1. Introduction
Alcoholic beverages are one of the most popular consumed products. They are massively produced worldwide due to their popularity and demand in different countries. In fact, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) [
1], most eastern European countries have the highest alcohol consumption in the world. In addition, the consumption of alcohol in 2005 was equal to 6.13 L of pure alcohol consumed per person at the age of at least 15 years old. It was added that 45% of the recorded alcohol is consumed in South East Asia, mainly in the form of Spirit Alcohols [
1]. The popularity of different alcoholic beverages not only attracts consumers but has been the subject of various research endeavors.
The consumption of alcoholic beverages began in medieval times. In the 18th century, alcoholic beverages such as wine were consumed for different reasons [
2]. One of the reasons was because of the religious belief that it purified one’s soul. This was mainly performed during this time in Greece [
2]. The popularity of alcoholic products over the decades also attracted many researchers to study their effects on human health. According to Hamdan-Mansour [
2], despite the immense consumption of alcohol over the past centuries, little to no knowledge about its influence on our bodies exists. However, throughout the years, medical studies have been conducted to assess the impacts of alcoholic beverages on the human body. According to Murphy et al. [
3], the consumption of alcohol may increase the likelihood of developing diseases or disorders such as breast cancer, colorectal cancer, and dementia.
Moreover, Gronbaek [
4] mentioned in his study that a high intake of alcohol causes cancer. In addition, he also mentioned that people who consume too much alcohol would most likely have a poor nutritional status. In contrast, Gronbaek [
4] also argued that alcohol consumption has beneficial effects proven by epidemiological evidence. According to his research, the right amount of alcohol intake, typically categorized as light to moderate drinkers, is less likely to cause cardiovascular disease, thus lowering the risk of death. The same findings are discovered by Corrao et al. [
5], who found that a light to moderate intake of alcohol provides a cardio-protective effect that lowers risk levels even for different genders.
Several studies have been conducted on the impacts of alcohol consumption on psychological conditions. According to Vinder-Caerols et al. [
6], it is believed that a high intake of alcoholic beverages may alter behavior either temporarily or permanently. On the other hand, a study conducted by Cheng et al. [
7] stated that higher stress and anxiety levels could increase alcohol cravings. The studies also showed that controlling specific predictors may cause an insignificant relationship between alcohol cravings and depression; this is in support of the study by Vinader-Caerols [
6], that temporary alteration in behavior may exist once a person consumes alcohol but can still recover from the said addiction. Similar findings were found in the study of Irizar et al. [
8], wherein people who are already drinking at hazardous levels will most likely increase their consumption more than those who are drinking to cope with stress, depression, and anxiety. Subsequently, Rodriguez-Miguez and Nogueira [
9] also argued that alcohol consumption leads to disorders that influence intangible adverse effects such as deterioration of social and family relationships. In contrast, a study written by Labajo [
10] mentioned that in the Philippines, alcoholic beverages were consumed as a tool to pursue socializing or bonding with different people. Thus, despite its negative impacts, there are positive impacts from drinking alcohol. With the benefits and disadvantages brought by alcoholic beverages, high consumptions are still evident.
Despite the effects of alcohol on both physical and psychological health, a significant number of consumers still pursue drinking for different reasons. In the United States, a study was conducted by Capasso et al. [
11] to determine whether there has been an increase or decrease in alcohol consumption due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The study revealed that the pandemic severely affected mental health, which led to a 29% increase in alcohol consumption. Additionally, more women drank alcohol at 33% compared to males at 24% during the pandemic. Likewise, in Metro Manila, Philippines, a survey was conducted by Pagkatipunan [
12] to determine the number of current college drinkers in the said year. The survey lasted 30 days, and based on its results, 30.2% of its population are current drinkers. Results showed that people are inclined to participate in drinking activities at a young age despite its impacts on human and psychological health.
According to Calina et al. [
13], various studies have projected increased alcohol consumption during the pandemic. Their study mentioned a 146% increase in alcohol consumption in eastern Europe. An increase in alcohol consumption is also evident in Greece for many reasons, such as coping with anxiety and depression. Likewise, increased alcohol and tobacco consumption was proven to exist in Belgium during the pandemic. The Philippines also projected that alcohol consumption would increase throughout the year since results indicated that there would be an increase in revenue due to alcohol sales, based on a survey by Statista [
Despite the influence mentioned above brought about by alcohol, it is undeniably a fact that there is still an increasing number of customers that devour alcoholic beverages. With that, different manufacturing companies started producing alcoholic beverages of various types, flavors, and appearances to provide customers with other options. With this, there is high competition within the alcohol industry or market.
Focusing on the Philippines, a limited number of studies focusing on alcoholic beverage and their consumption is seen. Relevant and significant literature includes the study by Ong et al. [
15], which used conjoint analysis to consider beer consumption in the Philippines. Their study showed that most people consuming alcoholic beverages are young respondents. To which, much of the discussion showed that the consumers’ casual enjoyment, celebration, and socialization are the reasons for alcoholic consumption in the Philippines. Their study suggested considering the generalization of alcoholic beverages rather than beer alone in the country using conjoint analysis. In accordance, Swahn et al. [
16] discussed the income range of families in the Philippines, which influenced the younger generation to start consuming alcohol. The exposure of alcoholic beverage marketing to youth consumption was presented. The study by Pagkatipunan [
12] also looked at the relationship between the younger generation and alcohol consumption, showing that most have consumed alcohol by the age of 13. It was suggested that a yearly identification of alcohol consumption should be monitored. On the other hand, Gregorio et al. [
17] considered alcoholic beverages in the Philippines but focused on the baseline scientific information on volatile organic compounds. Amui and Etter [
18] discussed the policies on tobacco and alcoholic beverages in the country’s health system. In other countries, it was seen that the behaviors of consumers shaped their consumption [
19]. Gislason et al. [
20] analyzed beer consumption in Denmark using conjoint analysis. Their study showed significant attributes to beer consumption preference among packaging and design. More attributes should be tackled and considered—especially in different countries due to their culture, influences, and taste recognition.
According to Corduas et al. [
21], attributes play a vital role in customers’ preferences when it comes to purchasing products. The study analyzed the attributes relevant to customers when buying wine and what affects their purchasing decisions. The attributes considered were food pairing, aroma/bouquet, wine complexity, alcoholic degree, color, etc. Applying the CUB model, the results indicated that grape variety and region of origin are relevant when purchasing wine products.
Given the various works and literature available, there is insufficient information regarding consumer behavior on their preference for alcoholic beverages. Although a study was conducted to understand customer preference in purchasing wine products, no studies identified attributes and factors that affect customer preference in purchasing alcoholic beverages such as wine, beer, and others.
Understanding customer preference is critical knowledge a company must attain. Strategies and methodologies were used to study customers’ behaviors toward a particular product. Moreover, analysts use a Conjoint Analysis Approach to study customer preference. This methodology is used in market research to identify how customers value the components or characteristics of a particular product or service [
22]. According to Hauser and Rao [
23], conjoint analysis allows analysts to transform holistic judgments into interval scales for every essential attribute based on customers’ preferences. For instance, Ong et al. [
24] explored consumer preference for Milk Tea products in the Philippines. It revealed that as an attribute, the pearl size is considered the most by customers when purchasing milk tea products. Thus, applying conjoint analysis helps determine customer preference for alcoholic beverages and the relationship of their attributes to one another.
This study aimed to understand customer preference toward alcohol consumption using Conjoint Analysis. This study used different attributes that consumers consider when purchasing various alcoholic beverages. The attributes identified for this study are as follows: type of alcoholic beverage, oral sensation, flavors, origin, color, and price. In addition, the specific objectives of the study are described: (1) to determine the factors that affect customer preference when purchasing alcoholic products, (2) to evaluate the attributes and levels considered in alcohol consumption, (3) to apply conjoint analysis to determine the best combination of levels per attribute (stimuli) in alcoholic beverages based on customer preferences, and (4) to provide marketing strategies suitable using the results of this study.
The relevant information found in this study would be beneficial to the following: (1) companies that manufacture alcohol products as they will be given information regarding customer preference on alcohol attributes; (2) companies that sell alcohol products as this study identifies the most consumed alcohol brands preferred by younger consumers in the Philippines; (3) future researchers that will apply the same methodology as the results will highlight the most important combination of alcohol that the younger generation would consider in alcoholic beverage consumption.
4. Discussion
From the findings, the product’s price was evident among consumers who highly preferred alcoholic beverages under PHP 400. Although one combination included in
Table 9 indicates that consumers also prefer a product that is between PHP 400–700, the conjoint analysis results showed that consumers would highly prefer a product that is below PHP 400. It is imperative to ensure that the product matches the price level since the importance score of the attribute, price, indicates it is the most influential factor that affects consumer preference.
Following this element would be the place of the target respondents. Based on the data gathered, focusing on locations within region 4A (CALABARZON) and National Capital Region (NCR) is best. However, it is not recommended to limit the said areas since drinking an alcoholic beverage is a well-known activity in the Philippines. As mentioned, it is expected that in the coming years, the Philippines may highly encounter an increase in revenue based on alcoholic beverage sales Statista [
The next element included in the Marketing 5P’s would be product promotion. Recent studies suggest that social media platforms can be an excellent opportunity to advertise a product at a lesser cost, if not for free [
50]. Likewise, free tasting should also be performed even for a limited sample size since it will not only help the company introduce the product to its clients, but it can also be an excellent opportunity to gain feedback that will surely help the company to adjust and match consumer preferences. According to Olenski [
51], one of the most common strategies to become cost effective is to advertise products through online websites, better known as becoming an online company. Likewise, Lockett [
52] investigated the impact of online marketing as a strategy for increasing sales through a cost-effective method of advertising products. Results indicated that online marketing provides a more convenient, viable, and influential method of building customer relationships, product promotion, and supplier relationships. With that, it is evident that companies should engage in online marketing to promote a product.
Finally, for the last element of the Marketing 5P’s, the target consumers would be Filipinos between the ages of 21 and 25 since most new marketing strategies in the Philippines, especially in the alcohol industry, tend to focus more on the youth due to their high prevalence of alcohol consumption [
16]. In the same article, it mentioned that there is a significant relationship between the alcohol consumption of youths and alcohol marketing exposure. Findings indicate that due to the increase in alcohol use among young adults, alcohol companies shifted their focus to the said target consumers. With this, it would be necessary to focus on their preferences as it will help the company gain more revenue. Additionally, the data gathering results indicated that 74.63% of the respondents are within the said age group.
4.1. Practical Implications
The result of this study provided an in-depth insight into the current customer preferences of Filipino consumers towards alcoholic beverages. With the information found in this study, companies participating in the alcohol industry are given meaningful information on what consumers tend to focus on, specifically the product attributes. Companies can adjust the attributes of their products that will match consumer preferences. Conjoint analysis is an effective way of investigating the preferences of consumers towards a particular product using distinct attributes and corresponding levels. This study’s results provided the latest consumer preference trend toward alcohol.
4.2. Limitations and Future Research
This study presented significant findings among the main young consumers of alcoholic beverages in the Philippines. Despite this, several limitations and improvements for study extensions may be considered. First, limited participants were considered due to the COVID-19 pandemic’s strict lockdown implementation. The authors would like to suggest that future studies utilize a larger sample size, using this study and its results as a benchmark for preliminary findings. In addition, it is recommended after the extension to determine whether the results would produce a different outcome than the findings found in this paper when strict face-to-face and social distancing health protocols are lifted. Moreover, the researchers recommend using different approaches or methodologies, such as applying Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and K-Means Clustering for better market segmentation and behavioral aspects to be covered [
54], especially since this study focused on sole preference analysis and marketing mix for strategy build up as a preliminary finding. Likewise, using different attributes and levels besides those included in this study is recommended. Since this study established the preferred combination from the type of alcohol, oral sensation, flavor, origin, color, and price, other studies may combine other attributes to highlight the best attributes to represent alcoholic beverages for generalization. This could be analyzed by conducting interviews and qualitative-quantitative mixed approaches for application and extension regarding beverages. Lastly, an extension using behavioral studies combined with the preference analysis may provide more insight and further suggestions for marketers.
5. Conclusions
This study used six attributes to investigate consumer preference toward alcoholic beverages. These attributes were described as follows: Type of Alcoholic Beverage, Oral Sensation, Flavor, Origin, Color, and Price. Each attribute has its corresponding levels, as discussed earlier in this study. Results indicate that the product’s price influences customer preferences by 26.311% among the attributes mentioned. In terms of its levels, the conjoint analysis indicated that consumers highly prefer a product that is less than 400 pesos. This is followed by the type of alcoholic beverage having only a slight difference with the product’s price. This attribute influences consumer preference by 26.237%. For its levels, results indicated that Filipino consumers highly prefer hard liquor compared to the type of alcoholic beverages. Following the ranking of the attributes and levels are described: the third most influential would be the oral sensation, with 17.896%, and sweetness as the preferred level; the fourth influential attribute would be the flavor of the product, with 13.449% having strawberry as the preferred level; fifth influential attribute would be the origin of the product and Filipino-made as the preferred level; and lastly, the least important attribute would be the color of the product having light-colored alcoholic beverage as the preferred level. Upon identifying the importance and utility score of the attributes and levels, the study determined the best combination included in the Stimulus. Results indicate that the best combination would be the combined levels of mixed drinks, Sweetness, apple-flavor, Filipino-made, light-colored, and with a price of fewer than PHP 400.
Furthermore, the conjoint analysis included a Pearson Correlation Test and Kendall’s Tau to determine whether there is a significant relationship among the variables and if the results are reliable. Results indicated that both tests had a value greater than 0.8, meaning there is a significant relationship among the variables and that the conjoint analysis results are reliable.