1. Introduction
The most common and difficult problem in the field of computational mathematics is to obtain the solutions of
a Fréchet-differentiable,
Banach domains,
, a non-empty convex. It is hard to obtain the exact solution in analytic form for such problems or, in simple words, it is almost fictitious. This is one of main reasons that we must obtain an approximated and efficient solution up to any specific degree of accuracy by means of an iterative procedure.
Therefore, researchers have been putting great effort into developing new iterative methods over the past few decades. In addition, the accuracy of a solution is also dependent on several facts, some of them are: the choice of iterative method, initial approximation/s and structure of the considered problem with software such as Maple, Fortran, MATLAB, Mathematica, and so forth. Further, the people who used these iterative schemes faced several issues, some of which include: choice of starting point, derivative being zero about the root (in the case of derivative free multi-point schemes), difficulty near the initial point, slower convergence, divergence, convergence to an undesired solution, oscillation, failure of the iterative method, and so forth (for further information, please see [
We study the local convergence of the Banach domain valued iterative procedures of orders eighth, eighth and seventh, defined for each
respectively, by
a Fréchet-differentiable,
Banach domains,
a non-empty, convex and open,
an initial guess,
, and
a standard divided difference of order one [
6]. Notice that by
, we mean that
, which exists as a composition between two linear operators. The following concerns arise for Reference [
7] (the same is true for the studies mentioned in the papers [
- (1)
These procedures were studied in [
7] for the special case when
, by using Taylor series and hypotheses on the derivatives reaching up to order 9 (not appearing on these iterative procedures). These hypotheses limit the applicability of the iterative procedures. Let us consider a motivational example. Therefore, we assume the following function
H on
So, we identify that
is not bounded in
. Therefore, results requiring the existence of
or higher cannot apply for studying the convergence of (
- (2)
No computable error bounds . Hence, we do not know in advance how many iterates should be computed to achieve some pre-decided error tolerance.
- (3)
Uniqueness results are not given in [
7]. Here,
is a solution of the equation of (
In this paper, we address all (1)–(3) problems using only the first derivative, which appears in these iterative procedures. Hence, we extend the applicability of these procedures in the more general setting of a Banach domain. Moreover, because of its generality, our approach can extend the usage of other methods [
25] in the same way.
2. Local Convergence
We study first of all, iterative procedure (
2). Let
be a continuous and increasing function. Assume:
(i) Equation
has a minimal positive solution
. Function
to be continuous and increasing. Define function
in the following way:
(ii) Equation
has a minimal solution
(iii) Equation
has a minimal positive solution
. Set
Consider function
to be continuous and increasing, where
. Define function
in the following way:
(iv) Equation
has a minimal solution
(v) We assume that equation
has a minimal positive solution
Define another function
by :
(vi) Equation
has a minimal solution
A radius of convergence
r shall be shown to be
Notice that
for all
stand for the closure of
a with center
and of radius
. The conditions
are used in the local convergence analysis of iterative procedure (
2) provided the
functions are as given previously. Assume:
- (B1)
is Fréchet- differentiable and there exists
such that
- (B2)
Set .
- (B3)
Set .
- (B4)
- (B5)
, exists and is defined later.
- (B6)
There exists
such that
Set .
Next, we develop the analysis of iterative procedure (
2) by the preceding notation and conditions
Theorem 1. Under the conditions for , further suppose that . Then, sequence generated by iterative scheme (2) is well defined, remains in for all and converges to . Moreover, the following assertions holdandwhere the functions are given previously and r is defined by (9). Furthermore, is the only solution of equation given in by . Proof. Sequence
shall be shown to be well defined, to remain in
and to converge to
using mathematical induction. In order to achieve this, we shall also show estimates (
16). Let us assume that
. Using
, (
8) and (
9), we have
The Banach perturbation lemma on inversible operators [
6], together with estimation (
16), ensure: the existence of
The induction for assertions (
16) is terminated by simply substituting
, respectively in the preceding calculations. It follows by the estimation
. Finally, set
. Then, by hypotheses
, we obtain
is implied by the existence of
and the estimate
Secondly, we study iterative procedure (
3) in an analogous way. There will be no change in the function
. However, we must re-define the functions
in the following way with
Define radius
corresponding to method (
3) similarly by
Then, we arrive at the following theorem with these changes:
Theorem 2. Under the conditions for , further suppose that . Then, sequence generated by iterative scheme (3) is well defined, remains in for all and converges to . Moreover, the following assertions holdandwhere the functions are given previously. Furthermore, is the only solution of equation given in by . Proof. By simply repeating the proof of Theorem 1 but using iterative procedure (
3) instead of method (
2), we get the estimates
The proof of uniqueness of the solution is given in Theorem 1. □
Next, in order to study the local convergence of iterative procedure (
3), we add condition
as follows:
- (B′)
For some functions
continuous and increasing, we have
Again, there are no changes in the function
. But, we have to re-define the functions
in the following way for
We define the radius of convergence for method (
4) in the following way:
is the smallest positive solution of the equation
With these new functions, we arrive at the following theorem:
Theorem 3. Under the conditions for , further suppose that . Then, sequence generated by iterative scheme (4) is well defined, remains in for all and converges to . Moreover, the following assertions holdandwhere the functions are given previously. Furthermore, is the only solution of equation given in by . Proof. By simply repeating the proof of Theorem 1 but using iterative procedure (
4) instead of method (
2), we get the estimates
The proof of uniqueness of the solution is given in Theorem 1. □
3. Numerical Examples
Here, we present the computational results based on the suggested theoretical results in this paper. We also compare the results of iterative procedures (
on the basis of radii of convergence. By the proceeding definition of
, we choose
for method (
4). This way, hypothesis
is satisfied. We use
. We choose a well mixture of standard and applied science problems for the computational results, which are illustrated in Examples 1–5. The results are listed in
Table 1,
Table 2,
Table 3,
Table 4 and
Table 5. Additionally, we obtain the
approximated by means of
19] by:
In addition, we adopt as the error tolerance and the terminating criteria to solve nonlinear system or scalar equations are: and .
The computations are performed with the package with multiple precision arithmetic.
Example 1. Following the example presented in the Introduction, for , we can setIn Table 1, we present radii for example (1). Example 2. Let and . Assume F on Ω with aswhere, . Then, we obtainthe Fréchet-derivative. Hence, for , we have So, we obtain convergence radii that are mentioned in Table 2. Example 3. The kinematic synthesis problem for steering [20,26], is given aswhereand In Table 6, we present the values of and (in radians). The approximated solution is for We provide the radii of convergence for Example 3 in Table 3. Example 4. Consider the following nonlinear system that involves logarithmic functionswhere . For , the required zero is . Then, we have for We mentioned the radii of convergence for Example 4 in Table 4. Example 5. Let us consider that and introduce the domain of maps continuous in having the max norm. We consider the following function φ on :which further yields: We list the radii of convergence for Example 5 in Table 5. Remark 1. We have noticed that, in all five examples, method (2) has a bigger radius of convergence as compared to all the other mentioned methods. So, we conclude that method (2) is better than the methods (3) and (4) in terms of convergent points and domain of convergence. 4. Conclusions
A comparative study was presented for three high convergence order methods utilizing only the first derivative (and the divided difference of order one) that only exist in these methods. Our analysis generated error bounds and results on the uniqueness of that can be computed using majorant functions. However, in earlier studies, these concerns were not addressed and the procedures were limited to operators with the ninth order derivatives that are not in these methods. Our technique is applicable to extend to other procedures, since it is so general. In our numerical experiments, a comparison is given between the convergence radii.
Author Contributions
R.B. and I.K.A.: Conceptualization; Methodology; Validation; Writing—Original Draft Preparation; Writing—Review & Editing, F.O.M.: Review & Editing. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Deanship of Scientific Research (DSR) at King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, under Grant No. G-110-130-1441.
This project was funded by the Deanship of Scientific Research (DSR) at King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, under Grant No. G-110-130-1441. The authors, therefore, acknowledge with thanks DSR for technical and financial support.
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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Table 1.
Radii for Example 1.
Table 1.
Radii for Example 1.
Methods | | | | | | r | | | |
(2) | - | 0.00689682 | 0.00536828 | 0.00450397 | - | 0.00450397 | 1.004 | 2 | 7.9936 |
(3) | - | 0.00689682 | 0.00376088 | 0.00298051 | - | 0.00298051 | 1.001 | 2 | 7.9989 |
(4) | 1 | 0.00689682 | 0.00344841 | 0.0015606 | 0.000621105 | 0.000621105 | 1.0005 | 2 | 6.9996 |
(4) | | 0.00689682 | 0.00141825 | 0.00105789 | 0.00039502 | 0.00039502 | 1.0003 | 2 | 7.9997 |
Table 2.
Radii for Example 2.
Table 2.
Radii for Example 2.
Methods | | | | | | r | | | |
(2) | - | 0.382692 | 0.30056 | 0.254218 | - | 0.254218 | | 3 | 7.8793 |
(3) | - | 0.382692 | 0.214132 | 0.172611 | - | 0.172611 | | 3 | 8.0000 |
(4) | 1 | 0.382692 | 0.198328 | 0.0949498 | 0.040525 | 0.040525 | | 3 | 6.9999 |
(4) | | 0.382692 | 0.083595 | 0.0640997 | 0.0257119 | 0.0257119 | | 3 | 7.9987 |
Table 3.
Radii for Example 3.
Table 3.
Radii for Example 3.
Methods | | | | | | r | | | |
(2) | - | 0.666667 | 0.518914 | 0.435347 | - | 0.435347 | | 5 | 5.9774 |
(3) | - | 0.666667 | 0.363537 | 0.288104 | - | 0.288104 | | 4 | 5.9920 |
(4) | 1 | 0.666667 | 0.333333 | 0.150852 | 0.0600378 | 0.0600378 | | 4 | 5.8733 |
(4) | | 0.666667 | 0.137092 | 0.102259 | 0.0381838 | 0.0381838 | | 4 | 5.9998 |
Table 4.
Radii of convergence for Example 4.
Table 4.
Radii of convergence for Example 4.
Methods | | | | | | r | | | |
(2) | - | 1.33333 | 1.03783 | 0.870694 | - | 0.870694 | | 3 | 8.0001 |
(3) | - | 1.33333 | 0.727075 | 0.576209 | - | 0.576209 | | 3 | 8.0000 |
(4) | 1 | 1.33333 | 0.666667 | 0.301704 | 0.120076 | 0.120076 | | 3 | 7.0000 |
(4) | | 1.33333 | 0.274184 | 0.204518 | 0.0763676 | 0.0763676 | | 3 | 8.0000 |
Table 5.
Radii of convergence for Example 5.
Table 5.
Radii of convergence for Example 5.
Methods | | | | | | r |
(2) | - | 0.0666667 | 0.0527602 | 0.0438416 | - | 0.0438416 |
(3) | - | 0.0666667 | 0.0368014 | 0.0303958 | - | 0.0303958 |
(4) | 1 | 0.0666667 | 0.0292298 | 0.0118907 | 0.00440901 | 0.00440901 |
(4) | | 0.0666667 | 0.0103807 | 0.00760454 | 0.00270217 | 0.00270217 |
Table 6.
Values of and (in radians) for Example 3.
Table 6.
Values of and (in radians) for Example 3.
i | | |
0 | | |
1 | | |
2 | | |
3 | | |
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