The Effect of Different Lactic Acid Bacteria Inoculants on Silage Quality, Phenolic Acid Profiles, Bacterial Community and In Vitro Rumen Fermentation Characteristic of Whole Corn Silage
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Experimental Design and Preparation of Corn Silage
2.2. Sampling and Analytical Methods
2.3. Determination of Extracted Phenolic Acids
2.4. In Vitro Rumen Fermentation
2.5. Bacterial Community Analysis
2.6. Calculations
2.7. Statistical Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Fermentation Profile, Chemical Composition and Microbial Numbers of Silage during Fermentation
3.2. Structural Carbohydrate Compositions of Whole Corn Silages after 60 Days Ensiling
3.3. Bacterial Community of Silage after 60 Days Ensiling
3.4. In Vitro Degradability and Kinetic Gas Production of 60 Days Ensiling Whole Corn Silage
4. Discussion
4.1. Fermentation Profile, Chemical Composition and Microbial Profile of Whole Corn Silages during Fermentation
4.2. Chemical Composition of Whole Corn Silage in Response to Different LAB after 60 Days Ensiling
4.3. The Change of Ester-Linked Ferulic and P-Coumaric Acid of Whole Corn Silage during Ensiling in Response to Different LAB Inoculants
4.4. Bacterial Community of Silage after 60 Days Ensiling
4.5. In Vitro Rumen Fermentation Characteristic of Whole Corn Silage in Responses to Different LAB Inoculants
4.5.1. In Vitro Rumen Degradation in Different LAB Treated Whole Corn Silage
4.5.2. Kinetic Gas Production in Different LAB Treated Whole Corn Silage
4.5.3. In Vitro Rumen-Fermentation Characteristic Responses to LAB
4.5.4. Fermentation Gas Composition
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Item 1 | Value |
DM | 283 g/kg FM |
WSC | 117 g/kg DM |
NDF | 373 g/kg DM |
ADF | 214 g/kg DM |
pCAest | 9.54 g/kg DM |
FAest | 5.33 g/kg DM |
Item 1 | Microbial Inoculant 2 | SEM 3 | p Value | ||||
LB | LP | PP | QA | QB | |||
pH | 3.85 a | 3.50 d | 3.52 c | 3.51 cd | 3.54 b | 0.019 | <0.01 |
Lactate (g/kg DM) | 34.18 c | 52.52 a | 52.14 a | 47.26 b | 47.78 b | 1.161 | <0.01 |
Acetate (g/kg DM) | 23.18 a | 10.84 d | 9.71 d | 18.58 b | 15.65 c | 0.503 | <0.01 |
Propionate (g/kg DM) | 3.56 c | 3.56 c | 2.29 a | 2.52 b | 2.53 b | 0.191 | <0.01 |
Butyrate (g/kg DM) | 0.01 | 0.01 | 0.01 | 0.01 | 0.01 | 0.004 | ns |
Lactae:Acetate | 1.47 e | 4.86 b | 5.37 a | 2.54 d | 3.06 c | 0.091 | <0.01 |
WSC (g/kg DM) | 7.86 e | 24.72c | 44.61 a | 38.42 b | 15.73 d | 0.787 | <0.01 |
NH3-N (g/kg DM) | 1.04 a | 0.84 b | 0.87 b | 0.52 c | 0.81 b | 0.012 | <0.01 |
Item 1 | Microbial Inoculant 2 | SEM 3 | p Value | ||||
LB | LP | PP | QA | QB | |||
DM (g/kg FW) | 283.08 a | 265.67 b | 268.44 b | 280.02 a | 269.27 b | 2.259 | 0.007 |
Flieg’s point | 107.35 c | 118.13 b | 118.02 b | 120.47 a | 117.12 b | 0.472 | <0.001 |
NDF (g/kg DM) | 347.28 b | 368.95 a | 368.97 a | 345.13 b | 378.33 a | 4.905 | 0.01 |
ADF (g/kg DM) | 196.49 b | 215.83 a | 203.32 ab | 206.81 ab | 215.44 a | 4.104 | 0.001 |
Hemicellullose (g/kg DM) | 150.78 ab | 153.12 ab | 165.64 a | 138.31 b | 162.88 a | 6.093 | 0.002 |
Phenolic acid(g/kg DM) | |||||||
FAest | 4.37 b | 4.32 b | 4.63 ab | 4.12 c | 4.75 a | 0.160 | 0.002 |
pCA est | 8.38 b | 8.62 ab | 8.11c | 8.11 c | 8.76 a | 0.104 | 0.03 |
Item 1 | Microbial Inoculant 2 | S.E.M 3 | p Value | ||||
LB | LP | PP | QA | QB | |||
Reads number | 58850 | 60847 | 48528 | 70558 | 46562 | 4133.1 | ns |
OTU2 number | 275.00 b | 359.50 a | 391.50 a | 411.67 a | 398.00 a | 20.149 | 0.03 |
Ace | 326.64 b | 415.74 a | 467.84 a | 429.32 a | 472.64 a | 17.067 | 0.01 |
Shannon | 1.81 b | 0.61 d | 1.26 bc | 2.51 a | 0.82 cd | 0.078 | 0.01 |
Simpson | 0.36 c | 0.78 a | 0.56 b | 0.20 c | 0.69 ab | 0.02 | <0.001 |
Chao | 329.50 b | 429.87 a | 459.54 a | 434.39 a | 488.42 a | 16.87 | 0.03 |
Coverage (%) | 99.86 | 99.85 | 99.83 | 99.95 | 99.83 | 0.052 | ns |
Items 1 | Microbial Inoculant 2 | SEM 3 | p Value 4 | ||||
LB | LP | PP | QA | QB | |||
Ruminal degradability | |||||||
IVDMD48 | 77.84 ab | 75.73 c | 76.64 bc | 78.48 a | 76.04 c | 0.465 | 0.02 |
IVNDFD48 | 47.93 a | 43.79 b | 44.17 b | 47.45 a | 43.14 b | 0.577 | 0.004 |
IVADFD48 | 44.20 bc | 45.55 ab | 45.45 ab | 46.55 a | 42.42 c | 0.643 | <0.01 |
IVDMD96 | 86.27 bc | 87.15 ab | 87.54 ab | 88.20 a | 85.23 c | 0.532 | <0.01 |
GP48 | 79.35 abc | 79.92 abc | 71.30 c | 88.98 a | 75.46 bc | 2.683 | 0.03 |
Gas production kinetics | |||||||
A (mL/g DM) | 85.13 ab | 81.81 bc | 74.65 c | 91.65 a | 74.50 c | 1.376 | <0.01 |
B | 1.93 bc | 1.76 c | 2.10 ab | 1.76 c | 2.17 a | 0.059 | 0.01 |
C (h) | 4.63 c | 5.17 b | 4.34 d | 5.44 a | 4.85 c | 0.056 | <0.01 |
AGPR | 9.82 a | 7.41 c | 8.17 bc | 8.19 bc | 8.09 bc | 0.262 | <0.01 |
Ruminal fermentation profile | |||||||
pH | 6.91 | 6.91 | 6.9 | 6.89 | 6.85 | 0.04 | Ns |
NH3-N (mmol/L) | 14.33 a | 11.53 c | 13.40 ab | 12.65 bc | 13.28 ab | 0.34 | <0.01 |
MCP (mg/mL) | 0.42 ab | 0.40 b | 0.37 b | 0.45 a | 0.28 c | 0.018 | 0.01 |
tVFA (mmol/L) | 99.47 a | 92.89 b | 100.42 a | 103.48 a | 93.16 b | 1.403 | 0.04 |
VFA pattern (%, molar) | |||||||
Acetate | 48.42 | 48.55 | 48.93 | 48.60 | 47.95 | 0.337 | ns |
Propionate | 36.73 b | 37.42 b | 36.40 b | 38.27 a | 36.56 b | 0.37 | 0.02 |
Butyrate | 10.53 | 10.52 | 10.81 | 10.59 | 10.83 | 0.286 | ns |
Iso-valerate acid | 1.99 | 1.67 | 1.67 | 1.84 | 1.84 | 0.096 | ns |
Valerate | 2.22 | 2.11 | 2.17 | 2.15 | 2.25 | 0.045 | ns |
Acetate:Propionate | 1.31 ab | 1.30 ab | 1.36 a | 1.25 b | 1.35 a | 0.024 | <0.01 |
NGR | 1.77 b | 1.82 b | 1.84 b | 2.03 a | 1.72 b | 0.031 | <0.01 |
Gas component (%, molar) | |||||||
H2 | 0.06 a | 0.05 a | 0.03 bc | 0.01c | 0.04 ab | 0.006 | <0.01 |
CH4 | 16.57 bc | 18.53 a | 17.37 b | 15.89 c | 17.24 b | 0.211 | 0.03 |
CO2 | 83.35 ab | 80.59 c | 81.16 b | 84.09 a | 83.00 ab | 0.664 | 0.01 |
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Wang, Y.-L.; Wang, W.-K.; Wu, Q.-C.; Zhang, F.; Li, W.-J.; Yang, Z.-M.; Bo, Y.-K.; Yang, H.-J. The Effect of Different Lactic Acid Bacteria Inoculants on Silage Quality, Phenolic Acid Profiles, Bacterial Community and In Vitro Rumen Fermentation Characteristic of Whole Corn Silage. Fermentation 2022, 8, 285.
Wang Y-L, Wang W-K, Wu Q-C, Zhang F, Li W-J, Yang Z-M, Bo Y-K, Yang H-J. The Effect of Different Lactic Acid Bacteria Inoculants on Silage Quality, Phenolic Acid Profiles, Bacterial Community and In Vitro Rumen Fermentation Characteristic of Whole Corn Silage. Fermentation. 2022; 8(6):285.
Chicago/Turabian StyleWang, Yan-Lu, Wei-Kang Wang, Qi-Chao Wu, Fan Zhang, Wen-Juan Li, Zhuo-Meng Yang, Yu-Kun Bo, and Hong-Jian Yang. 2022. "The Effect of Different Lactic Acid Bacteria Inoculants on Silage Quality, Phenolic Acid Profiles, Bacterial Community and In Vitro Rumen Fermentation Characteristic of Whole Corn Silage" Fermentation 8, no. 6: 285.
APA StyleWang, Y.-L., Wang, W.-K., Wu, Q.-C., Zhang, F., Li, W.-J., Yang, Z.-M., Bo, Y.-K., & Yang, H.-J. (2022). The Effect of Different Lactic Acid Bacteria Inoculants on Silage Quality, Phenolic Acid Profiles, Bacterial Community and In Vitro Rumen Fermentation Characteristic of Whole Corn Silage. Fermentation, 8(6), 285.