Interactions between Teladorsagia circumcincta Infections and Microbial Composition of Sheep with or without Successful Monepantel Treatment—A Preliminary Study
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Experimental Design
2.2. DNA Extraction
2.3. Amplification of Bacterial 16S rRNA Genes
2.4. Preparation of PCR Amplicons for Illumina Sequencing
2.5. Data Processing and Filtering
2.6. Multivariate Statistical Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Data Quality Assessment and Diversity Measures
3.2. Comparative Abundance Assessment between RF and TIMS Samples
3.3. Detailed Assessment of Sample Type and Treatment Group
3.4. Comparative Analysis between Treatment Groups
3.5. Compositional Comparisons between RF and TIMS Samples Using ANCOM
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
6. Limitations
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Original Isolate Designation * | Anthelmintic Sensitivity a | Anthelmintic Administration (Dose Rate; mg kg−1 Body Weight) | Designation during Microbiota Characterisation | |||
BZ | LV | ML | MP | |||
MTci7 | R | R | R | S | None | SUT |
Monepantel-Zolvix® (2.5) | ST | |||||
MTci7-12 | R | R | R | R | None | RUT |
Monepantel-Zolvix® (2.5) | RT |
Sheep ID | Group ID | Nematode Isolate | Treatment | Total Worm Burden Estimation |
OV1 | ST | Sensitive | Monepantel | 0 |
OV2 | ST | Sensitive | Monepantel | 0 |
OV3 | ST | Sensitive | Monepantel | 0 |
OV4 | ST | Sensitive | Monepantel | 0 |
OV5 | ST | Sensitive | Monepantel | 0 |
OV6 | SUT | Sensitive | Untreated | 3500 |
OV7 | SUT | Sensitive | Untreated | 350 |
OV8 | SUT | Sensitive | Untreated | 600 |
OV9 | SUT | Sensitive | Untreated | 3200 |
OV10 | SUT | Sensitive | Untreated | 2250 |
OV16 | RT | Resistant | Monepantel | 5000 |
OV17 | RT | Resistant | Monepantel | 1900 |
OV18 | RT | Resistant | Monepantel | 1800 |
OV19 | RT | Resistant | Monepantel | 1150 |
OV20 | RT | Resistant | Monepantel | 5850 |
OV11 | RUT | Resistant | Untreated | 3700 |
OV12 | RUT | Resistant | Untreated | 4200 |
OV13 | RUT | Resistant | Untreated | 5900 |
OV14 | RUT | Resistant | Untreated | 1900 |
OV15 | RUT | Resistant | Untreated | 3900 |
RF H | RF p | TIMS H | TIMS p | |
Species Richness | ||||
Worms | 0.689 | 0.407 | 1.680 | 0.195 |
Treatment | 0.631 | 0.427 | 3.227 | 0.072 |
Strain | 0.091 | 0.762 | 0.027 | 0.870 |
Shannon Diversity | ||||
Worms | 0.429 | 0.513 | 2.194 | 0.139 |
Treatment | 0.006 | 0.940 | 6.000 | 0.014 * |
Strain | 0.023 | 0.880 | 0.060 | 0.806 |
Dataset | Taxonomic Level | Factor | No. of Biomarkers | Identity † | W-Score |
RF-TIMS | Feature | Source | 104 | Uncultured Bacteroides (RF) | 6001–5403 |
Genus | 21 | Eimeria praecox (TIMS) | 481–362 | ||
Family | 11 | Pseudomonadaceae (TIMS) | 210–157 | ||
Order | 7 | Chloroplast (TIMS) | 101–76 | ||
Class | 5 | Oxyphotobacteria (TIMS) | 45–34 | ||
Phylum | 3 | Chlamydiae (TIMS) | 25–19 | ||
RF-TIMS | Feature | Worms | 1 | Bifidobacterium (ST) | 4269 |
Genus | 1 | Bifidobacterium ST) | 418 | ||
RF | Genus | Worms | 1 | Bifidobacterium (ST) | 219 |
TIMS | Genus | Worms | 1 | Prevotella-1 (RT, RUT, SUT) | 210 * |
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Watkins, C.A.; Bartley, D.J.; Ergün, B.G.; Yıldızhan, B.; Ross-Watt, T.; Morrison, A.A.; Rosales Sanmartín, M.J.; Strathdee, F.; Andrews, L.; Free, A. Interactions between Teladorsagia circumcincta Infections and Microbial Composition of Sheep with or without Successful Monepantel Treatment—A Preliminary Study. Ruminants 2021, 1, 31-45.
Watkins CA, Bartley DJ, Ergün BG, Yıldızhan B, Ross-Watt T, Morrison AA, Rosales Sanmartín MJ, Strathdee F, Andrews L, Free A. Interactions between Teladorsagia circumcincta Infections and Microbial Composition of Sheep with or without Successful Monepantel Treatment—A Preliminary Study. Ruminants. 2021; 1(1):31-45.
Chicago/Turabian StyleWatkins, Craig A., Dave J. Bartley, Burcu Gündüz Ergün, Büşra Yıldızhan, Tracy Ross-Watt, Alison A. Morrison, Maria J. Rosales Sanmartín, Fiona Strathdee, Leigh Andrews, and Andrew Free. 2021. "Interactions between Teladorsagia circumcincta Infections and Microbial Composition of Sheep with or without Successful Monepantel Treatment—A Preliminary Study" Ruminants 1, no. 1: 31-45.
APA StyleWatkins, C. A., Bartley, D. J., Ergün, B. G., Yıldızhan, B., Ross-Watt, T., Morrison, A. A., Rosales Sanmartín, M. J., Strathdee, F., Andrews, L., & Free, A. (2021). Interactions between Teladorsagia circumcincta Infections and Microbial Composition of Sheep with or without Successful Monepantel Treatment—A Preliminary Study. Ruminants, 1(1), 31-45.