
9 June 2021
Big Data and Cognitive Computing Receives Its First CiteScore of 5.3

We are pleased to announce that Big Data and Cognitive Computing (ISSN 2504-2289) has received its first CiteScore of 5.3, ranking 23rd out of 114 journals (Q1) in the category “Management Information Systems”, as well as 74th out of 329 journals (Q1) in the category “Information Systems”, 164th out of 693 journals (Q1) in the category “Computer Science Applications”, and 164th out of 693 journals (Q2) in the category “Artificial Intelligence”. We would like to extend our sincerest gratitude to all authors, reviewers, and editors who have contributed to the journal and made this achievement possible.

Big Data and Cognitive Computing is an international, peer-reviewed open access journal which has been indexed by Scopus, ESCI (Web of Science), dblp, Inspec, and many other databases. This journal focuses on big data, machine learning, IoT sensing, data analytics, and cognitive computing, and it is published quarterly online by MDPI. It blends big data theories with emerging technologies on smart clouds and exploring supercomputers with new applications. The median article processing time (from submission to publication) is 38.5 days. Papers are normally published online within 3.8 days after acceptance.

The Best Paper Award for publications in 2021 is now live, and the prize includes 500 CHF, as well as one feature paper and an Electronic Certificate. To make the most of this opportunity, we would like to invite you to send your submission to Big Data and Cognitive Computing. If you have a paper on any topic within the scope of the journal, please feel free to submit it here:

We look forward to working with you in the future.

BDCC Editorial Office

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