Reviewer Board
Members of the reviewer board are selected from all Algorithms reviewers for regularly providing timely high quality reports on submitted manuscripts. Responsibilities of reviewers are available here.
Interests: computer vision; machine learning; deep learning; visual SLAM; robotics; artificial intelligence
Interests: data science in healthcare; medical imaging; machine learning; computer vision; digital image processing
Interests: fuzzy control; variable structure control; nonlinear control
Interests: machine learning; computer vision and data analysis
Interests: evolutionary computation and simulation in industry and business; logistics; operations research; cloud computing
Interests: wireless network; artificial intelligence; intelligent transportation networks; cloud computing
Interests: computer-aided chemical compound design models; algebraic cryptography and coding theory; graph algorithms; discrete mathematics; combinatorial optimization
Interests: spectral graph theory; graph kernels; complex networks; machine learning; pattern recognition; computer vision; bioinformatics; system biology
Interests: human-computer interaction; interface design and usability; web design; knowledge engineering; universal accessibility
Interests: graph decompositions; algorithms engineering; parameterized complexity; circuit complexity; descriptive complexity
Interests: mathematical fluid dynamics; mathematical modeling; differential equations; non-newtonian fluids; nonlinear boundary value problems; nonlinear functional analysis; control and optimization of systems; topological degree theory
Interests: software quality; software metrics; code smells; software testing; gamification; IT audit
Interests: artificial intelligence; navigation; computer science; automation and control systems; marine transport; ship course keeping; control of ship motion
Interests: neural networks; deep learning; support vector machines; bayesian networks; decision trees; random forests; principal component analysis; feature selection; logistic regression; multiple linear regression; time series analysis; ensemble models
Interests: multiagents systems; software engineering; runtime verification and monitoring; ontologies; testing and simulation for mas; non intrusive run time data collection
Interests: database; new hardware for databases; variability in databases; index structures
Interests: distributed intelligent systems; computational logic and logic programming; agents and multi-agent systems; software engineering; multi-paradigm languages; artificial intelligence & AMP
Interests: reinforcement learning; statistics
Interests: data mining; combinatorial optimization; machine learning; evolutionary computation; data clustering
Interests: fuzzy logic; type-2 fuzzy logic; fuzzy control; hybrid intelligent systems; type-2 fuzzy sets and systems
Interests: data mining; optimization
Interests: systems and control engineering; electronic engineering; mechanical engineering; mechatronics; robotics; industrial design; mechanical systems; machines and related components; machine vision; history of technology and industrial revolution; turbo machinery; machine diagnostics and prognostics (condition monitoring); machine design; machines statics and dynamics processes; mechanical systems measurements and monitoring
Interests: signal processing; remote sensing; medical image analysis; machine learning; wireless communications
Interests: optimization; applied soft computing; simulation; stochastic analysis
Interests: computer science; algorithms analysis; approximation algorithms; online algorithms; algorithmic game theory
Interests: reliability; fault trees; petri nets; Bayesian networks
Interests: numerical calculus; fractional derivatives; applied mathematics; computational physics
Interests: parallel and distributed computing; algorithms design; graphs algorithms; information retrieval; data mining; systolic architectures and algorithms
Interests: metaheuristics; digital image processing and computer vision; evolutionary computation; optical metrology; pattern recognition
Interests: situation awareness; granular computing; computational intelligence