
7–10 June 2010, Saint Malo, France
4th Annual Meeting EPIZONE

At this Annual Meeting we discuss recent issues and new developments concerning epizootic animal diseases, stimulate cooperation and create vast opportunities for networking, scientific exchange and discussions. We shall provide a challenging scientific programme with plenary lectures by invited speakers and selected oral and poster presentations. All presentations will be related to recent research in epizootic diseases of cattle, swine, poultry, sheep, fish or horses in the fields of the EPIZONE themes diagnostics, vaccine development, risk assessment, surveillance and epidemiology.

\'Bridges to the Future\'

The slogan \'Bridges to the future\' relates to the ambition of EPIZONE to support the introduction of innovative, improved, fast, and acceptable control measures to combat animal diseases in relation with food safety and climate change. As platform and think-tank of highly qualified scientists EPIZONE develops new strategies and tools to face new challenges in the future and remains a solid Network of Excellence in the coming years.

We look forward to a stimulating 4th Annual Meeting and hope you join us in Saint Malo.

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