
19 March 2021
Inclusion in the Emerging Sources Citation Index—Web of Science (ESCI)

Dear Colleagues,

It is our great pleasure to announce that the journal ChemEngineering (ISSN 2305-7084) has recently been selected for inclusion in the Emerging Sources Citation Index—Web of Science (ESCI). We would like to extend our sincerest gratitude to all authors, reviewers, and editors who have contributed to the journal and enabled the achievement.

ChemEngineering (ISSN 2305-7084; CODEN: CHEMZI) is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal on the science and technology of chemical engineering published quarterly online by MDPI. It has been indexed by Scopus, Inspec and CAPlus / SciFinder. Currently, it is included in the Web of Science Core Collection ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index). Papers are published with rapid publication. Submission to first decision is usually completed within 28 days, acceptance to publication within 5 days. We would like to take this opportunity to invite you to submit your work to ChemEngineering. Early birds will receive APC discount by contacting the editorial office ([email protected]). The deadline is 31 June 2021. You have the option to submit your work as a regular submission or a Special Issue submission. To edit a Special Issue in ChemEngineering, please send your proposal via 

Yours sincerely,
ChemEngineering Editorial Office

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