Numerical Relativity as a New Tool for Fundamental Cosmology
:1. Introduction
2. Introduction to Numerical Relativity
- the necessary `formal dressing’ of the field equations so they are suitable for numerical integration; and
- the basic structure of the computation involving specifying initial data, numerical integration of the PDE system as well as code validation.
2.1. Formal Dressing of the Field Equations
2.2. Basic structure of Numerical Relativity Codes
- specifying initial conditions,
- evolving the PDE system, and
- code validation.
3. Smoothing through Ultralocality
3.1. Conventional Picture of Smoothing
- Non-generic, select initial conditions. The mechanism of inflation or slow contraction can only start if there exists a patch of sufficient size (Hubble volume or larger) with only small deviations from homogeneity and isotropy and the patch is dominated by a homogeneous scalar field with special potential energy density, initial field value and velocity to achieve the necessary value of .
- Causal connectedness. Homogeneity and isotropy over exponentially many Hubble volumes originate from the assumed homogeneity and isotropy of the initial patch. Generic inhomogeneities outside the initial patch do not become smoothed out; they only become inaccessible to the local observer within the initial patch. In other words, smoothing only occurs in select patches whose conditions obviously favor inflation or slow contraction.
3.2. Smoothing, Robustness and Ultralocality
- First, the overall Hubble-normalized spatial curvature contribution does not decay before the overall Hubble-normalized anisotropy contribution decays. Instead, the sequence is that the gradient contributions to the spatial curvature and shear decay first, before the homogeneous spatial curvature and shear contributions decay.
- Second, smoothing does not require causal connectedness. In fact, regions of the inhomogeneous, anisotropic, and spatially curved initial patch become causally disconnected well before they reach the smooth FRW state, as the Hubble radius shrinks rapidly while the scale factor and, hence, the initial patch hardly shrinks at all. In the example of Figure 1, by the time the initial patch reaches the spatially curved and anisotropic ultralocal state at , it consists of ∼ causally disconnected and not yet smooth Hubble volumes that each individually converge to the flat FRW state by .
- Third, smoothing is universal, i.e., smoothing is not restricted to regions that are initially nearly homogeneous and isotropic. Instead, as illustrated in Figure 1, spacetime points of the inhomogeneous, anisotropic and spatially curved initial patch independently converges to the smooth FRW state.
- Fourth, the scalar field need not dominate the energy density well before reaching the flat FRW state. Instead, together with the other gradient contributions, the scalar field spatial gradients decay because of the ultralocality of contraction. As illustrated in Figure 3, the ultralocal state is generically spatially curved and anisotropic with the scalar field energy density being sub-dominant in many regions. The flat FRW state is reached because a canonical scalar field with a negative potential energy density destabilizes the anisotropy-dominated Kasner state which is the only other fixed point of the ultralocal state (see, Section 5 in Ref. [5] for an analytic proof). The spatially curved and anisotropic ultralocal state is then forced to evolve to the smooth FRW attractor solution.
3.3. Comparison to Robustness Studies of Inflation
- how does the range of initial conditions compare in numerical relativity studies of slow contraction and inflation, and
- how do the numerical relativity studies of slow contraction and inflation each address the fact that the problem has two fundamental length scales – corresponding to the physical volume and the Hubble volume – which evolve at exponentially different rates?
3.3.1. Initial conditions
3.3.2. Spatial and temporal resolution
- how to run the simulations sufficiently long such that smoothing is established for the 60 or more e-folds required to explain the observed homogeneity, isotropy and flatness of the universe, and
- how to implement a spatial resolution such that it is possible to track smoothing over both the super-Hubble patch and a single Hubble volume?
4. Future Directions
Conflicts of Interest
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Ref. | Garfinkle et al. [20]; Cook et al. [4]; Ijjas et al. [5,6,7] |
fixed by the momentum constraint (12) | |
fixed by the Hamiltonian constraint (11) |
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Ijjas, A. Numerical Relativity as a New Tool for Fundamental Cosmology. Physics 2022, 4, 301-314.
Ijjas A. Numerical Relativity as a New Tool for Fundamental Cosmology. Physics. 2022; 4(1):301-314.
Chicago/Turabian StyleIjjas, Anna. 2022. "Numerical Relativity as a New Tool for Fundamental Cosmology" Physics 4, no. 1: 301-314.
APA StyleIjjas, A. (2022). Numerical Relativity as a New Tool for Fundamental Cosmology. Physics, 4(1), 301-314.