
2–7 August 2020, New London, NH, USA
Gordon Research Conference—Membranes: Materials and Processes

Advances in membrane science are critical to addressing many of the most pressing societal needs including the sustainable generation and storage of energy, the cost-effective purification of therapeutic drugs, and the efficient treatment and management of water resources. Given the broad scope of these technical and societal challenges, membrane science is moving beyond its traditional bounds and now includes contributions from a diverse spectrum of disciplines. Translating lab-scale discoveries to functioning technologies demands contributions from all of these disciplines, which may not always communicate using the same vocabulary or methods. As such, this conference presents itself as a unique opportunity for attendees to begin developing methods for communicating knowledge, methods, expertise across traditional disciplinary boundaries in order to form new frameworks that catalyze discovery and innovations in membrane science. This opportunity to bring together a set of intellectually-diverse researchers is meant to engage materials scientists, process engineers, data scientists, and membrane technologists such that new ways of examining long-standing challenges can emerge.

The conference will consist of nine sessions, on the topics listed below,

  • Keynote Session: Interfacial Engineering of Membranes for Environmental Applications
  • Rational Design of Membrane Materials
  • Process Optimization and Intensification
  • Membrane Manufacturing
  • Real-Time Process Control/Membrane Fouling
  • Modeling Transport Phenomena Relevant to Membrane Processes
  • Reactive, Emerging and Hybrid Membrane Processes
  • Industrial Separations Needs
  • Keynote Session: From Lab-Scale Discoveries to Industrial Gas Separation Processes

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