Depictions of Shoeprints in Northwest Portugal
:1. Introduction
2. Methodology
3. The Data
4. Discussion of Data and Interpretations
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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1 | What the authors consider to be pruning hooks seem to be curved handles that carry axes, in a much older imagery. |
2 | “claramente a pegadas de seres imaginários” |
3 | “nalguns casos não só realidades geológicas, mas também (…) culturais” |
4 | “poderá ser a prova da sacralização dos próprios espaços, (…) representando igualmente a renovação e por isso ligado à fertilidade” |
5 | Agisoft LLC 11 Degtyarniy per., St. Petersburg, Russia, 191144. |
6 | Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell’Informazione “A. Faedo”, Pisa, Italy, 56124; Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Roma, Italy, 00185. |
7 | Outcrops were considered close to the coastline, when located less than 2.5 km from the ocean, in a straight line. |
8 | “com base em observações pessoais, na análise cartográfica e nas fontes bibliográficas. Parte-se, igualmente, do princípio de que o coberto vegetal, em redor dos afloramentos gravados, seria mais aberto do que atualmente, o que poderia não ocorrer” |
9 | It was at this age that young Athenian women usually married for the first time; for the Roman period a table of the division of ages is known, provided by Isidoro de Sevilla, in the seven century, which refers to the existence of infantia (0–7 years), puertia (8–14 years), adulescentia (15–28 years), and iuuentus (29–50 years), wherein adulescentia is considered to be the start of adulthood, since pueritia comprises a preparatory stage for public life; in the later Roman period, it is known that the age from which men wore a toga was lowered, existing cases in which this would have happened between the ages of 14 and 16 [19]; in a study on child and adolescent development/transitions into adulthood, focused on Canadian indigenous populations, Simard and Blight [20] state that adulthood (Nitawigiwin) occurred between the ages of 15 and 50; a study on the ages of the prehistoric populations of the middle and lower Yellow River Valley in China, also considers adults to be all those above 15 years of age [21]. |
Nº | Outcrops | Topographic Location |
1 | Monte do Facho | Slope of the hill |
2 | Lugar de Vinhas | Bottom of the valley |
3 | Quinta do Paço | Slope of the hill |
4 | Quinta dos Laranjais | Slope of the hill |
5 | São Romão 4 | Top of the hill |
6 | Penedo de S. Gonçalo | Bottom of the valley |
7 | Serra dos Campelos—Rock 2 | Slope of the hill |
8 | Penedo da Pegada | Slope of the hill |
9 | Castelhão 4 | Slope of the hill |
10 | Chão do Cano | Slope of the hill |
11 | Fieiral | Top of the hill |
12 | Regueiras 1 | Bottom of the valley |
13 | Breia 1 | Slope of the hill |
14 | Salgueiro 1 | Slope of the hill |
15 | Quilhoso | Slope of the hill |
16 | Fraga das Passadas | Slope of the hill |
17 | Outeiro do Tripe 1—Rock 3 | Slope of the hill |
18 | Outeiro do Tripe 1—Rock 12 | Slope of the hill |
Shoeprints | No. |
With simple sole | 40 |
With sole and heel | 41 |
TOTAL | 81 |
Shoeprints | |||
With simple sole | With simple sole and internal grooves | ||
1 | 2 | 3 | |
With sole and heel | With sole and heel rims defined by perforation | ||
4 | 5 | 6 |
Typology of Shoeprints | < 17 cm | 17 a 22 cm | 23 a 32 cm | 33 a 39 cm | >/= 40 cm | Ind. |
With simple sole | 8 | 20 | 10 | 0 | 0 | 2 |
With sole and heel | 6 | 10 | 19 | 2 | 4 | 0 |
TOTAL | 14 | 30 | 29 | 2 | 4 | 2 |
Typology of Shoeprints | Right Feet | Left Feet | Ind. | Pairs | Individuals | Ind. |
With simple sole | 19 | 20 | 1 | 15 | 10 | 0 |
With sole and heel | 14 | 12 | 15 | 11 | 17 | 2 |
TOTAL | 33 | 32 | 16 | 26 | 27 | 2 |
Orientations | With Simple Sole | With Sole and Heel |
Northwest | 24 | 31 |
Southeast | 4 | 4 |
North | 3 | 0 |
West | 3 | 3 |
Northeast | 0 | 2 |
Southwest | 1 | 1 |
South | 1 | 0 |
Indeterminate | 4 | 0 |
TOTAL | 40 | 41 |
Typology of Shoeprints | Low Relief | Contour Line | Ind. |
With simple sole | 35 | 3 | 2 |
With sole and heel | 39 | 2 | 0 |
TOTAL | 74 | 5 | 2 |
Shoeprints per Outcrop | No. and % of Outcrops |
One shoeprint | 12 (67%) |
One pair or two shoeprints | 4 (22%) |
Between three and 10 shoeprints | 0 |
With more than 10 shoeprints | 2 (11%) |
TOTAL | 18 |
No. of Shoeprints | Typology | Physical Contexts | Outcrops Particularities | |
1 shoeprint | With simple sole | Middle of the slope | Wide visibility | (?) |
With simple sole | Valley bottom | - | Little detached from the ground, not very impressive | |
With simple sole | Middle of the slope | Wide visibility | (?), not very impressive | |
With simple sole | Slope | - | High in relation to the ground, impressive | |
With simple sole | Middle of the slope | Wide visibility | High in relation to the ground, impressive | |
With simple sole | Middle of the slope | Wide visibility | High in relation to the ground, impressive | |
With simple sole | Middle of the slope | Wide visibility | (?), impressive | |
With simple sole | Middle of the slope | Wide visibility | - | |
With simple sole | Top of the hill | Wide visibility | Little detached from the ground, not very impressive | |
With sole and heel | Middle of the slope | Wide visibility | High in relation to the ground | |
With sole and heel | Bottom of the slope | Wide visibility | High in relation to the ground | |
With sole and heel | Bottom of the slope | Wide visibility | Little detached from the ground | |
1 pair 2 individual | With simple sole | Bottom of the slope | - | Little detached from the ground |
With simple sole | Bottom of the slope | Wide visibility | (?) | |
With simple sole | Top of the plateau | Wide visibility | Little detached from the ground, not very impressive | |
With sole and heel | Bottom of the slope | Wide visibility | Little detached from the ground | |
More than 10 | 24 simple soles | Valley bottom | Wide visibility | High in relation to the ground, impressive |
37 sole and heels | High on the slope | Wide visibility | Little detached from the ground, not very impressive |
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Share and Cite
Moreira, J.; Bettencourt, A.M.S. Depictions of Shoeprints in Northwest Portugal. Heritage 2019, 2, 39-55.
Moreira J, Bettencourt AMS. Depictions of Shoeprints in Northwest Portugal. Heritage. 2019; 2(1):39-55.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMoreira, José, and Ana M. S. Bettencourt. 2019. "Depictions of Shoeprints in Northwest Portugal" Heritage 2, no. 1: 39-55.