Reviewer Board
Members of the reviewer board are selected from all Information reviewers for regularly providing timely high quality reports on submitted manuscripts. Responsibilities of reviewers are available here.
Interests: deep learning; machine learning; medical image analysis; image processing; computer vision; metaheuristics; optimization
Interests: emerging technologies for diabetes management; medical cyber-physical systems; biomedical wireless sensor network
Interests: applied social and educational technologies; decision support systems; ethics and cyber security; risk management; information systems; intelligent systems; internet of things (IoT)
Interests: 6G; machine learning for communication; signal processing; industrial IoT
Interests: graph embeddings; knowledge graphs; clinical prediction models; machine learning; deep learning
Interests: online communication; education; viral narratives; online learning; gamification
Interests: machine learning; big data; cyber security; data analytics; edge computing; blockchain
Interests: fuzzy; BCK/BCI-algebras; algebras
Interests: media studies; social media; mass communications; cultural studies
Interests: natural language processing; sentiment analysis; text mining; text classification
Interests: biologically-inspired computational models; machine learning; multimodal data analysis
Interests: collision avoidance; planning; distributed systems
Interests: recommender systems; social network analysis; text analysis and mining
Interests: sensor data processing; identification; data and information fusion; sensor networks; computer networks
Interests: quantitative finance; risk management
Interests: fuzzy logic; ontology; data science; social network analysis; recommendation systems; type-2 fuzzy logic; medical informatics; machine learning; Data Mining; sentiment analysis; text mining; healthcare monitoring system; heart disease prediction
Interests: computer network and wireless communication
Interests: traffic flow modelling; decision making; traffic safety; driving behaviour; connected vehicles; automated vehicles and advanced data analysis techniques
Interests: information retrieval; conversational search; recommender systems
Interests: intelligent transportation systems; vehicular communications; cooperative, connected and automated mobility; fault-tolerance and dependability; real-time systems
Interests: water resources and flood risk management and planning; participatory approaches; human and water systems Interactions and dynamics; decision support systems multi criteria decision methods; hydrological, groundwater and flood modelling; spatial data infrastructure and time deries standards; hydroinformatics
Interests: political communication; Journalism; populism; social media; political science; social science
Interests: machine learning; decision making; data mining; fuzzy systems; healthcare
Interests: education; E/B/M-learning; information systems; knowledge management; representation management; e-government; business intelligence; analytics; block chain
Interests: random walks; pattern formation; anomalous diffusion; biomathematics; fractional calculus
Interests: machine learning; text mining; time series; deep learning
Interests: classification techniques; approximations of decision systems; building feature rankings; missing values handling; the philosophical problems of artificial intelligence; robot localization in the magnetic unstable environment; intelligent robotics; steganography; convolutional neural networks; granular rough computing
Interests: information systems; intelligent systems; machine learning; internet of things (IoT); decision support Sdystems; applied social and educational technologies
Interests: virtual reality effects, video/digital game effects, serious games, digital inequality, STEM inequality, and technology use across the life course
Interests: mobile robotics; computer vision; deep-learning