1. Introduction
Aggregation can be considered as a method for merging a list of numbers in a single representative one. This process of aggregation appears in areas where decision-making is important in probability, computer science, economics, etc. There are several aggregation functions that are commonly known, that is, functions making this aggregation process, like the arithmetic mean. However the growing interest on this topic has lead aggregation functions to become a very active area of research (see [
3]). Thus an aggregation function is usually a function
such that
- -
and ;
- -
whenever and for all
Therefore, generally aggregation functions only aggregate a finite amount of numbers of the unit interval, are isotone, and satisfy some boundary conditions ([
3] (Definition 1.1)), ([
2] (Definition 1.5)). Nevertheless, some extensions of these basic aggregation functions have been considered in the literature. On the one hand, functions aggregating inputs for any fixed number of arguments, called
extended aggregation functions, are often used as well as
infinitary aggregation functions ([
3] (Definition A.1.)), [
4] which allow one to aggregate infinitely but countably many inputs. On the other hand, aggregation functions based on bounded partially ordered sets rather than on
have also been studied [
In mathematics, this process of aggregation does not always consider numbers but other mathematical structures. For example, finite unions and finite intersections of subsets of a nonempty set
X fit into this aggregation procedure. In this way, let us identify a subset
A of
X with its characteristic function
Consider the aggregation function
given by
Given a nonempty family
of subsets of
X, consider
the diagonal of the mappings
7] given by:
for all
Then the composition
is the characteristic function of the set
F is taken as the minimum, then the characteristic function of the intersection
is obtained.
Furthermore, the construction of some mathematical structures on the cartesian product of sets can be considered an aggregation process: Product topology, supremum topology, product of metric spaces, etc. Maybe the first aggregation process established in a precursor modern terminology is that which merges several metrics into a single one [
9] developed by Dobŏs and his collaborators. The corresponding problem for pseudometrics and quasi-metrics was developed by Pradera and Trillas [
10] and Mayor and Valero [
11]. In the fuzzy context, the problem of characterizing functions that aggregate fuzzy binary relations satisfying certain properties has received a lot of attention [
17] particularly, when indistinguishability operators [
18] are considered. In this last case, the characterizations make use of the concept of *-triangular triplet [
15] where * is a t-norm (cf. Definition 11). Recently, the aggregation of relaxed indistinguishability operators [
19] and partial indistinguishability operators [
20] have also been studied. Closely related with the problem of aggregating fuzzy binary relations, in [
21] the functions which aggregate fuzzy (quasi-)metrics were characterized. Moreover, the aggregation of other fuzzy structures have been developed: Fuzzy subgroups [
22]; soft topological spaces [
23]; intuitionistic fuzzy sets [
24]; hesitant probabilistic fuzzy elements [
25]; and probabilistic dual hesitant fuzzy sets [
26]; etc.
This paper is devoted to examining the aggregation of another important fuzzy structure: The
L-probabilistic quasi-uniformities. In this way, the main goal of this paper is to characterize those functions, which allow the merging of an arbitrary family of
L-probabilistic quasi-uniformities into a single one (see Definitions 6, 7 and 9). Probabilistic uniformities were first considered by Höhle and Katsaras [
28] as a fuzzy counterpart of uniformities. Lowen introduced in [
29] the t-norm ∧, a special type of probabilistic uniformities, now called Lowen uniformities or Lowen-Höhle uniformities [
30], which were also studied by Höhle [
31] for an arbitrary t-norm. Asymmetric versions of these concepts have already been considered in [
The probabilistic quasi-uniformities can be considered a fuzzy counterpart of classical quasi-uniformities. A quasi-uniformity on a nonempty set
X is a filter of reflexive binary relations on
satisfying a certain triangular property [
33]. On its part, probabilistic quasi-uniformities are filters of fuzzy binary relations verifying a triangular property with respect to a t-norm. Therefore, if we intend to characterize those functions merging a family of probabilistic quasi-uniformities into a single one, it is natural to guess that the aggregation of fuzzy binary relations will have an important role. Nevertheless, more ingredients must be added in order to treat the filter structure and the triangular property.
In this way, in
Section 2 we deal with functions between partially ordered sets that preserve sets that satisfy some order properties involved in the definition of a probabilistic quasi-uniformity: Upper sets, filtered sets, filters, and principal filters. We will show that these functions coincide with those functions that preserve families of fuzzy sets satisfying the same property except in the case of filtered sets.
Section 3, we address the study of those functions which allow the fusion of a family of (bases of) probabilistic quasi-uniformities into a single one. In this way, we completely characterize the functions that merge a collection, not necessarily finite, of bases of probabilistic quasi-uniformities into another one. In the case where we consider probabilistic quasi-uniformities instead of bases, we obtain some necessary and sufficient conditions for a function to aggregate them. We also provide some examples of our results. In particular, we show that the construction of a crisp quasi-uniformity starting from a probabilistic quasi-uniformity by means of the Lowen’s functor
29] can be performed with our results.
2. Functions Preserving Special Subsets of Partially Ordered Sets
As shown in the next section, probabilistic quasi-uniformities are special subsets of a partially ordered set (see Definition 6). In fact, they are a kind of filter of fuzzy sets. Since we are interested in characterizing those functions which merge a family of probabilistic quasi-uniformities into a single one, it is natural to study functions between partially ordered sets that preserve filters of fuzzy sets (see Definition 2). We do it in the following, but we first recall some concepts related with order theory (see for example [
Definition 1 ([
A preordered set is a pair where L is a nonempty set and ⪯ is a reflexive and transitive binary relation on L, called a preorder.If a preorder ⪯ on L is also antisymmetric then it is called a partial order and is said to be a partially ordered set. In the case that ⪯ also verifies that or for any then ⪯ is called a total order and is said to be totally ordered.
If is a preordered set:
A subset A of L is said to be filtered if every finite subset of A has a lower bound in A;
A subset A of L is said to be upper if where If we will write instead of ;
A subset A of L is said to be a filter if it is a filtered upper set;
A filter is principal if it has a minimum element. Therefore, every principal filter is of the form , where m is its minimum element.
Example 1. Let us consider the partially ordered set Since ≤ is a total order then every subset of is filtered. Moreover the upper sets of coincide with the filters and are of the form or where The principal filters are those sets of the form for any
be a partially ordered set and
X be a nonempty set. An
L-fuzzy set on
X is a function
35]. We will denote by
the family of all
L-fuzzy sets on
X. Moreover, we can establish a pointwise partial order on
given by
In order to not overload the notation we will use the same notation for the partial order on L and the partial order on . Furthermore, we will always consider that a family of L-fuzzy sets on X is endowed with the partial order inherited from
For each , we will denote by the constant L-fuzzy set on X given by for all .
Definition 2. Let , be two partially ordered sets and let P be any of the properties of Definition 1. A function is said to:
Preserve P sets if whenever satisfies property P then satisfies property P;
Preserve P families of fuzzy sets if given an arbitrary nonempty set X and a family of L-fuzzy sets on X satisfying property P then the family of S-fuzzy sets on X also satisfies property
Although in the previous definition we introduced two different concepts, we will see in the following that these two notions coincide except when the property P is to be filtered. We begin characterizing those functions, preserving filtered families of fuzzy sets.
Proposition 1. Let , be two partially ordered sets. A function preserves filtered families of fuzzy sets if and only if f is isotone.
Proof. We first suppose that
f preserves filtered families of fuzzy sets. If it is not isotone we can find
be a set with two different elements and consider the
L-fuzzy sets
X given by:
It is obvious that is filtered on Nevertheless is not filtered on and is a contradiction.
Conversely, let be a filtered family of L-fuzzy sets on a nonempty set Let us show that is filtered on Let . Then we can find such that and Since f is isotone then and so is filtered. □
Remark 1. If a function preserves filtered families of fuzzy sets then it is isotone by Proposition 1. It is easy to check that this implies that f preserves filtered sets. Nevertheless, the converse is not true in general. For example, let us consider the partially ordered set . It is obvious that every subset of is filtered since ≤ is a total order. Then every function preserves filtered sets. Nevertheless, if f is not isotone, by the above proposition, it does not preserve filtered families of fuzzy sets.
We next characterize those functions which preserve filtered sets by means of the following concept.
Definition 3. Let be a function between two partially ordered sets. We say that is almost totally ordered if:
Notice that if is totally ordered then is almost totally ordered for every function It is also clear that isotonicity of f implies that is almost totally ordered (notice that in this case for every ) but the converse is not true (see Remark 1).
Proposition 2. Let , be two partially ordered sets. A function preserves filtered sets if and only if is almost totally ordered.
Proof. We first suppose that f preserves filtered sets. If then is filtered so is also filtered. Hence or In order to prove the second condition of being almost totally ordered, let and Since then and Hence is filtered so, by hypothesis, also is. Moreover, since it is a finite set, it has a minimum. Since then is not the minimum. So either or is the minimum. Hence and are comparable.
Conversely, let
A be a filtered subset of
and fix
Then we can find
such that
is almost totally ordered then:
So we have the following four cases:
If and , it is obvious that is filtered.
If and , it is obvious that is filtered.
If and , it is obvious that is filtered.
If and and (otherwise we immediately conclude that is filtered), we have that which is totally ordered. Hence or . In any case we obtain that is filtered.
Therefore, is filtered. □
However, the functions which preserve upper sets are the functions which preserve upper families of fuzzy sets as will be shown.
Proposition 3. Let , be two partially ordered sets. Let be a function. The following statements are equivalent:
- (i)
f preserves upper sets;
- (ii)
for all ;
- (iii)
f preserves upper families of fuzzy sets.
Proof. This is obvious since is an upper set and .
Let be an upper family of L-fuzzy sets on a nonempty set Let so we can find such that For each so there exists such that Since x was arbitrary, we can consider as an L-fuzzy set on X. As then so as desired.
Let be an upper set and let and Consider a nonempty set X and given by for all Then is an upper set on so must also be an upper set on . Since the constant S-fuzzy set on X belongs to we can find such that Given then and . Since we conclude that Consequently, is upper. □
Remark 2. Recall that given a partially ordered set , its Alexandroff topology has as open sets for all the upper subsets of L. Then the above result asserts that f preserves upper families of fuzzy sets if and only if is open, which is equivalent to for all .
We also recall the well-known fact that is isotone if and only if is continuous. Hence, we have that preserves upper families of fuzzy sets and filtered families of fuzzy sets if and only if is open and continuous, which is equivalent to for all .
We next study those functions f which preserve families of fuzzy sets that are filters. To simplify the terminology, we will say that f preserves filters of fuzzy sets. One could guess that the characterization of these functions can be obtained combining Propositions 1 and 3 but this is no longer true (see Theorem 1 and Remark 4). We provide first the following result which gives an equivalence between functions preserving principal filters and functions preserving principal filters of fuzzy sets.
Proposition 4. Let be two partially ordered sets. A function preserves principal filters of fuzzy sets if and only if f preserves principal filters.
Proof. Suppose that f preserves principal filters of fuzzy sets. Let be a principal filter on L. Let us consider a nonempty set X and the constant L-fuzzy set given by for all Then is a principal filter of L-fuzzy sets on X so by assumption is also a principal filter of S-fuzzy sets on X. Therefore, there exists such that
Let us check that
is constant. Otherwise, we can find two different elements
such that
. Since
In particular:
a contradiction. Consequently,
for some
Finally, we prove that
In fact, let
. Then
, that is,
On the other hand, let . Then so for some Then, given we have that , that is, Since we have that .
Conversely, let X be a nonempty set and let be a principal filter on For each , is a principal filter on L so by hypothesis is a principal filter on S that we will denote by . Since is arbitrary, we can construct an S-fuzzy set on X. We next prove that which will finish the proof. Given then for each we have that so by construction Hence , that is,
On the other hand, if then for all Then, for each so there exists with By arbitrariness of x, we have obtained an L-fuzzy set on X such that and so □
Remark 3. We have to mention that preserves principal filters, equivalent to: for every then for some Nevertheless, this does not mean that (see Remark 2). For example, you can consider the function given by: It is obvious that for every and obviously we can find such that Therefore, f preserves principal filters. Nevertheless, but
Theorem 1. Let and be two partially ordered sets. Let be a function. The following statements are equivalent:
- (i)
f preserves filters of fuzzy sets;
- (ii)
f preserves filters;
- (iii)
for any and is filtered.
Proof. Suppose that f preserves filters of fuzzy sets. Let F be a filter on and let So there exists with Let X be a nonempty set. Since is a filter on the family is also a filter on Since we can find such that For a fixed , we have that so Moreover, so Consequently, is upper. On the other hand, let . Then there exists such that and . As above, we have that is a filter on Then there exists with and . Given we have that that is, . Moreover and . Consequently, is filtered, therefore is a filter.
This is obvious since for each , is a filter so by assumption is a filter, so filtered and since is an upper set.
Let X be a nonempty set and be a filter on Let such that for some that is, For any we have by assumption that so we can find such that . Since x is arbitrary, we obtain an L-fuzzy set on X such that and Therefore, is an upper set on
On the other hand, fix . Since is a filter on we can find such that and . By hypothesis, for each the set is filtered, so there exists such that and Since x is arbitrary, we obtain an L-fuzzy set on X such that and Hence is filtered, so a filter. □
Corollary 1. Let and be two partially ordered sets such that is a total order. Let be a function. The following statements are equivalent:
- (i)
f preserves filters of fuzzy sets;
- (ii)
f preserves filters;
- (iii)
f preserves upper families of fuzzy sets;
- (iv)
f preserves upper sets;
- (v)
for every
Proof. It is immediate from the above theorem and Proposition 3 using that if is totally ordered then every subset is filtered. □
Remark 4. In sight of Propositions 1 and 3, it is natural to wonder whether in Theorem 1 we can replace condition “ is filtered" by isotonicity. It is obvious that if is isotone then is filtered for all Nevertheless, the converse is not true. For example, you can consider any non-isotone function In this way, the function defined by:preserves, by the above corollary, filters fuzzy sets but it is not isotone. Corollary 2. Let and be two partially ordered sets. Let be a function. Each of the following statements implies its successor:(i) | f preserves filtered families | or equivalently, | |
and upper families of fuzzy sets, |
(ii) | f preserves principal filters | or equivalently, | |
of fuzzy sets, | for some |
(iii) | f preserves filters of fuzzy sets, | or equivalently, | ; |
(iv) | f preserves upper families | or equivalently, | |
of fuzzy sets, |
Moreover, if f is isotone then all the statements are equivalent.
Proof. By Remark 2, for all This obviously implies that f preserves filters so the conclusion follows from Proposition 4.
Again by Proposition 4, f preserves principal filters so given , then is a principal filter and so is filtered. Moreover, is an upper set so . Therefore, f preserves filters of fuzzy sets by Theorem 1.
The last implication follows from Theorem 1 and Proposition 3
If f is isotone, we have that implies by Proposition 1. □
Remark 5. Observe that neither of the above implications can be reversed in general. Remark 3 provides a counterexample for while Remark 4 gives a function f which preserves filters of fuzzy sets but not principal filters. Notice that is a principal filter but is a filter which is not principal.
Finally, we provide an easy example showing that, in general, does not imply Let us consider a set with two different points and consider the following two partial orders on X given by:for every Let be the identity function. It is obvious that so f preservers upper families of fuzzy sets. Nevertheless, which is not filtered on Hence, f does not satisfy . 3. Functions Aggregating -Probabilistic Quasi-Uniformities
This section is devoted to study functions that allow one to merge several (bases of) L-probabilistic quasi-uniformities into a single one. In this case, we will say that these functions aggregate (bases of) L-probabilistic quasi-uniformities. We are able to characterize completely those functions, which aggregate bases of L-probabilistic quasi-uniformities. Nevertheless, we only obtain different necessary and sufficient conditions for a function to aggregate L-probabilistic quasi-uniformities. The characterizations obtained in the previous sections about functions preserving upper families of fuzzy sets and filters of fuzzy sets give some keys for our characterization.
We first recollect some definitions related with L-probabilistic quasi-uniformities. In the following, if is a lattice, we will denote by and the infimum and supremum of
Definition 4 ([
Let be a bounded lattice having and as top and bottom elements respectively. A triangular norm
or a t-norm *
on L is a binary operation such that becomes an Abelian monoid with unit and such that whenever and , with . Example 2 ([
Let be a bounded lattice. Then the binary operation given by:is a t-norm on L. Moreover it is the smallest t-norm that can be defined on L, that is, if * is a t-norm on L then for every Furthermore, ∧ is the greatest t-norm on L.We also notice that if then So only one t-norm can be defined on
be a bounded lattice. Given a nonempty set
X and
, then we will denote by
the function
such that:
If we will omit the superscript L.
I be a set of indices. We will denote the elements of
by boldface letters
and we will write
instead of
for all
. Furthermore,
becomes a partially ordered set endowed with the cartesian partial order
given by:
is bounded with top element
and bottom element
for all
Furthermore, if
* is a t-norm on
L we can define a t-norm
(see [
36] for a finite version) given by
for all
Definition 5. Let be a family of partially ordered sets possessing top element for each The direct sum
of is the partially ordered set where: and if and only if for all Definition 6. ((cf. [
27] [Definition 2.1]), [
Let be a complete lattice with top element . An L-probabilistic quasi-uniformity
on a nonempty set X is a pair where * is a t-norm on L and is a filter on such that:- (PQU1)
for all and (reflexivity)
- (PQU2)
for each there exists such that: where .
In this case, the triple is called anL-probabilistic quasi-uniform space.
If we simply say that is a probabilistic quasi-uniformity.
In the following, we will always assume that
are complete lattices [
34] unless stated otherwise.
Definition 7. If is an L-probabilistic quasi-uniformity on a nonempty set X, the pair is said to be a base for if is a filter base for the filter , that is, for each we can find such that If no confusion arises, we will omit the reference to the t-norm
Given a nonempty filtered subset of satisfying (PQU1) and (PQU2) for a certain t-norm * on L, where instead of , the set is used, then the pair is a base for an L-probabilistic quasi-uniformity on X where is the filter
Remark 6. Let I be a set of indices and be an L-probabilistic quasi-uniform space for every Then for each becomes a partially ordered set as a subset of Furthermore, it has a top element Therefore, the direct sum can be constructed.
If for each , we consider a base for an L-probabilistic quasi-uniformity on , then is also a partially ordered set for every However for some , can fail to have a top element. However, we can add to the top element without changing the L-probabilistic quasi- uniformity generated by Therefore, in the following, we will always consider that bases of L-probabilistic quasi-uniformities contain a top element, allowing the construction of the direct sum
Remark 7. If is a base for an L-probabilistic quasi-uniformity on a nonempty space X, we can define a preorder on X given by: Definition 8. An L-probabilistic quasi-uniformity on a nonempty set X is said to be transitive
if we can find a base of such that:for every In this case, we say that is a transitive base
for and its elements are said to be *-transitive. We next define the functions of interest.
Definition 9. A function is said to:
Aggregate (bases of)
L-probabilistic quasi-uniformities on products
if whenever * is a t-norm on L and is a family such that for each is (a base of) an L-probabilistic quasi-uniformity on the nonempty set then given a t-norm ⋆ on S, the pair is (a base of) an S-probabilistic quasi-uniformity on where is given by:for every
If F only satisfies the previous condition for fixed t-norms * on L and ⋆ on S, then we say that F ⋆-aggregates (bases of) L-*-probabilistic quasi-uniformities on products;
Aggregate (bases of)
L-probabilistic quasi-uniformities on sets
if whenever * is a t-norm on L and is a family such that for each is (a base of) an L-probabilistic quasi-uniformity on the nonempty set then given a t-norm ⋆ on S, the pair is (a base of) an S-probabilistic quasi-uniformity on X where is given by:for every
If F only satisfies the previous condition for fixed t-norms * on L and ⋆ on S, then we say that F ⋆-aggregates L-*-probabilistic quasi-uniformities on sets.
If in the previous definitions the elements belong to instead of which implies that has a top element for each when it is a base, we say that:
F directly aggregate (bases of) L-probabilistic quasi-uniformities on products and the notation for the S-probabilistic quasi-uniformity is ;
F directly aggregate (bases of) L-probabilistic quasi-uniformities on sets and the notation for the S-probabilistic quasi-uniformity is
Notice that if in the above definition I is finite, there is no difference between saying that F aggregates (bases of) L-probabilistic quasi-uniformities or that F directly aggregates (bases of) L-probabilistic quasi-uniformities.
We also emphasize that the elements of an
L-probabilistic quasi-uniformity
on a nonempty set
X are
L-fuzzy sets on
, which are usually called
L-fuzzy binary relations on
X [
38]. Observe that property (PQU2) of the elements of an
L-probabilistic quasi-uniformity is, in some way, related with the property of *-transitivity. On the other hand, several authors have obtained characterizations of those functions to merge
-fuzzy binary relations satisfying certain properties into single
-fuzzy binary relation verifying the same properties (see [
37]). These functions are said to preserve those properties of fuzzy binary relations. We emphasize that in [
17] the concept of domination was introduced in order to characterize aggregation functions which preserve *-transitivity of fuzzy binary relations on products. When the dominated function is a t-norm, the notion of *-supmultiplicativity arises and it was used in [
21] for characterizing functions aggregating fuzzy quasi-metrics into a single one. Hence it is natural to guess that the notion of supmultiplicativity will be important in our study due to its relation with the preservation of *-transitivity. Nevertheless, we will need a generalization of this concept as follows.
Definition 10. (cf. ([
21], Remark 3.8), [
Let , be two bounded lattices and let be t-norms on L and S respectively. A function is said to be -supmultiplicative
if:for every .Moreover, we will say that f is upper
if for each there exist and such that: If the previous conditions only satisfies for elements belonging to a nonempty subset A of L, then we say that f is -supmultiplicative on A or f is upper -supmultiplicative on A respectively.
Remark 8. Notice that if is -supmultiplicative then is filtered on In fact, given then so Since and we deduce that is filtered.
We give some examples of -supmultiplicative functions.
Example 3. Let L be a complete lattice, * be a t-norm on L, and I be a set of indices.
For each the ith projection function given by for every is -supmultiplicative;
The function given by for every is -supmultiplicative;
If is finite, the function given by is -supmultiplicative.
Finally, we introduce the last ingredient that we will need in our characterization: The (asymmetric) *-triangular triplets. The symmetric version of this concept was introduced in [
15] meanwhile its asymmetric counterpart was first considered in [
21]. This notion is important in order to characterize functions which merge fuzzy (quasi-)metrics into a single one [
21]. However, as we will show, it is also key when we consider the aggregation of
L-probabilistic quasi-uniformities. In [
21], the notion was considered only on
but we generalize it to an arbitrary bounded lattice.
Definition 11 (cf. [
Let be a bounded lattice and * be a t-norm on L. A triplet is said to be asymmetric *-triangular if:A triplet is said to be*-triangular if any permutation of the triplet is asymmetric *-triangular. If is *-triangular (asymmetric *-triangular) for every t-norm * on L then we say that is a triangular triplet (an asymmetric triangular triplet).
Example 4. Given a bounded lattice and a t-norm * on L, the triplet is *-triangular for every
Furthermore, the triplet is *-triangular for every and every t-norm * on L so it is triangular.
Example 5. Let be a complete lattice, X be a nonempty set, and be an L-probabilistic quasi-uniformity on Given there exists such that Hence, for any , the triplet is asymmetric *-triangular.
A particular case of the following concept was key in [
21] for characterizing those functions which aggregate fuzzy (quasi-)metrics.
Definition 12. Let and be bounded lattices and let be t-norms on L and S respectively. A function ⋆-preserves *-triangular (asymmetric *-triangular) triplets if is an ⋆-triangular (an asymmetric ⋆-triangular) triplet whenever is an *-triangular (an asymmetric *-triangular) triplet, where
Example 6. Let be a bounded lattice.
The identity function *-preserves *-triangular triplets for every t-norm * on L;
Every constant function ⋆-preserves *-triangular (asymmetric *-triangular) triplets for any t-norm * on L and any t-norm ⋆ on ;
If is linearly ordered then is isotone if and only if f ∧-preserves ∧-asymmetric triangular triplets.
The following proposition, whose proof is straightforward, is an easy adaptation of ([
21], Proposition 3.30, Corollary 3.35) to the more generalized concepts that are considered in this paper.
Proposition 5 (cf. [
Let be a function between two bounded lattices and let be t-norms on L and S respectively. Each of the following statements implies its successor:- (i)
f ⋆-preserves asymmetric *-triangular triplets;
- (ii)
f ⋆-preserves *-triangular triplets;
- (iii)
f is -supmultiplicative.
If then (i) implies isotonicity. Moreover, if f is isotone then all the above statements are equivalent.
The next result gives a complete characterization of those functions which aggregate bases of L-probabilistic quasi-uniformities.
Theorem 2. Let and be two complete lattices and let I be a set of indices. Let be a function and *, ⋆ be t-norms on L and S respectively. The following statements are equivalent:
- (i)
F (directly) ⋆-aggregates bases of L-*-probabilistic quasi-uniformities on products;
- (ii)
F (directly) ⋆-aggregates bases of L-*-probabilistic quasi-uniformities on sets;
- (iii)
F (directly) ⋆-aggregates transitive bases of L-*-probabilistic quasi-uniformities on products;
- (iv)
F (directly) ⋆-aggregates transitive bases of L-*-probabilistic quasi-uniformities on sets;
- (v)
, F is isotone and -supmultiplicative.
- (vi)
and F ⋆-preserves -asymmetric triangular triplets.
Proof. and are straightforward.
Suppose that F ⋆-aggregates bases of L-*-probabilistic quasi-uniformities on products. For each , let be a transitive base for an L-probabilistic quasi-uniformity on a nonempty set Let . Since is *-transitive for every , then is a transitive base for an L-probabilistic quasi-uniformity on By assumption, must be a base for an S-probabilistic quasi-uniformity so must be ⋆-transitive. Since was arbitrary, we deduce that is a transitive base for an S-probabilistic quasi-uniformity on
If we suppose that F directly ⋆-aggregates bases of L-*-probabilistic quasi-uniformities on products, we can proceed as above but in this case must have a top element for each . Observe that
is similar to
Suppose that
F ⋆-aggregates transitive bases of
L-*-probabilistic quasi-uniformities on sets. We start proving that
For each
suppose that
is a transitive base for an
L-probabilistic quasi-uniformity on a nonempty set
By assumption,
is a transitive base for an
S-probabilistic quasi-uniformity on
In particular,
must satisfy (PQU1) for every
Then, for any
we have that:
Let us show that
F is isotone. Let
such that
be a set with three different elements. For each
, define
It is straightforward to prove that
. Hence
is a family of transitive bases of
L-probabilistic quasi-uniformities on
By assumption
must be a transitive base of an
S-probabilistic quasi-uniformity on
X where
for all
must be ⋆-transitive. Then the following inequality must be true:
We check now that
F is
-supmultiplicative. Let
We can proceed in a similar way as above by considering the same set
and for each
, define
for every
It is easy to check that
for all
is a family of transitive bases of
L-probabilistic uniformities on
By assumption
must be a transitive base of an
S-probabilistic quasi-uniformity on
X where
is the only element of
Consequently, so F is -supmultiplicative.
If we suppose that F directly ⋆-aggregates transitive bases of L-*-probabilistic quasi-uniformities on sets, we can proceed as above but in this case must have a top element for each . Observe that our constructions makes sense also on the direct sum since we have considered transitive bases of L-probabilistic quasi-uniformities with only one element.
This follows from Proposition 5.
For each suppose that is a base for an L-probabilistic quasi-uniformity on a nonempty set If then
On the other hand, observe that the family is a filtered family of -fuzzy sets on Since by Proposition 5 F is isotone then is filtered by Proposition 1.
For each
we can find
such that
such that
for all
We next prove that
In fact, let
for all
. So for each
is an asymmetric
-triangular triplet. Consequently,
is an asymmetric ⋆-triangular triplet. Therefore,
Therefore, is a base for an S-probabilistic quasi-uniformity on
In case that for each is a base for an L-probabilistic uniformity on such that has a top element, a slight modification of the above process allows to show that is a base for an S-probabilistic uniformity on □
Example 7. We provided in Example 3 three -supmultiplicative functions. Since they are also isotone and maps to then they *-aggregate bases of L-*-probabilistic quasi-uniformities on products and on sets.
Some authors have studied how to construct adjoint functors between the category of probabilistic quasi-uniformities and the category of classical quasi-uniformities [
39]. Although their results have been obtained for
L-probabilistic quasi-uniformities when
some of them, as the following one, are also valid when
L is an arbitrary complete lattices.
Proposition 6 (cf. [
Let be a complete lattice and * be a t-norm on L.- (i)
If is a quasi-uniform space then is an L-probabilistic quasi-uniform space where is the filter on having as base ;
- (ii)
If is an L-probabilistic quasi-uniform space then is a quasi-uniform space where is the filter .
Therefore, we can convert a classical quasi-uniform space into an L-probabilistic quasi-uniform space by making use of the previous result. Notice that in case that then is not only a base for but it is the whole -probabilistic quasi-uniformity . Therefore, there is an equivalence between quasi-uniformities and -probabilistic quasi-uniformities. Consequently it is natural to study a particular case of Theorem 2 when we consider Boolean functions. To achieve this, we will make use of the following concept:
Definition 13 ([
A function between two semilattices is minitive
or preserves finite infs
if:for every Corollary 3. Let be a Boolean function. The following statements are equivalent:
- (i)
F (directly) ∧-aggregates bases of -∧-probabilistic quasi-uniformities on products;
- (ii)
F (directly) ∧-aggregates bases of -∧-probabilistic quasi-uniformities on sets;
- (iii)
F (directly) ∧-aggregates transitive bases of -∧-probabilistic quasi-uniformities on products;
- (iv)
F (directly) ∧-aggregates transitive bases of -∧-probabilistic quasi-uniformities on sets;
- (v)
, F is isotone and -supmultiplicative;
- (vi)
and F is minitive.
Proof. The first five statements are equivalent by Theorem 2 and is obviously equivalent to □
Remark 9. Notice that if I is finite, then the conditions of the above result are also equivalent to “ is a principal filter”, that is, there exists such that In fact, set which exists since is finite and is a lattice. Since F is minitive we have that so is the minimum.
It is easy to check that if is a principal filter then and F is minitive.
Remark 10. We observe that we can easily obtain the minitive Boolean functions with when I is finite. In fact, suppose that . In this case, for each and for each consider given by if and Then we have that Therefore, if we define as we have that for each Hence . Since for all then or . Consequently, there exists , such that the function F must be of the form: Notice that if I is not finite, we can find minitive functions satisfying but F cannot be expressed as in Equation (1). For example, let Then it can be easily checked that the function is minitive and . Moreover, G cannot be expressed as given in Formula (1). Indeed, let Fix and consider such that and for every Then but Example 8. Let be a family of quasi-uniform spaces. Then is a family of -probabilistic quasi-uniform spaces where (see Proposition 6 and the comment after it). Consider given by:for all Since and F is minitive then, by Corollary 3 must be a base for a -probabilistic quasi-uniformity on Given for each for some Given then, Since only for finitely many , it is clear that is the product of quasi-uniformity on ([33], 1.16). In case of considering a family of quasi-uniformities on the same set since F also ∧-aggregates bases of -∧-probabilistic quasi-uniformities on sets, we can proceed as above in order to obtain a quasi-uniformity on X. In this case is the supremum quasi-uniformity of the family
The next example shows that we can use this theory in order to construct preorders in the cartesian product of preordered sets.
Example 9. Let be a finite family of preordered sets. For each it is clear that is a base for a transitive -probabilistic quasi-uniformity on Set Let be a function which ∧-aggregates bases of -∧-probabilistic quasi-uniformities. By Remark 10, there exists such that for all Denote by the only element of Then is a base for a -probabilistic quasi-uniformity on By Remark 7, induces a preorder on given by:In particular, if we obtain that is the cartesian preorder or the coordinatewise preorder. Next we address the problem of characterizing those functions which aggregate L-probabilistic quasi-uniformities instead of bases.
Proposition 7. Let and be two complete lattices and let I be a set of indices. Let be a function and *, ⋆ be t-norms on L and S respectively. Each of the following statements implies its successor:
- (i)
F ⋆-aggregates L-*-probabilistic quasi-uniformities on products;
- (ii)
F ⋆-aggregates L-*-probabilistic quasi-uniformities on sets;
- (iii)
; for each and is filtered; F is upper -supmultiplicative;
- (iv)
if is a family of L-probabilistic quasi-uniform spaces then is a filter on satisfying property (PQU1).
Moreover, if we replace in (iii) the condition “ is filtered” by the stronger condition “F is isotone”, that is, if we consider the statement:
- ()
; for each ; F is isotone and upper -supmultiplicative;
then implies .
Proof. This is straightforward.
Let X be a nonempty set and be an arbitrary L-probabilistic quasi-uniformity on X. Taking and for each we have that is an S-probabilistic quasi-uniformity on X. Moreover, given and then . Taking such that for every then and
and let
X be a nonempty set with at least two elements. For each
, consider
given by:
for all
It is obvious that for each
*-transitive and
for every
is a base for a transitive
L-probabilistic quasi-uniformity
X for every
By assumption,
is a probabilistic
S-quasi-uniformity on
X. Let
such that
for all
Then, given
Therefore, so we can find such that . Then Hence, given two distinct points we have that for all , so and . Hence and .
Next we prove that
is filtered. Let
. For each
, define
Notice that and for all so Consider such that for all By assumption, so there exists such that and Given two distinct points we have that for all so , that is, . Moreover, and . Hence is filtered.
Finally, we prove that
F is upper
-supmultiplicative. Let
. Let
be a set with three different elements and for each
, define
It is easy to check that, for each
*-transitive and
for all
is a base of an
*-probabilistic quasi-uniformity
. By assumption
must be an
S-probabilistic quasi-uniformity on
In particular, we can find
such that
for all
Moreover, since has as base for all then and Hence F is upper -supmultiplicative.
It is easy to check that is a filter of -fuzzy sets on By Theorem 1, F preserves filters of fuzzy sets so is a filter of S-fuzzy sets on .
Moreover, let . Then for all so satisfies (PQU1).
Let be a family of L-probabilistic quasi-uniform spaces. Since isotonicity implies that is filtered for all , reasoning as in , we obtain that is a filter of S-fuzzy sets on satisfying (PQU1).
. For each
, we can find
such that
. Let
such that
for all
. Since
F is
-upper supmultiplicative and isotone then it is
-supmultiplicative. Then for each
we have:
Consequently, and is an S-probabilistic quasi-uniformity on □
A simple adaptation of the above proof, allows to show the following.
Proposition 8. Let and be two complete lattices and let I be a set of indices. Let be a function and *, ⋆ be t-norms on L and S respectively. Each of the following statements implies its successor:
- (i)
F directly ⋆-aggregates L-*-probabilistic quasi-uniformities on products;
- (ii)
F directly ⋆-aggregates L-*-probabilistic quasi-uniformities on sets;
- (iii)
; for each and is filtered; F is upper -supmultiplicative on ;
- (iv)
if is a family of L-probabilistic quasi-uniform spaces then is a filter on satisfying property (PQU1).
Moreover, if we replace in (iii) the condition “ is filtered for every ” by the stronger condition “F is isotone”, that is, if we consider the statement:
- ()
; for each ; F is isotone and upper -supmultiplicative on ;
then implies .
In view of Theorem 2 and Proposition 7, we notice that in general, the function
F which ⋆-aggregates bases of
L-*-probabilistic quasi-uniformities could not ⋆-aggregates
L-*-probabilistic quasi-uniformities. For example, we can consider the function
given by:
It is straightforward to show that F satisfies all conditions of Theorem 2 (v) with respect to the product t-norm. However so F does not verify the necessary conditions given in Proposition 7 (iii) for ·-aggregate -·-probabilistic quasi-uniformities.
Nevertheless, if F ⋆-aggregates bases of L-*-probabilistic quasi-uniformities and F preserves upper sets, that is, for all (see Proposition 3), then F ⋆-aggregates L-*-probabilistic quasi-uniformities on sets by Theorem 2 and of Proposition 7. Notice that every Boolean function verifying that preserves upper sets so, in particular, we have the following.
Corollary 4. Let be a Boolean function. If F ∧-aggregates bases of -∧-probabilistic quasi-uniformities on sets then F∧-aggregates -∧-probabilistic quasi-uniformities on sets.
Proof. By Corollary 3 we know that
F is isotone and
-supmultiplicative. Moreover, given
we have that:
Since and it is clear that The conclusion follows from of Proposition 7. □
Example 10. In [29] (see also [31]) Lowen introduced the so-called Lowen uniformities which are a particular case of probabilistic uniformities [30]. Moreover, he established adjoint functors between the categories of Lowen uniformities and classical uniformities. These functors can also be established in the more general categories of probabilistic quasi-uniformities and crisp quasi-uniformities [39]. In particular, if is a probabilistic quasi-uniform space then:is a quasi-uniformity on We next show that we can apply our theory in order to obtain this result. For every , let given by:for all Then it is obvious that is isotone and: -supmultiplicative (in fact it is minitive). Moreover, for each and for all Therefore, by Proposition 8, if is a family with only one probabilistic quasi-uniform space then is a -probabilistic quasi-uniformity on X for all Notice that is formed by all the -fuzzy sets on where , andfor all For simplicity, let us write instead of and consider the family of probabilistic -quasi-uniform spaces. On the other hand, consider the function given by for all Then G is also isotone, minitive, and for all By Proposition 8, G directly ∧-aggregates -∧-probabilistic quasi-uniformities on sets. Then, is a -probabilistic quasi-uniformity on X having as base . Given we can find a finite subset such that if and only if . Then Consequently, if and only if Then it is obvious that the quasi-uniformity associated with the -probabilistic quasi-uniformity is the quasi-uniformity .