
22–25 November 2016, ISEP, Porto, Portugal
EAPRIL Conference 2016 – Challenges of the Digital Era for Education, Working and Learning

The European Association for Practitioner Research on Improving Learning (EAPRIL) aims to promote practice-­based and practitioner research on teaching and learning within formal, informal, non-­formal, lifelong learning and professional development contexts. EAPRIL aims to professionally develop and train educators and, as a result, to enhance practice.

EAPRIL’s conference in 2016 focuses on in-­depth dialogue between practitioner researchers who will be able to describe, share and discuss the current and future technological challenges within education. As we are living in a Digital Era, EAPRIL delegates will have opportunities to exchange, think and rethink innovations in education, learning and working, as well as exploring the impact of virtual technology.

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