
18 September 2021
Recruiting Reviewer Board Members for Photonics

The journal Photonics (ISSN 2304-6732) is recruiting Reviewer Board Members. The main responsibility of the new members of the Reviewer Board is to regularly provide timely, high-quality reports on the submitted manuscripts. The responsibilities of the reviewers are available at

Photonics is an international, scientific, peer-reviewed, open access journal on the science and technology of optics and photonics, published online monthly by MDPI, indexed within Scopus, SCIE (Web of Science), Inspec, CAPlus / SciFinder, and many other databases. The new Impact Factor of Photonics has increased to 2.676. On Web of Science, Photonics ranks 37th out of 99 (Q2) in the category “Optics”. The aims and scope of the journal can be found here.

The benefits of joining the Reviewer Board of Photonics are as follows:

  • We will announce your entry information on the journal's reviewer board;
  • We will offer you a discount code (up to CHF 100) if a comprehensive and timely report is provided. The voucher can be used for your future publications in all MDPI journals;
  • You will receive a personalized reviewer certificate;
  • You will have the ability to adjust your review frequency based on your schedule in our system;
  • Reviewer Board Members may be presented with the possibility of joining the Editorial Board of the journal (subject to the approval of the Editor-in-Chief).

If you are interested in becoming a Reviewer Board Member (RBM) of Photonics, please send your application, including a full academic CV, to the Photonics Editorial Office (photonics

For more information about Photonics, please visit the website:

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