
24–28 November 2019, Sydney, Australia
International Conference on Internet of Things Research and Practice

International Conference on Internet of Things Research and Practice (iCIOTRP), 25-27 Nov 2019, Sydney, Australia, will bring international and national experts in Internet of Things (IoT) and related fields to Sydney to present and share their latest research and practice on technologies and applications. The Internet made the interconnection between people possible at an unprecedented scale and pace. The next wave of connectivity is coming much faster to interconnect objects and create a smart environment. There are currently 9 billion interconnected devices, more than number of people in the world and it is expected to reach 24 billion devices by 2020. The main advantage of such a massive number of connected devices is accessing to big datasets which can be utilised in smart applications. Several industries including agriculture, mining, manufacturing and automotive are already adopted this technology to improve the efficiency and control of their processes. The recent trends and advancements in Internet of Things (IoT) will be discussed by many leading researchers from all around the world who will gather at iCIOTRP-2019, Sydney, Australia. The main objectives of this conference are to provide an opportunity for professional interaction amongst the researchers, academics and students, and to showcase the latest developments and future trends in IoT. iCIOTRP 2019 will be held in Sydney, which is the largest city in Australia. The conference is supported by Global Circle for Scientific, Technological and Management Research (GCSTMR) as its 5th World Congress. GCSTMR endeavors to create a platform for young researchers to exchange ideas and share information with experts in their respective fields. GCSTMR encourages and facilitates trans-national collaborations among its members and associates in research, training and professional activities. Multidisciplinary international conference series run by GCSTMR open vast opportunities for researchers to interact on the global platform and take advantage of knowledge sharing in the digital arena.

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