
6 December 2021
Recruiting Editorial Board Members for Applied Biosciences

Applied Biosciences (ISSN 2813-0464) is now recruiting Editorial Board Members (EBMs). If you are an active researcher in the field and passionate about publishing cutting-edge research, or if you could recommend potential candidates, please do not hesitate to contact the Applied Biosciences Editorial Office at [email protected].

Applied Biosciences is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal on all aspects of applied biosciences. It aims to publish research findings, techniques, and advances in biological technologies and engineering that sustain, restore, and improve the quality of life for humans, plants, and animals around our world. You can find more information on our homepage:

Topics of interest include but are not limited to: Applied Biochemistry; Computational Chemistry and Drug Discovery; Genome Engineering; Cell Engineering; Antibody Engineering; Enzyme Engineering; Plant Molecular Biology; Microscopy and Molecular Imaging; Bioinformatics; Biomanufacturing; Downstream Processing; Bioassay Systems; and Nanobiotechnology.

Benefits of Applied Biosciences Editorial Board Members include the following:

  • Publishing one paper per year free of charge in Applied Biosciences, and potential discounts for additional papers you invite;
  • A recognition certificate as an Editorial Board Member of Applied Biosciences;
  • Additional sponsorships offered by Applied Biosciences for conferences organized by Editorial Board Members.

The responsibilities of Applied Biosciences EBMs include the following:

  • Pre-screening and making decisions on new submissions related to their research interests;
  • Setting up at least one Special Issue during their term on a topic related to their research interests (or supervising related Special Issues);
  • Providing input or feedback regarding journal policies;
  • Helping to promote the journal among their peers or at conferences;
  • Attending board meetings to suggest journal development strategies;
  • Reviewing manuscripts.

We believe that by combining our rigorous editorial policies with your expertise, we can build a high-quality journal. We thank you in advance for your interest and we look forward to collaborating with you.

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