is only the second time that this congress, attended by more than 2,000 delegates from around the world, has been held in the Southern Hemisphere. So please reserve the dates of 13-15 August 2014 to attend the Australasian Plant Virology Workshop. It promises to be a highlight of the plant pathology conference calendar.

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