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Volume 1, September

Telecom, Volume 1, Issue 1 (June 2020) – 5 articles

Cover Story (view full-size image): 5G Communications will support millimeter waves (mm-Wave), alongside the conventional centimeter waves, which will enable much higher throughputs and facilitate the employment of hundreds or thousands of antenna elements, commonly referred to as massive Multiple Input–Multiple Output (MIMO) systems. This article proposes and studies an efficient low complexity receiver that jointly performs channel estimation based on superimposed pilots, and data detection, optimized for massive MIMO (m-MIMO). View this paper
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20 pages, 3108 KiB  
Challenges Associated with Implementing 5G in Manufacturing
by Eoin O’Connell, Denis Moore and Thomas Newe
Telecom 2020, 1(1), 48-67; - 12 Jun 2020
Cited by 104 | Viewed by 17500
5G networks will change several industries, including manufacturing. 5G has the potential to become the future communication platform of choice for many industries and in particular the manufacturing sector, driving the future of Industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing. The vision of a “factory [...] Read more.
5G networks will change several industries, including manufacturing. 5G has the potential to become the future communication platform of choice for many industries and in particular the manufacturing sector, driving the future of Industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing. The vision of a “factory of the future” is now tangible for many industry sectors. The ability to cope with increased bandwidth, latency requirements, big-data generated from more connected equipment and the data processing required on the factory floor is a massive challenge for industry. This paper discusses how 5G can impact a manufacturing environment, the standards and technical requirements needed to meet the demands of utilizing 5G, and the security issues that need to be addressed if planning a 5G deployment. Full article
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16 pages, 1315 KiB  
Low-Computational Extended Orthogonal Matched Filter Structure for Multiuser Detection
by Kento Takabayashi, Shuhei Harada, Takumi Kobayashi, Katsumi Sakakibara and Ryuji Kohno
Telecom 2020, 1(1), 32-47; - 11 Jun 2020
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 2848
This research provides a novel extended orthogonal matched filter (EOMF) structure that supports multiuser detection. In addition, this structure is designed to suppress increases in computational complexity and circuit scale. In coming years, the number of Internet of Things (IoT) applications that use [...] Read more.
This research provides a novel extended orthogonal matched filter (EOMF) structure that supports multiuser detection. In addition, this structure is designed to suppress increases in computational complexity and circuit scale. In coming years, the number of Internet of Things (IoT) applications that use wireless ad hoc networks is expected to increase. To realize a highly reliable wireless ad hoc network, it is essential to introduce a method for cancelling the interference from other users. This research adopts a method based on code division multiple access (CDMA). However, a CDMA-based method has difficulty with deteriorating performance due to the near-far problem and the increase in the amount of interference as the number of users increases. Another problem is that the spreading sequence of each user is unknown in a wireless ad hoc network. The EOMF effectively removes interference while solving the above problems by combining an OMF and an adaptive array antenna. In this research, an EOMF structure with multiuser detection and lower computational complexity than the conventional EOMF is proposed. By the derived formulas and numerical examples, the proposed structure reduces the computational complexity by approximately 75% compared to the conventional EOMF and obtains sufficient bit error ratio (BER) performance. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Recent Advances in Smart and Pervasive Internet of Things)
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14 pages, 1816 KiB  
Analysis of Student Academic Performance Using Human-in-the-Loop Cyber-Physical Systems
by Soraya Sinche, Pablo Hidalgo, José Marcelo Fernandes, Duarte Raposo, Jorge Sá Silva, André Rodrigues, Ngombo Armando and Fernando Boavida
Telecom 2020, 1(1), 18-31; - 27 Mar 2020
Cited by 7 | Viewed by 3802
Is it possible to analyze student academic performance using Human-in-the-Loop Cyber-Physical Systems (HiLCPS) and offering personalized learning methodologies? Taking advantage of the Internet of Things (IoT) and mobile phone sensors, this article presents a system that can be used to adapt pedagogical methodologies [...] Read more.
Is it possible to analyze student academic performance using Human-in-the-Loop Cyber-Physical Systems (HiLCPS) and offering personalized learning methodologies? Taking advantage of the Internet of Things (IoT) and mobile phone sensors, this article presents a system that can be used to adapt pedagogical methodologies and to improve academic performance. Thus, in this domain, the present work shows a system capable of analyzing student behavior and the correlation with their academic performance. Our system is composed of an IoT application named ISABELA and a set of open-source technologies provided by the FIWARE Project. The analysis of student performance was done through the collection of data, during 30 days, from a group of Ecuadorian university students at “Escuela Politécnica Nacional” in Quito, Ecuador. Data gathering was carried out during the first period of classes using the students’ smartphones. In this analysis, we found a significant correlation between the students’ lifestyle and their academic performance according to certain parameters, such as the time spent on the university campus, the students’ sociability, and physical activity, etc. Full article
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15 pages, 2011 KiB  
A Low Complexity Channel Estimation and Detection for Massive MIMO Using SC-FDE
by Mário Marques da Silva, Rui Dinis and João Guerreiro
Telecom 2020, 1(1), 3-17; - 14 Mar 2020
Cited by 15 | Viewed by 4785
5G Communications will support millimeter waves (mm-Wave), alongside the conventional centimeter waves, which will enable much higher throughputs and facilitate the employment of hundreds or thousands of antenna elements, commonly referred to as massive Multiple Input–Multiple Output (MIMO) systems. This article proposes and [...] Read more.
5G Communications will support millimeter waves (mm-Wave), alongside the conventional centimeter waves, which will enable much higher throughputs and facilitate the employment of hundreds or thousands of antenna elements, commonly referred to as massive Multiple Input–Multiple Output (MIMO) systems. This article proposes and studies an efficient low complexity receiver that jointly performs channel estimation based on superimposed pilots, and data detection, optimized for massive MIMO (m-MIMO). Superimposed pilots suppress the overheads associated with channel estimation based on conventional pilot symbols, which tends to be more demanding in the case of m-MIMO, leading to a reduction in spectral efficiency. On the other hand, MIMO systems tend to be associated with an increase of complexity and increase of signal processing, with an exponential increase with the number of transmit and receive antennas. A reduction of complexity is obtained with the use of the two proposed algorithms. These algorithms reduce the complexity but present the disadvantage that they generate a certain level of interference. In this article, we consider an iterative receiver that performs the channel estimation using superimposed pilots and data detection, while mitigating the interference associated with the proposed algorithms, leading to a performance very close to that obtained with conventional pilots, but without the corresponding loss in the spectral efficiency. Full article
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2 pages, 158 KiB  
Introduction to a New Open Access Journal by MDPI: Telecom
by Sotirios K. Goudos
Telecom 2020, 1(1), 1-2; - 12 Feb 2020
Viewed by 2335
Telecommunications is a continuously evolving domain, and new technologies are constantly emerging; for example, the new 5G (fifth generation) of cellular networks is expected to offer extremely wide spectrum and multi-Gigabit-per-second (Gbps) data rates for mobile users [...] Full article
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