Metallurgical Analysis of Chip Forming Process when Machining High Strength Bainitic Steels
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Work Material Characterization
- The fine microstructure cannot be studied with optical micrographs: trials of indexing the colors and estimating the phases quantities failed.
- No M/A islands were found in SEM imaging for SB contrary to the optic approach that showed small brown areas.
- Microstructural features (i.e., ferrite morphologies) cannot be identified similarly to the methods used in the works of Navarro-López et al. [25]. An EBSD mapping is necessary and will take place in the next stages of the study but will not be part of this document.
2.2. Tool Material Couple
2.3. Operating Range
- At feed rate f = 0.25 mm/rev, the cutting speeds ranged from 50 m/min to 650 m/min.
- At cutting speed Vc = 200 m/min, the feed varied from 0.05 to 0.4 mm/rev
2.4. Signal Processing and Correlation
3. Results
3.1. Chip Analysis
3.2. Cutting Forces Analysis
3.3. High Frequency Analysis
- Frequencies below 10 kHz will appear normally on the FFT spectrum
- Frequencies between 10 and 20 kHz will figure on their symmetric value with respect to 10 kHz (ex: a frequency of 17 kHz will show its peak on 3 kHz)
- Frequencies above 20 kHz exceed our sampling rate and cannot be properly identified
4. Discussion
- Results concerning chip fragmentation are quite different of those proposed by Hartmann [12]. The steels investigated have a huge difference in ductility (i.e., Z% was about 28.5% for the bainitic grade and 55.9% for the martensitic grade). The experiments performed in the current study seem to show that microstructure has no influence on the chip length when steel ductility (estimated through Z%) is similar. Further investigation should be performed to enhance the quantitative description of the metallurgy of steels being machined. Knowledge of the overall microstructure (martensite or bainite) or the mechanical performances is unsatisfactory.
- Investigations involving workmaterial characterization observations in the rolling plane and direction using X-ray diffraction, SEM and optical microscope showed that difference between SB and QT is primarily due to carbide precipitations. This inspection should be further developed to include image analysis like in the works of Abbaszadeh et al. [29] or manual point count and microindentation hardness measurements [30]. Eventually, an EBSD analysis will take place. It is crucial in comparing samples, as it provides important data ranging from grains and subgrains misorientations (mainly to differentiate lower and upper bainite) to the shapes of ferrite lattes and M/A constituents [31,32,33].
- The chips produced during turning of 42CrMo4 exhibit regularly spaced serrated teeth above certain cutting speeds. The values of these Vc depended on the microstructure. These teeth are formed due to the adiabatic nature of the shear process. The frequency of these serrated teeth increases with cutting speed and each time their values approached the value of natural frequency of the system chatter occur and high forces were registered.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Sample | Rm(MPa) | Rp0.2(MPa) | HV30 | A% | Z% | %RA | Chemical Composition (%wt) | ||||
C | Cr | Mn | Mo | Si | |||||||
SB | 1039 | 783 | 340 | 14.1 | 56 | 0.01 | 0.4 | 1 | 0.75 | 0.22 | 0.4 |
QT | 1108 | 973 | 355 | 15.9 | 54 | 0.16 |
Sample | Cutting Velocity (m/min) | |||||
100 | 125 | 150 | 200 | |||
SB | continuous chips fserration = N/A | serrated chips fserration = 5 kHz | serrated chips fserration = 6.3 kHz | serrated chips fserration = 13.9 kHz | ||
FFT: 4.3 kHz–2 N | FFT: 4.3 kHz–420 N | FFT: | 4.3 kHz–4 N 6.3 kHz–5 N | FFT: 12 kH–32 N | ||
QT | serrated chips fserration = 4.8 kHz | serrated chips fserration = 6.0 kHz | serrated chips fserration = 8.7 kHz | serrated chips fserration = 11 kHz | ||
FFT: 4.3 kHz–180 N | FFT: | 4.3 kHz–3 N 6.3 kHz–9N | FFT: 9 kHz–60 N | FFT: 13.7 kHz–14 N |
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Share and Cite
Haddad, F.; Lescalier, C.; Desaigues, J.-E.; Bomont-Arzur, A.; Bomont, O. Metallurgical Analysis of Chip Forming Process when Machining High Strength Bainitic Steels. J. Manuf. Mater. Process. 2019, 3, 10.
Haddad F, Lescalier C, Desaigues J-E, Bomont-Arzur A, Bomont O. Metallurgical Analysis of Chip Forming Process when Machining High Strength Bainitic Steels. Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing. 2019; 3(1):10.
Chicago/Turabian StyleHaddad, Fares, Christophe Lescalier, Jean-Edouard Desaigues, Anne Bomont-Arzur, and Olivier Bomont. 2019. "Metallurgical Analysis of Chip Forming Process when Machining High Strength Bainitic Steels" Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing 3, no. 1: 10.
APA StyleHaddad, F., Lescalier, C., Desaigues, J.-E., Bomont-Arzur, A., & Bomont, O. (2019). Metallurgical Analysis of Chip Forming Process when Machining High Strength Bainitic Steels. Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing, 3(1), 10.