Technical Guidelines to Extract and Analyze VGI from Different Platforms
:1. Introduction
2. Data Description
3. Material and Methods
3.1. Software Requirements
3.2. Interacting with APIs
3.2.1. Making Requests in a Python Environment
3.2.2. API Methods
3.3. Exporting Data from APIs
3.3.1. Plain CSV
3.3.2. GeoJSON
3.3.3. Shapefile
3.3.4. PostGIS
3.4. Extracting Summary Statistics in an R Environment
3.4.1. Data Access
3.4.2. Data Exploration and Analysis
4. Case Studies
5. Discussion
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. Acquiring a User Access_Token and Token_Secret for Authenticated Twitter Requests
import tweepy consumer_token = “Your apps token” consumer_secret = “Your apps secret” def get_user_tokens(consumer_token, consumer_secret): auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_token, consumer_secret) print “Navigate to the following web page and authorize your application” print(auth.get_authorization_url()) pin = raw_input(“Enter the PIN acquired on Twitter website”).strip() token = auth.get_access_token(verifier=pin) access_token = token[0] token_secret = token[1] print “With the following tokens, your application should be able to make requests on behalf of the specific user” print “Access token: %s” % access_token print “Token secret: %s” % token_secret return access_token, token_secret access_token, token_secret = get_user_tokens(consumer_token, consumer_secret)
Appendix B. Searching for Tweets within a Given Radius around a Center Point Using an Existing API Wrapper
import tweepy # Set your credentials as explained in the Authentication section consumer_key = “Your consumer key” consumer_secret = “Your consumer secret” # Access tokens are needed only for operations that require authenticated requests access_key = “Authorized access token acquired from a user” access_secret = “Authorized access token secret” # Set up your client auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret) auth.set_access_token(access_key, access_secret) api = tweepy.API(auth) # Get some tweets around a center point (see tweets =‘37.781157,-122.398720,1km’) # Print all tweets for tweet in tweets: print “%s said: %s at %s. Location: %s” % (tweet.user.screen_name, tweet.text, tweet.created_at, tweet.geo[‘coordinates’]) print “---”
Appendix C. Accessing Wheelmap API through Direct HTTP Requests in Python
import json import urllib2 api_key = ‘xxx’ class WheelmapItem: def __init__(self, name, osm_id, lat, lon, category, node_type, accessible): = name self.osm_id = osm_id = lat self.lon = lon self.category = category self.node_type = node_type self.accessible = accessible def getName(self): if not return “ else: return‘utf-8’) def getWheelmapNodes(ll_lat, ll_lon, ur_lat, ur_lon, page, accessible): bbox = str(ll_lat) + ‘,’ + str(ll_lon) + ‘,’ + str(ur_lat) + ‘,’ + str(ur_lon) url = ‘‘ + api_key + ‘&bbox=‘ + bbox + ‘&page=‘ + str(page) if accessible != None: url = url + ‘&wheelchair=‘ + accessible headers = {‘User-Agent’:’Python’} req = urllib2.Request(url, None, headers) print (url) resp = urllib2.urlopen(req).read().decode(‘utf-8’) return json.loads(resp) # When we get the first load of data we can read the meta info to see how many pages there are in total firstPage = getWheelmapNodes(8.638939,49.397075,8.727843,49.429415,1,None) numPages = firstPage[‘meta’][‘num_pages’] # so now we need to loop through each page and store the info pagedData = [] pagedData.append(firstPage) for i in range (2,numPages+1): pagedData.append(getWheelmapNodes(8.638939,49.397075,8.727843,49.429415,i,None)) # now that we have the data we should go through and create a list of items # for now we will store the name, location, category, node type, accessibility and osm id items = [] for i in range (0,len(pagedData)): page = pagedData[i] # go through each item nodes = page[‘nodes’] for node in nodes: item = WheelmapItem(node[‘name’], node[‘id’], node[‘lat’], node[‘lon’], node[‘category’][‘identifier’], node[‘node_type’][‘identifier’], node[‘wheelchair’]) items.append(item) print(‘Total items read: ‘ + str(len(items)))
Appendix D. Writing Result Tweets as a CSV File
import tweepy import csv # Set your credentials as explained in the Authentication section consumer_key = “Your consumer key” consumer_secret = “Your consumer secret” # Access tokens are needed only for operations that require authenticated requests access_key = “Authorized access token acquired from a user” access_secret = “Authorized access token secret” # Set up your client auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret) auth.set_access_token(access_key, access_secret) api = tweepy.API(auth) # Get some tweets around a center point (see tweets =‘60.1694461,24.9527073,1km’) data = { “username”: ““, “tweet_id”: ““, “text”: ““, “created_at”: ““, “lat”: ““, “lon”: ““ } # Init a CSV writer with open(“tweet_export.csv”, “wb”) as csvfile: fieldnames = [“username”, “tweet_id”, “text”, “created_at”, “lat”, “lon”] writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, delimiter=‘,’, quotechar=‘“‘, quoting = csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL, fieldnames=fieldnames) writer.writeheader() # Loop through all tweets in the result set and write specific fields in the CSV for tweet in tweets: try: data[“username”] = tweet.user.screen_name data[“tweet_id”] = data[“text”] = tweet.text.encode(‘utf-8’) data[“created_at”] = str(tweet.created_at) data[“lon”] = tweet.geo[‘coordinates’][0] data[“lat”] = tweet.geo[‘coordinates’][1] writer.writerow(data) except: print ‘Error occured. Field does not exist.’
Appendix E. Function to Extend Appendix C with GeoJSON Export
# This method takes a list of WhelmapItems and writes them to a GeoJSON file def exportWheelmapNodes(node_list, file_name): # Init geojson object geojson = { “type”: “FeatureCollection”, “features”: [] } # Loop through the list and append each feature to the GeoJSON for node in node_list: # Populate feature skeleton feature = { “type”: “Feature”, “geometry”: { “type”: “Point”, “coordinates”: [node.lon,] }, “properties”: { “name”: node.getName(), “osm_id”: node.osm_id, “category”: node.category, “node_type”: node.node_type, “accessible”: node.accessible } } # Append WheelnodeItem to GeoJSON features list geojson[“features”].append(feature) # Finally write the output geojson file f = open(file_name, “w”) f.write(json.dumps(geojson)) f.close() # Use it as: exportWheelmapNodes(items, “wheelmap_nodes.geojson”)
Appendix F. Writing Mapillary Image Dataset to a Shapefile
import requests import json import shapefile from datetime import datetime mapillary_api_url = ““ api_endpoint = “search/im” client_id = “Your Mapillary Client ID” request_params = { “client_id”: client_id, “min_lat”: 60.1693326154, “max_lat”: 60.17107241, “min_lon”: 24.9497365952, “max_lon”: 24.9553370476, “limit”: 100 } # Make a GET requests photos = requests.get(mapillary_api_url + api_endpoint + ‘?client_id=‘ + client_id + ‘&min_lat=60.1693326154&max_lat=60.17107241&min_lon=24.9497365952&max_lon=24.9553370476’) photos = json.loads(photos.text) # Init shapefile writer = shapefile.Writer(shapefile.POINT) writer.autoBalance = 1 writer.field(‘image_url’, ‘C’) writer.field(‘captured_at’, ‘C’) writer.field(‘username’, ‘C’) writer.field(‘camera_angle’, ‘C’) # Add each photo to shapefile for photo in photos: writer.point(photo[‘lon’], photo[‘lat’]) writer.record(image_url=‘‘ + photo[‘key’], username=photo[‘user’], camera_angle=str(photo[‘ca’]), captured_at=str(datetime.fromtimestamp(photo[‘captured_at’]/1000)))‘my_mapillary_photos.shp’) file = open(filename + ‘.prj’, ‘w’) # Manually add projection file file.write(‘GEOGCS[“GCS_WGS_1984”,DATUM[“D_WGS_1984”,SPHEROID[“WGS_1984”,6378137,298.257223563]],PRIMEM[“Greenwich”,0],UNIT[“Degree”,0.017453292519943295]]’) file.close()
Appendix G. Setting up a PostgreSQL Database before Inserting OSM Data from OverpassAPI (SQL Statements)
-- Add PostGIS extension CREATE EXTENSION postgis; -- Add hstore extension to store tags as key-value pairs CREATE EXTENSION hstore; -- Init table CREATE TABLE drinking_water ( id bigint, user varchar, user_id int, created_at timestamp, version int, changeset int, tags hstore ); -- Add a POINT geometry column to the table SELECT AddGeometryColumn(‘drinking_water’, ‘geom’, 4326, ‘POINT’, 2);
Appendix H. Populating a PostgreSQL Table with OSM Data from OverpassAPI
import psycopg2 import json import requests # This function calls OverpassAPI and asks for all nodes that contain “amenity”->“drinking_water” tag def query_nodes(bbox): # OverpassAPI url overpassAPI = ‘‘ postdata = “‘ [out:json][bbox:%s][timeout:120]; ( node[“amenity” = “drinking_water”] ); out geom; out meta; >; “‘ # Sending HTTP request toward OverpassAPI data =, postdata % (bbox)) # Parse response data = json.loads(data.text) return data # This function uploads the data to the PostgreSQL server def upload_data(data): with_no_geom = 0 sql = ‘INSERT INTO drinking_water (id, user, user_id, created_at, version, changeset, tags, geom) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(%s, %s), 4326));’ # Define a connection conn = psycopg2.connect(host = ‘localhost’, user = ‘postgres’, password=‘postgres’, dbname = ‘osm_data’) psycopg2.extras.register_hstore(conn) # Initialize a cursor cursor = conn.cursor() # Loop through all OSM nodes for node in data[‘elements’]: # Call the INSERT INTO sql statement with data from the current node cursor.execute(sql,(node[‘id’], node[‘user’], node[‘uid’], node[‘timestamp’], node[‘version’], node[‘changeset’], node[‘lon’], node[‘lat’])) # Finally commit all changes in the database conn.commit() # Lago Maggiore bbox = ‘45.698507, 8.44299,46.198844,8.915405’ # Start with putting all nodes in the variable called drinking_water drinking_water = query_nodes(bbox) # Pass this variable containing all OSM nodes to the upload script that will insert it to the PostgreSQL database upload_data(drinking_water) # Alternatively you can visualize your data in QGIS, or you can simply make a query toward the # database to see if it worked # -- Select 10 nodes # SELECT id, user, created_at, tags from drinking_water limit 10
Appendix I. Reading Csv Files in a Statistical Environment (Rscript)
locations <- read.csv(‘locations.csv’,, quote=“”“) photos <- read.csv(‘photos.csv’,, quote=“”“) # No quoting in this file. Always check source first! hashtags <- read.csv(‘hashtags.csv’,, header=F)
Appendix J. Visualizing Instagram Locations (Rscript)
library(‘ggplot2’) library(‘plyr’) library(‘wordcloud’) library(‘ggmap’) # Once the packages are loaded, continue with the creation of a map of locations. # Set map center to the arithmetic mean of lat-long coordinates center <- c(lon = mean(locations$lon), lat = mean(locations$lat)) # Init map background to OpenStreetMap tiles at zoom level 15 background <- get_map(location = center, source = ‘osm’, zoom = 15) # Create a ggmap object map <- ggmap(background, extent = ‘device’) # Hint: typing map to the console (calling your object) will print out the background map # Populate map plot with points using the geom_point() function map <- map + geom_point(data = locations, aes(x = lon, y = lat), color = ‘green’, size = 2) # Heatmap style visualization of density with countour lines map <- map + stat_density2d(data=locations, aes(x = lon,y = lat, fill = ..level.., alpha = ..level..), geom=‘polygon’, size = .3) + scale_fill_gradient(low = ‘yellow’, high = ‘red’, guide = F) + stat_density2d(data = locations, aes(x = lon, y = lat), bins = 5, color = ‘red’, size = .3) + scale_alpha(range = c(0, .2), guide = F) # Finally, we can annotate our plot map <- map + ggtitle(‘Instagram locations in Helsinki’) + geom_text(data = locations[sample(1:nrow(locations),20),], aes(x = lon, y = lat, label = name), size = 5, check_overlap=T) # Type “map” to the console again to see your final map.
Appendix K. Simple Data Exploration (Rscript)
# Total number of photos nrow(photos) # Total number of unique users posting photos in these locations length(unique(photos$username)) # Summarizing data by location # Check out also count(), join() and merge() functions! locations[‘user_count’] <- NA locations[‘photo_count’] <- NA # sapply() summarizes users by applying the length() function for all location_ids (i.e., what is the # length of the list of users for a location?) locations[‘user_count’] <- sapply(locations$id, function(x) length(unique(photos[photos$location_id==x,]$username))) # Again, we answer to the question “How many rows do we have after truncating our photos data # frame to the specific location?” with sapply() locations[‘photo_count’] <- sapply(locations$id, function(x) nrow(photos[photos$location_id==x,])) # Draw histograms to see how popularity of places is distributed # Histogram of user counts by location hist(locations$user_count) # Histogram of uploaded photos for each location hist(locations$photo_count) # Extract top 20 places with most users plot_data <- locations[order(-locations$user_count),][1:20,] plot_data <- transform(plot_data[,c(‘name’,’user_count’)], name = reorder(name, order(user_count, decreasing=T))) # Create a bar plot of user counts for the 20 most visited locations ggplot(plot_data, aes(x = name, y = user_count)) + geom_bar(stat = ‘identity’) + theme_bw() + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90), axis.title.x = element_blank()) + ylab(‘User counts’)
Appendix L. Exploring Instagram Photo Upload Intensity over the Days of Week (Rscript)
# Extract the Day of Week from the timestamp days <- format(as.Date(photos$created_at), format = ‘%A’) # Calculate frequencies using the count() function from the plyr package freq_table <- count(days) ggplot(freq_table, aes(x = x, y = freq)) + geom_bar(stat = ‘identity’) + theme_bw() + xlab(‘Day of week’) + ylab(‘Photos uploaded’)
Appendix M. Generating a Wordcloud of Instagram Hashtags (Rscript)
# Let’s count the occurances of each hashtag with the count() function hashtag_freq <- count(hashtags) # We can also rename the columns names(hashtag_freq) <- c(“hashtag”,”freq”) # Finally, let’s generate a wordcloud. wordcloud(words = hashtag_freq$hashtag, freq = sqrt(hashtag_freq$freq), min.freq = 1, max.words=200, rot.per = 0.25,colors = brewer.pal(8,”Dark2”)) # Hint: type ?wordcloud in the console if you’re using RStudio to see what additional parameters you can use to control the appearance of your wordcloud.
Appendix N. Fitting a Linear Regression on Instagram “likes” and Number of Tagged Users (Rscript)
# Let’s drop those photos with 0 tagged users and 0 likes subset <- photos[photos$tagged_users > 0 & photos$likes > 0,] # Since we’re about to build a linear regression model, let’s do a dummy normality check hist(subset$likes) # Log transform like counts since they’re not normally distributed likes <- log10(subset$likes) tagged_users <- subset$tagged_users # Build simple linear regression reg <- lm(likes ~ tagged_users) plot(tagged_users, likes) abline(reg, col = ‘red’) # Check the summary to see if the relationship is statistically significant summary(reg)
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Data Source—API Method | Attributes | Data Volume * | File Names |
Flickr ( | “photo_id”, “url”, “lat”, “lon” | 1850 + 625 | flickr_[city].csv |
Foursquare **—/venues/search ( ( | Venues: “id”, “name”, “tipcount”, “checkincount”, “usercount”, “url”, “photo_count”, “tags”, “lat”, “lon” Photos: “photo_id”, “source”, “created_at”, “photo_url”, “user_id”, ”user_name”, ”venue_id” | Venues: 5141 + 1239; Photos: 12783 + 2233 | foursquare_venue_[city].csv |
foursquare_venue_photos_[city].csv | |||
Instagram**—/locations/search locations/media/recent ( | Locations: “id”, “name”, “lat”, “lng” Photos: “id”, “username”, “user_id”, “likes”, “tags”, “comment”, “text”, “users_in_photo”, “filter”, “url”, “lat”, “lon”, “photo_url”, “location_id”, ”created_at” | Locations: 819 + 286; Photos: 38427 + 7577 | instagram_locations_[city].csv |
instagram_photos_[city].csv | |||
Mapillary—/search/im ( | “user”, “key”, “lon”, “lat”, “url”, “captured_at”, “ca” (camera angle) | 21078 + 14052 | mapillary_photos_[city].csv |
Twitter—/search/tweets ( | “username”, “tweet_id”, “text”, “created_at”, “lat”, “lon” | 129 + 41 | tweets_[city].csv |
Wheelmap—/nodes ( | “osm_id”, “name”, “lat”, “lon”, “category”, “type”, “accessible” | 2180 + 2436 | wheelmap_[city].csv |
Service | Registration Address | Instructions | Parameters Needed |
---|---|---|---| | (with an OSM profile) | Once logged in, navigate to your “Edit profile page” | authentication_token |
Flickr | Yahoo (register for Yahoo or use an existing Yahoo account) | Create a new application ( and check “Sharing & Extending”/Your API keys” | api_key, api_secret |
Mapillary | Create a Mapillary profile | Once logged in, navigate to and hit Register an application. | client_id |
Sign up for Twitter | Go to Twitter Apps ( and hit Create New App. Check your credentials under “Keys and Access Tokens” | api_key, api_secret |
© 2016 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license (
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Juhász, L.; Rousell, A.; Jokar Arsanjani, J. Technical Guidelines to Extract and Analyze VGI from Different Platforms. Data 2016, 1, 15.
Juhász L, Rousell A, Jokar Arsanjani J. Technical Guidelines to Extract and Analyze VGI from Different Platforms. Data. 2016; 1(3):15.
Chicago/Turabian StyleJuhász, Levente, Adam Rousell, and Jamal Jokar Arsanjani. 2016. "Technical Guidelines to Extract and Analyze VGI from Different Platforms" Data 1, no. 3: 15.