
8–10 April 2019, Hotel Skansen, Båstad, Sweden
Engineering with Membranes Conference 2019

For nearly 25 years ‘Engineering with Membranes' has been a successful conference series for membrane researchers interested in the engineering aspects of membrane science. After the conference series travelled for the last two legs to Asia – Beijing (2015) and Singapore (2017) – we are very happy to welcome it 2019 to Båstad in Sweden.
The focus of this edition of ‘Engineering with Membranes' will be on ‘Membranes for a sustainable future'. Thus, the current conference will emphasize how membrane processes can help to achieve the 17 sustainability goals developed by the United Nations. The conference, thus welcomes papers dedicated to the sustainable manufacturing, design and application of membrane and membranes processes. In particular papers related to the development and integration of membranes processes in the food, biorefinery and biotech industry are welcomed. The conference schedule is designed to provide an inspiring event with key speeches combined with oral and poster presentations but also time and space for meetings and stimulating discussions.

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