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21 May 2019
The Italian Aerosol Society (IAS) is Now an Affiliated Society Member of Atmosphere
In March 2019, the Italian Aerosol Society (IAS) became affiliated to Atmosphere. As part of this collaboration, all members of IAS enjoy a discount on the article processing charges (APC) when submitting articles to Atmosphere.
The Italian Aerosol Society (IAS) is a member of the European Aerosol Assembly (EEA) and gathers researchers, professionals, and students dealing with atmospheric aerosols science. The society includes people who believe that an exchange of information and experiences is the way to enhance individual and professional growth and a necessary condition for scientific progress within the community. They are also convinced that the complex field of atmospheric aerosols, with important scientific, health, and environmental implications (and therefore economic and social as well), requires contributions from the many diverse areas of expertise that represent "all the souls in the world of particulate matter".
IAS is a professional organization whose functions are highly relevant to the scope of Atmosphere. We look forward to collaborating with IAS and publishing state-of-the-art research from its members in this field.