
22–24 October 2018, Berlin, Germany
Applied Nanotechnology and Nanoscience International Conference – 4th edition

The Applied Nanotechnology and Nanoscience International Conference is an annual event. It hosts high-profile plenary speakers, world-class researchers, oral and poster presentations, workshops, sponsor exhibits and afterworks. This event is a great opportunity to share your research findings with a wide audience, promote knowledge exchange, and network. Come to share during this fourth edition.

Macro Topics

Nanophotonics & Nano-optics
Nanotechnology for Energy and Environment
Nanobiotechnology, Nanomedicine & Nanosafety
Nanocharacterization & Nanomanufacturing


Chairs Committee

Prof. Nicola Pinna - Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany
Prof. Francesco Stellacci - EPFL, Switzerland
Prof. Liberato Manna - Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Italy
Prof. Jordi Arbiol - ICREA, ICN2, CSIC and BIST, Barcelona


Plenary Speakers

Prof. Molly Stevens - Imperial College London, UK
Prof. Markus Niederberger - ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Prof. Patrice Simon - Paul Sabatier University, France
Dr. Peter Krogstrup - Niels Bohr Institute,University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Prof. Jocken Feldmann - LMU Munich, Germany
Awarded guest - ANNIC Mid-Career Nanotechnology Scientific Award


Invited Speakers

Dr. Andrej Singer - Cornell University, USA
Prof. Jonathan Owen - Columbia University, USA
Dr. Alexander Weber-Bargioni - UC Berkeley, USA
Prof. Teresa Pellegrino - Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Italy

9 others Invited speakers will be chosen from the best-submitted abstracts!


Submission: Still Open
Registration: September 21, 2018

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