
20–23 February 2023, Huddersfield, UK
Centring Intersex Issues: Global and Local Dimensions

Organisers: Adeline Berry (University of Huddersfield), Mauro Cabral (GATE), Morgan Carpenter (Intersex Human Rights Australia), Limor Danon (Bar-Ilan University), Fae Garland (University of Manchester), David Griffiths (University of Surrey), Morgan Holmes (Wilfrid Laurier University), Tanya Ni Mhuirthile (Dublin City University), Surya Monro (University of Huddersfield), Vasu Reddy (University of Pretoria), Katrina Roen (University of Waikato), Amets Suess Schwend (Andalusian School of Public Health), Prashant Singh (Intersex Asia), and Mitch Travis (University of Leeds).

Dates: 20–23 February 2023.

Format: Virtual—Pacific and Atlantic timezones to ensure global accessibility.

Brief outline: Intersex people face social erasure and discrimination at every stage of their lives, from birth to old age. Babies who are born with noticeable intersex characteristics are usually operated on or subjected to other nonconsensual medical treatments in infancy, early childhood, or adolescence.

Knowledge about the reasons for the lack of implementation of international human rights directives is needed, as is a better understanding of intersex people’s needs regarding appropriate healthcare and related policy and practice reform. This conference will provide a forum for knowledge generation and networking in these areas. It will facilitate the ongoing development of an international network of scholars, students, and stakeholders with an interest in supporting intersex people’s equality, wellbeing, and social as well as economic success. It will generate original knowledge across a range of fields and academic disciplines. The conference will also generate improved policy advice for key stakeholders, especially those in policy and practice positions across sectors such as healthcare, education, and social work.

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