1–7 December 2024, Erice, Italy
Complexity in High-Energy and Statistical Physics
This meeting provides a rare opportunity to understand the relationships between renormalization and self-similarity; discuss the particle production mechanisms with a focus on how the quanta of the fields emerge nonperturbatively; discuss how the formalism of scale-free networks has the potential to contribute to the solution of the problem; and have a perspective on the possible contributions of these theoretical frames in the physics of black holes, cosmology, and various other contemporary approaches to complex systems.
- Foundations of nonadditive entropies.
- Applications of nonadditive entropies.
- Nonadditive entropies and complex systems.
- Scale-free systems and networks, (multi)fractals, self-similar systems, and the renormalization group of QFT.
- Electromagnetic plasma.
- The bootstrap approach to QFT.
- Nonextensive statistics and transport processes.
- Nonextensive statistics in cosmology.
- Perspectives in hadron physics.
- Perspective in high-energy physics.
Symposium Directors: Airton Deppman; Evaldo Curado; and Ignacio de Bediaga e Hickman
Directors of the International School on Complexity: Antonino Zichichi; Giorgio Benedek; Constantino Tsallis; and Andrea Rapisarda