
1–4 September 2020, Divani Caravel Hotel, Athens, Greece

On behalf of the 2020 ICUAS Organizing Committee, it is a privilege and a great pleasure to welcome you to this year’s conference. ICUAS ’20 is organized in Athens, Greece. The venue is the Divani Caravel Hotel. The three-day conference is preceded by a one-day Workshops/Tutorials program, which is composed of four (4) Tutorials. We are certain you will be very pleased with the conference venue, and you will enjoy all the attractions that Athens offers.
As in previous years, conference participants represent academia, industry, government agencies, lawyers, policy makers, manufacturers, students and end-users, all having deep interest in the state-of-the-art and future directions in unmanned aircraft systems. In response to the Call for Papers, we received 327 contributed and invited session papers. This is the highest ever compared to all previous years. Following a very thorough and in-depth peer review process in which each paper had at least three reviews (plus an additional review from a member of the organizing committee), roughly 75% of contributed, invited session and poster papers were accepted. All papers were also checked following the iThenticate Document Viewer Guide receiving a ‘similarity score’ and a ‘m percentage match’ before the final decision was made. We have assembled a full three-day top-quality Technical Program. We also have four plenary Lectures in which the keynote speakers address pressing, and important issues related to autonomy, and several aspects of unmanned aviation.
The Organizing Committee members have devoted an enormous amount of time and effort to make sure that the conference is exciting, informative and educational. We are privileged to know all the members. We are honored to have worked with them and we are truly indebted to everyone for their dedication and professionalism. We also extend a wholehearted “thank you” to all reviewers, Associate Editors and members of the Technical Program Committees; their help is integral to assembling a top-quality Technical Program.
The peer review process is coordinated by the Program Chairs, who assign groups of papers to the Associate Editors. We thank all of them for their extremely valuable contributions and dedication. Dr. Pradeep Misra is the “glue” that keeps everything together, as papers are submitted through the PaperCept Conference Management System (, managed by Pradeep. Pradeep is indispensable throughout, and we wouldn’t have been able to complete the paper review process without his help.
We thank you for your participation and contributions. We hope you enjoy the conference, as well as Athens, the other surrounding areas and the Greek Islands.

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