
18 May 2023
Welcoming New Editorial Board Members of Genealogy

We are honored to welcome our four new Editorial Board members—Prof. Dr. Edward Telles, Dr. Rafaela Patrícia Gonçalves Granja, Dr. Laura King and Dr. Esther Mary Fitzpatrick.

Name: Prof. Dr. Edward Telles

Affiliation: Department of Sociology, School of Social Science, University of California, Irvine, CA 92697, USA


Interests: immigration; race/ethnicity; colorism; inequality; identity; Latin America; United States; Latinos

Prof. Dr. Edward Telles is a distinguished professor of sociology at the University of California, Irvine, and former professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara. As a member of the Academy of Arts and Sciences, Prof. Dr. Telles has reoriented the field of sociology beyond the U.S. black-white paradigm through his research and writings on color, race and ethnicity globally, particularly in Latin America and for Latinos in the United States.

Name: Dr. Rafaela Patrícia Gonçalves Granja

Affiliation: Communication and Society Research Centre (CECS), University of Minho, 4710-057 Braga, Portugal


Interests: social studies of forensic genetics; forensic genetic genealogy; criminal investigation; surveillance of criminalized populations

Dr. Rafaela Patrícia Gonçalves Granja’s research explores the technological surveillance of criminalized populations and lies at the intersection of sociology of crime and justice and social studies of science and technology. Her work is intrinsically interdisciplinary, crossing the boundaries between social sciences and natural sciences, and heavily draws upon the European context.

Name: Dr. Laura King

Affiliation: School of History, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK


Interests: inter-generational family relationships; the history of families and emotions; family history practices; family archives; fatherhood; death and remembrance; collaborative research methodologies

Dr. Laura King’s research focuses on the social and cultural history of everyday family life and emotional relationships in modern Britain. She has written about fatherhood, childbirth, family archives, the remembrance of the dead, and methodologies for collaborative public history.

Name: Dr. Esther Mary Fitzpatrick

Affiliation: Faculty of Education and Social Work, The University of Auckland, Auckland 1023, New Zealand


Interests: the histories, theories and complexities of identity constructions in colonized communities; neoliberal impacts on academic identity; critical and sociological perspectives of analyzing DNA and archival genealogies; non-human centric kinship and relationalities; critical autoethnography; arts-based methodologies

Dr. Esther Mary Fitzpatrick is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Learning, Development and Professional Practice and a Director of the Graduate Diploma in Teaching Primary. She is also the Director of the Narrative and Metaphor Special Interest at the University of Auckland. She is interested in issues of identity, bicultural practice and decolonizing strategies (methods and pedagogy).

We look forward to their contributions to the journal and the continued success of Genealogy (ISSN: 2313-5778). Further information about the journal can be found here.

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