
12–15 June 2010, Gothenburg, Sweden
European Human Genetics Conference 2010


  • Genetic counseling, including Psychosocial aspects, Genetics education, Genetic services, and Public policy
  • Clinical genetics and Dysmorphology
  • Cytogenetics
  • Reproductive genetics
  • Prenatal and perinatal genetics
  • Cancer genetics
  • Cancer cytogenetics
  • Statistical genetics, includes Mapping, linkage and association methods
  • Complex traits and polygenic disorders
  • Evolutionary and population genetics, and Genetic epidemiology
  • Genomics, Genomic technology including bioinformatics methods, gene structure and gene product function and Epigenetics
  • Molecular basis of Mendelian disorders
  • Metabolic disorders
  • Therapy for genetic disorders
  • Laboratory and quality management

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