Catalytic Reaction Engineering

A section of Catalysts (ISSN 2073-4344).

Section Information

The “Catalytic Reaction Engineering” Section of the Catalysts journal publishes original and high-impact contributions that report new reaction mechanisms, kinetics, and reaction engineering with emphasis on the recent progress in sustainable catalysts and catalytic processes.

Today, the scientific community is called to address pressing environmental challenges. It is anticipated that catalytic reaction engineering will play a central role in this quest for solutions, through the development of environmentally friendly technologies and the implementation of a new generation of innovative catalytic processes. There are great prospects to accomplish this by using novel laboratory reactors and demonstration prototypes that mimic catalyst usage (as is the case of fluidizable catalysts) in industrial operations. With the data gathered, under the most relevant conditions (e.g., temperature, reactant partial pressures, reaction time, catalyst-on-stream), rate models, as well as their kinetic parameters and parameter confidence intervals, will be able to be determined by using advanced statistics. It is also expected that, with these established new kinetics, catalytic reaction engineering will be able to provide computer-based simulations of large-scale environmentally friendly catalytic industrial processes.

With these objectives in mind, the “Catalytic Reaction Engineering” Section invites the scientific community to submit communications, research papers, and review articles, mainly but not exclusively, on the following subject areas:

  • Novel catalysts with their performance being demonstrated under relevant process conditions;
  • Catalytic processes for alternative fuel production, as well as air and water purification;
  • Catalytic mechanisms involving step-based reaction networks;
  • Rate models based on structural physicochemical catalyst properties;
  • Catalytic reaction engineering with statistically determined rates and kinetic parameters;
  • Laboratory scale reactors for a thorough evaluation of catalysts and catalytic processes;
  • Reactor design and reaction engineering for catalytic processes;
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) based modeling and simulation of catalysts and catalytic reactors;
  • Computational approaches for the simulation and scale-up of strategically important catalytic processes.

The open access journal Catalysts, in general, and this Section on “Catalytic Reaction Engineering”, in particular, offer high-quality peer review, followed by a rapid publication decision.


catalytic processes; reaction engineering; kinetics modeling; catalytic reaction mechanisms; fluidizable catalysts; artificial intelligence

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