
16–18 June 2021, online
Nursing & Pediatrics Webinar 2021

In collaboration with the European Association of Pediatric Education (EAPE\AEEP), Confrontiers Conferences LLP has successfully completed 1st and 2nd Edition of Nursing Webinars in the month of July 2020 and November 2020 respectively.

With encouragement and positive feedback from all the participants and in association with EAPE/AEEP, Confrontiers Conferences LLP would proudly invite all the members to be part of our 3rd Edition, "Nursing & Pediatrics Webinar " about to be held during June 16-18, 2021.

This unfortunate situation does give us the opportunity to innovate on how to host an effective remote conference. The organizing committees are now working to create a virtual conference that will be valuable and engaging for both presenters and attendees.

From the comfort of your own digital device, you will have access to all of the same great content and experts, you have come to expect from a Confrontiers conference.

Exchange novel scientific ideas to support the generation of nursing research and implementation of evidence-based practice with diverse populations.

Describe how nursing research can influence the overall health of diverse populations.

Discuss innovative strategies for nursing research and evidence-based practice regarding global issues, immigration, intersections of care, the disparity of care, equity and inclusion for care and research, and diverse and vulnerable populations.

Please join our webinar to share and gain knowledge in Nursing & Pediatrics.

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