Travel Award

The Gels Travel Award was launched in 2018, and it is presented every year to encourage junior scientists to present their latest research at academic conferences in the field of physical (supramolecular) and chemical gel-based materials, which helps to increase their influence. Participants will be able to submit their applications from April to October and winners will be announced by the end of December every year.

The Prize:
– CHF 800;
– A certificate.

Number of Winners: One

Gels Travel Award

Eligibility and Requirements

– Postdoctoral fellows or PhD students and research fellows;
– Plans to attend an international conference in 2025 (oral presentation or poster).

List of Documents for Application

– Information of the conference the applicant is planning to attend and the abstract that will be submitted;
– Curriculum Vitae and list of publications;
– Justification letter describing the focus of the research (max. 800 words);
– Letter of recommendation from the supervisor, research director, or department head, which also confirms the applicant’s status.
Past Winners


Se-Hyeong Jung
Laboratory for Soft Materials and Interfaces, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Award Committee

Prof. Dr. Esmaiel Jabbari Chairman
University of South Carolina
Prof. Dr. Filippo Rossi
Politecnico di Milano
Dr. Song He
Dr. Mohsen Akbari
University of Victoria
Prof. Dr. Chi Wang
Department of Chemical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University
Prof. Dr. Željka Vanić
Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry,University of Zagreb
Prof. Pavel Gurikov
Hamburg University of Technology, Laboratory for Development and Modelling of Novel Nanoporous Materials


Maria Vivero Lopez
University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Award Committee

Prof. Dr. David Díaz Díaz Chairman
Dr. Song He
Prof. Dr. Filippo Rossi
Politecnico di Milano
Prof. Charalampos Proestos
National and kapodistrian University of Athens
Dr. Michel Vert
CNRS - University of Montpellier


Lan Xiao
Queensland University of Technology, Australia


Demetra Giuri
University of Bologna
Martina Genta
Imperial College London

Award Committee

Prof. Dr. David Díaz Díaz Chairman
Prof. David Schiraldi
Case Western Reserve University
Prof. Dirk Kuckling
Paderborn University


Pasquale Sacco
University of Trieste
Ana Casanova Martínez
POR2E group, CEMHTI (UPR 3079), CNRS, University of Orléans, 45071, Orléans, France

Award Committee

Prof. Dr. David Díaz Díaz Chairman


Daniela Filipa Duarte Campos
RWTH Aachen University Hospital
Dr. Maria M. Pérez-Madrigal
University of Birmingham, UK
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