
19 September 2022
Animals Webinar | Management of (Hyper)Prolific Sows and Their Litters, 3 October 2022

3 October 2022
Time: 9:00 a.m. CEST | 3:00 a.m. EDT | 3:00 p.m. CST Asia
Webinar ID: 890 7732 0421
Language: English
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Dr. Roy Kirkwood

Name: Dr. Roy Kirkwood
Affiliation: Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, University of Adelaide, Australia

Dr. Roy Kirkwood is a native of the UK and completed his Ph.D. in gilt management in Leeds (UK). Following that, he conducted sow research in New Zealand (2 years) and then Canada (15 years), during which period he went to vet school, graduating in 1995. After a 4-year period, he returned to the UK for 3 years (Royal Vet College) before moving to the Michigan State University College of Veterinary Medicine. After 10 years in the USA, he moved with his family to his current position as Associate Professor in Intensive Production (pigs) at the University of Adelaide, Australia, where he is heavily involved in teaching and research. He became a Diplomate of the European College of Animal Reproduction in 2000. His research interests to date have been to improve sow herd reproductive performance, but more recently, he is becoming increasingly involved in dry sow housing and neonatal piglet health management.


Dr. Kate Plush

Name: Dr. Kate Plush
Affiliation: Science, Technology and Adoption Manager, Solutions, SunPork Group, Australia

Dr. Kate Plush is the Science, Technology and Adoption Manager at SunPork, Australia’s largest fully integrated pork business. The group conducts research across all areas of production from genetics all the way through to meat quality. Dr. Plush is an Adjunct Senior Fellow at the University of Queensland, and a reproductive physiologist whose scientific interest largely lies in the transition period, when the sow moves from gestation to lactation, and how this influences piglet neonatal survival. She began her research career as a Pork CRC-funded Postdoctoral fellow with the University of Adelaide in confinement-free housing options for sows and piglets, before progressing to the South Australian Research and Development Institute as a Pig Reproduction Scientist. She especially enjoys the translation of scientific outcomes to industry.

Dr. Pieter Langendijk

Name: Dr. Pieter Langendijk
Affiliation: Trouw Nutrition R&D, the Netherlands

Dr. Pieter Langendijk graduated from Wageningen University, the Netherlands, in 2001 with a Ph.D. in animal science. He has worked as a research scientist at various universities and research institutes in Europe and Australia, with a focus on pig reproduction and nutrition. Pieter joined Trouw Nutrition R&D in 2014. Based on 25 years of research in pig reproduction, his expertise covers insemination strategies, embryo development and survival, ovarian physiology and follicle development, gestation and lactation, and interactions with nutrition. Dr. Langendijk has published over 100 peer-reviewed journal papers and conference papers.

We look forward to your participation in this event.

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