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Outstanding Reviewer Award

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce that the following referees (in alphabetical order by surname) have been selected to receive the “IJERPH 2021 Outstanding Reviewer Awards”. The Journal Editorial Board and Editorial Team would like to acknowledge the time and effort dedicated by reviewers to checking the manuscripts submitted to IJERPH. It is due to their efforts that the high quality of the journal and quick turnaround have been maintained.

The Outstanding Awards for Excellence in Manuscript Reviews
(CHF 500, an offer to publish a paper, free of charge, before the end of March 2023, and a certificate):

Dr. Anuli Njoku, USA

Dr. Katarzyna Tomaszek, Poland

Dr. Haruna Musa Moda, UK

Dr. Matteo Nioi, Italy

Dr. Jesús Molina-Mula, Spain

Dr. Pablo A. Cantero-Garlito, Spain

Dr. Katharina Diehl, Germany

Dr. Seoyong Kim, Korea

The Recognition Awards for Manuscript Reviews
(an offer to publish a paper, free of charge, before the end of March 2023, and a certificate):

Dr. Andrzej Adamski, Poland

Dr. Joana Costa, Portugal

Dr. Adrian Curto, Spain

Dr. Joanne Lloyd, UK

Prof. Dr. Arkaitz Castañeda Babarro, Spain

Prof. Dr. José Luis Romero-Bejar, Spain

Dr. Álvaro Francisco Lopes De Sousa, Portugal

Dr. Laura Nathans, USA

Dr. Agata Gabryelska, Poland

Dr. Mateusz Jankowski, Poland

Prof. Dr. Ana Reyes Menéndez, Spain

Dr. Matteo Riccò, Italy

Dr. Bartosz Dalewski, Poland

Prof. Dr. Nicola Döring, Germany

Dr. Chong Chen, Japan

Dr. Nora Suleiman-Martos, Spain

Dr. Carla Maria Batista Ferreira Pires, Portugal

Dr. Russell Kabir, UK

Dr. Claudia Pisanu, Italy

Prof. Dr. Roy McConkey, UK

Dr. Emmanuel Obeng-Gyasi, USA

Professor Sunhee Kim, Korea

Dr. Faisal F. Hakeem, UK

Dr. Sol García-Germán, Spain

Dr. Francisco Javier Fernández Carrasco, Spain

Dr. Sebastian Rutkowski, Poland

Prof. Dr. Haewon Byeon, Korea

Dr. Tamás Berki, Hungary

Dr. HuiJun Chih, Australia

Dr. Terence Moriarty, USA

Dr. Jerónimo Aragón Vela, Spain

Dr. Pedro Antonio Martín Cervantes, Spain

Kind Regards,
Prof. Dr. Paul B. Tchounwou, IJERPH

IJERPH 2021 Outstanding Reviewer Award
Past Winners


Carol Nash
University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
Karolina Krupa-Kotara
Medical University of Silesia in Katowice, Katowice, Poland
Marius Baranauskas
Panevezys College, State Higher Education Institution, Panevėžys, Lithuania
Matteo Angelo Fabris
University of Turin, Turin, Italy


Shirley Wyver
Carol Nash
Álvaro Francisco Lopes De Sousa
Jorge Velázquez Saornil
Geovani Lopez-Ortiz
Naser Alsharairi
Salvador Baena-Morales
Anuli Njoku

Award Committee

Prof. Paul Tchounwou Chairman
Jackson State University


Anuli Njoku
Department of Public Health, Southern Connecticut State University, USA
Haruna Musa Moda
Department of Health Professions, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
Jesús Molina-Mula
Nursing and Physiotherapy Department, University of BalearicIsland, Spain
Katharina Diehl
Department of Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology; Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
Katarzyna Tomaszek
Institute of Psychology, Pedagogical University of Kracow, Podchorążych 2, Poland
Matteo Nioi
Forensic Medicine Unit, Department of Clinical Sciences and Public Health, University of Cagliari, Italy
Pablo A. Cantero-Garlito
Department of Nursing, Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universidad de Castilla La Mancha, Spain
Seoyong Kim
Department of Public Administration, Ajou University, Korea
Andrzej Adamski
College of Media and Social Communication, University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow, Poland
Adrian Curto
Faculty of Medicine, University of Salamanca, Avenida Alfonso X el Sabio s/n, Spain
Arkaitz Castañeda Babarro
Health, Physical Activity and Sports Science Laboratory, Department of Physical Activity and Sports, Faculty of Education and Sport, University of Deusto, Spain
Álvaro Francisco Lopes De Sousa
Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical, Universidade Nova de LIsboa, 1349-008 Lisbon, Portugal
Agata Gabryelska
Department of Sleep Medicine and Metabolic Disorders, Medical University of Lodz, Poland
Ana Reyes Menéndez
Department of Business Economics, Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain
Bartosz Dalewski
Department of Dental Prosthetics, Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin, Poland
Chong Chen
Division of Neuropsychiatry, Department of Neuroscience, Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine, Japan
Carla Maria Batista Ferreira Pires
Research Center for Biosciences and Health Technologies, CBIOS-Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias-Escola de Ciências e Tecnologias da Saúde, Portugal
Claudia Pisanu
Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Cagliari, Italy
Emmanuel Obeng-Gyasi
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, Greensboro, USA
Faisal F. Hakeem
Faculty of Dentistry, Oral, & Craniofacial Sciences, King’s College London, UK
Francisco Javier Fernández Carrasco
Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Punta de Europa Hospital, Spain
Haewon Byeon
College of AI Convergence, Inje University, Korea
HuiJun Chih
School of Public Health, Curtin University, Bentley, Australia
Jerónimo Aragón Vela
Department of Physiology, University of Granada, Spain
Joana Costa
Department of Economics, Management and Industrial Engineering and Tourism, University of Aveiro, Portugal
Joanne Lloyd
Cyberpsychology Research Group, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Education, Health and Wellbeing, University of Wolverhampton, UK
José Luis Romero-Bejar
Department of Statistics and Operation Research, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Granada, Spain
Laura Nathans
Human Development and Family Studies, Penn State Scranton, Dunmore, USA
Mateusz Jankowski
School of Public Health, Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education, Poland
Matteo Riccò
Azienda USL-IRCCS di Reggio Emilia, Italy
Nicola Döring
Institute of Media and Communication Science, Technische Universität Ilmenau, Germany
Nora Suleiman-Martos
Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Granada, Cortadura del Valle s/n, Spain
Russell Kabir
School of Allied Health, Faculty of Health, Education, Medicine and Social Care, Anglia Ruskin University, UK
Roy McConkey
Institute of Nursing and Health Research, University of Ulster, UK
Sunhee Kim
Department of Public Administration, Ajou University, Korea
Sol García-Germán
Centro de Estudios e Investigación para la Gestión de Riesgos Agrarios y Medioambientalesdisabled, Spain
Sebastian Rutkowski
Faculty of Physical Education and Physiotherapy, Opole University of Technology, Poland
Tamás Berki
Institution of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Faculty of Education, University of Szeged, Hungary
Terence Moriarty
Department of Kinesiology, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, USA
Pedro Antonio Martín Cervantes
Department of Economics and Business, University of Almería, La Cañada de San Urbano, Spain


Naser Alsharairi
Griffith University, Australia
Rogelio Gonzalez
Juarez University of the Durango State (UJED), Mexico
Ainhoa Ulibarri Ochoa
Basque Health Service-Osakidetza, Spain
Jeffrey Hugh Gamble
Minhsiong County Chiayi, Taiwan


Ángel Romero Martínez
University of Valencia, Spain
Ahmad Reshad Osmani
The University of Memphis, USA
Matthew Browning
Clemson University, USA
Ciro Manzo
"Mariano Lauro" Hospital, Italy
Emmanuel Obeng-Gyasi
North Carolina A&T State University, USA
Fernando Fajardo-Bullón
University of Extremadura, Spain
Francesca Gorini
Istituto di Fisiologia Clinica del CNR, Italy
Luigi Vimercati
University of Bari Medical School, Italy
Luís Novo
University of Aveiro, Portugal
Sergio A. Useche
Universitat de Valencia, Spain
Gianluca Serafini
Università degli Studi di Genova, Italy
Gaetano Isola
University of Catania, Italy
Jed Boardman
King’s College London, UK
Mariusz Szóstak
Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland
Marica Cassarino
University College Cork, Ireland
Prashanth Rawla
Ryan McGrath
North Dakota State University, USA
Sarkawt Hama
University of Surrey, UK
Van Park
The University of California at San Francisco, USA
Jun Yoshinaga
University of Tokyo, Japan
Amin Mojiri
Hiroshima University, Japan
Cynthia Blanton
Idaho State University, USA
Diogo Monteiro
Escola Superior de Desporto de Rio Maior, Portugal
Karl Andriessen
The University of Melbourne, Australia
Naser Alsharairi
Griffith University, Australia
Natale Musso
University of Genoa Medical School, Italy
Nikolaos Stilianakis
Joint Research Centre (JRC), European Commission, Italy
Otto Lam
University of Manitoba, Canada
Paul Links
Lawson Health Research Institute, Canada
María Del Carmen Pérez-Fuentes
Universidad de Almeria, Spain
Félix Zurita Ortega
University of Granada, Spain
Raul Navarro
University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Peter Winwood
University of South Australia, Australia
Ines Testoni
University of Padova, Italy
Guillermo A. Cañadas-De La Fuente
University of Granada, Spain
Tommaso Filippini
University of Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy
Dorota Kaleta
Medical University of Lodz, Poland
Mariusz Duplaga
Jagiellonian University Medical College, Poland
Shirley Wyver
Macquarie University, Australia
María M. Morales Suárez-Varela
University of Valencia, Spain
Jennifer L. Scheid
Daemen College, USA
Andrew Gray
University of Otago, New Zealand
Daniel López-López
University of A Coruña, Spain
Casey J. Thomas
University of California, USA


Gianluca Serafini
Department of Neuroscience, Rehabilitation, Ophthalmology, Genetics, Maternal and Child Health, Section of Psychiatry, University of Genoa, 16132 Genoa, Italy
Gabriela Topa
National University of Distance Education, Spain
Lih-Ming Yiin
Tzu Chi University, Taiwan
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