
8 February 2023
Publications | 10th Anniversary

The year 2023 marks the 10th anniversary of Publications (ISSN: 2304-6775), an international, peer-reviewed, and fully open access journal that provides a home for research related to all aspects of scholarly publishing and culture.

We are grateful to our authors, reviewers, academic editors, and readers, as well as other people working in other ways for the journal, for their trust and support.

To celebrate this momentous occasion, we are arranging a series of special content and events. We hope that you will be able to join us in celebrating this milestone of our journal.


Anniversary Special Issue:
“Looking Forwards and Backwards: 10 Years of Publications
Editors: Dr. Gemma Derrick and Dr. Bart Penders
Available online:

Your contributions to this Special Issue are welcome.

Collections of Excellent Works:

text text text

Please click the book covers for details.

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