
8 June 2021
Recruiting Topic Board Members and Reviewer Board Members for ChemEngineering

ChemEngineering (ISSN 2305-7084) is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access journal related to the science and technology of chemical engineering, published quarterly online by MDPI. It is indexed within Scopus, ESCI (Web of Science), Inspec, CAPlus/SciFinder, and many other databases. The journal website can be accessed here.

ChemEngineering is recruiting Topic Board Members (TE) and Reviewer Board Members (RBMs) with research interests in all areas of chemical engineering. See details via the link

The duties of the Topic Editor (TE) are as follows:

  • Promoting ChemEngineering and its published papers among your peers via social media or other venues periodically;
  • Inviting potential authors to submit on behalf of the journal when necessary;
  • Leading a Special Issue in your particular field of expertise as the Guest Editor every two years, or recommending us popular topics and Guest Editors on time.

The benefits of joining our Reviewer Board are as follows:

  • You will be granted one discount voucher for each review if a comprehensive and timely report is provided. The voucher can be used for future publication in all MDPI journals;
  • You may publish four papers per year with a 25% discount after standard peer review in ChemEngineering;
  • You will receive a personalized reviewer certificate.

To see the current Topics Board and Reviewer Board of ChemEngineering, please visit the journal website at:

If you are interested in joining us, please send your application, including a full CV, to the ChemEngineering Editorial Office ([email protected]).

ChemEngineering Editorial Office

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