
7–10 March 2013, New Orleans, LA, USA
The 50th Anniversary Conference of The Public Choice Society

Dear Friends and Members of The Public Choice Society:

I am pleased to invite you to the 50th Anniversary Conference of The Public Choice Society, to be held March 7-10, 2013, at the historic Hotel Monteleone in New Orleans. This traditional setting provides the ideal backdrop for commemorating the deep intellectual traditions of The Public Choice Society. The conference program will devote a plenary session to each of four main pillars in public choice scholarship, including Virginia Political Economy, Social Choice, the Bloomington School, and Experimental Economics. Each of these plenary sessions will feature four papers celebrating the intellectual heritage of these schools while drawing attention to state-of-the art research in those lines. In addition, the program will feature a special session dedicated to the 20th Anniversary of Geoffrey Brennan and Loren Lomasky’s Democracy and Decision: The Pure Theory of Electoral Preference. We encourage you to submit your best work for inclusion on the program. While the plenary sessions are an important anchor to the history of public choice ideas, the heart of the conference will be its 64 concurrent sessions where cutting edge papers are presented and discussed. Therefore, the 2013 conference will be both a commemoration of the Society’s first fifty years and also a platform toward the next fifty and beyond.

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