1. Introduction
The motivation for this paper lies in an attempt to extend in some way the famous results due to Posner [
1], Vukman [
2] and Ali-Dar [
3]. A number of authors have generalized these theorems in several ways (see, for example, [
11], where further references can be found). Throughout this article,
will represent an associative ring with center
. The standard polynomial identity
in four variables is defined as
, where
according to
being an even or odd permutation in symmetric group
. For any
, the symbol
stands for a commutator, while the symbol
will stand for the anti-commutator
. The higher-order commutator is defined as follows: for any
and, inductively, we write
is a fixed integer), which is called the commutator of order
k or simply the
-commutator. It is also known as the Engel condition in the literature (viz.; [
8]). Analogously, we define the higher-order anti-commutator as follows:
and, inductively, we set
is a fixed integer), which is called the anti-commutator of order
k or simply the
Recall that a ring
is called prime if, for
implies that
. By a prime ideal of a ring
, we mean a proper ideal
and, for
implies that
. We note that, for a prime ring
is the prime ideal of
is a prime ring. An ideal
of a ring
is called semiprime if it is the intersection of prime ideals or, alternatively, if
implies that
for any
A ring
is said to be
n-torsion free if
implies that
. An additive mapping
is called an involution. A ring equipped with an involution is known as a ring with involution or ∗-ring. An element
ℓ in a ring with involution ∗ is said to be Hermitian if
and skew-Hermitian if
. The sets of all Hermitian and skew-Hermitian elements of
will be denoted by
, respectively. If
is 2-torsion free, then every
can be uniquely represented as
, where
. The involution is said to be of the first kind if
; otherwise, it is said to be of the second kind. We refer the reader to [
13] for justification and amplification for the above mentioned notations and key definitions.
A map
is a derivation of a ring
e is additive and satisfies
for all
. A derivation
e is called inner if there exists
such that
for all
. An additive map
is called a generalized derivation if there exists a derivation
e of
such that
for all
(see [
14] for details). For a nonempty subset
S of
, a mapping
is called commuting (resp. centralizing) on
S if
for all
. The investigation into the commuting and centralizing mappings goes back to 1955 when Divinsky [
15] established a significant result. Specifically, Divinsky demonstrated that a simple Artinian ring is commutative if it has a commuting automorphism different from the identity mapping. Two years later, Posner [
1] showed that a prime ring must be commutative if it admits a nonzero centralizing derivation. In 1970, Luh [
16] generalized Divinsky’s result for prime rings. Later, Mayne [
17] established the analogous result of Posner for nonidentity centralizing automorphisms. The culminating results in this series can be found in [
23]. In ([
2], Theorem 1), Vukman generalized Posner’s second theorem for the second-order commutator and established that, if a prime ring of characteristic different from 2 admits a nonzero derivation
e such that
for all
, then
is commutative. In this sequel, Bell and Martindale [
18] generalized the result of Mayne [
24] for nonzero left ideals. Precisely, they proved that if a semiprime ring
admits a derivation
e that is nonzero on
and centralizing on
, where
is a nonzero left ideal of
, then
contains a nonzero central ideal. The most classical and elegant generalization of Posner’s second theorem is due to Lanski [
25]. Precisely, he proved that, if a prime ring
admits a nonzero derivation
e such that
for all
, where
L is a non-commutative Lie ideal of
is a fixed integer, then
for a field
F. These results have been extended in various ways (viz.; [
28] and references therein). The goal of this paper was to study these results in the setting of arbitrary rings with involution engaging prime ideals and to describe the structure of a quotient ring
, where
is an arbitrary ring and
is a prime ideal of
be a ring with involution ∗ and
S be a nonempty subset of
. Following [
29], a mapping
onto itself is called ∗-centralizing on
S if
for all
. In the special case where
for all
, the mapping
is said to be ∗-commuting on
S. In [
29], the first author together with Dar initiated the study of these mappings and proved that the existence of a nonzero ∗-centralizing derivation of a prime ring with second-kind involution forces the ring to be commutative. Apart from the characterizations of these mappings of prime and semiprime rings with involution, they also proved ∗-version of Posner’s second theorem and its related problems. Precisely, they established that: let
be a prime ring with involution ∗ such that
. Let
e be a nonzero derivation of
such that
for all
. Then,
is commutative. Further, they showed that every ∗-commuting map
on a semiprime ring with involution of a characteristic different from two is of the form
for all
(the extended centroid of
and that
is an additive mapping. In the sequel, recently, Nejjar et al. ([
4], Theorem 3.7) established that, if a 2-torsion free prime ring with involution of the second kind admits a nonzero derivation
e such that
for all
, then
is commutative. In 2020, Alahmadi et al. [
30] extended the above mentioned result for generalized derivations. Over the last few years, the interest on this topic has been increased and numerous papers concerning these mappings on prime rings have been published (see [
37] and references therein). In [
38], Creedon studied the action of derivations of prime ideals and proved that if
e is a derivation of a ring
is a semiprime ideal of
such that
is characteristic-free and
, then
for some positive integer
k. Very recently, Idrissi and Oukhtite [
39] investigated the structure of a quotient ring
via the action of generalized derivations on the prime ideal of
. For more recent works, see [
42] and references therein. In view of the above observations and motivation, the aim of the present paper was to prove the following main theorems.
Theorem 1. Let be a ring with involution ∗ of the second kind and be a prime ideal of such that . If and are derivations of such that for all , then one of the following holds:
- 1.
- 2.
and ;
- 3.
is a commutative integral domain.
Theorem 2. Let be a ring with involution ∗ of the second kind and be a prime ideal of such that . If and are derivations of such that for all , then one of the following holds:
- 1.
- 2.
is a commutative integral domain.
Theorem 3. Let be a ring with involution ∗ of the second kind and be a prime ideal of such that . If admits a derivation e such that for all , then one of the following holds:
- 1.
- 2.
Theorem 4. Let be a ring with involution ∗ of the second kind and be a prime ideal of such that . If admits a derivation e such that for all , then one of the following holds:
- 1.
- 2.
- 3.
is a commutative integral domain.
Theorem 5. Let be a 2-torsion free semiprime ring with involution ∗ of the second kind. If admits a nonzero ∗-centralizing derivation for all , then contains a nonzero central ideal.
In view of ∗-centralizing mappings [
29], Theorems 4 and 5 are recognized as the ∗-versions of well-known theorems due to Vukman [
2] and Posner [
1]. As the applications of Theorems
A to
E just mentioned above, we extended and unified several classical theorems proved in [
32]. Since these results are in a new direction, there are various interesting open problems related to our work. Hence, we conclude our paper with a direction for further research in this new and exciting area of theory of rings with involution.
We performed a large amount of calculation with commutators and anti-commutators, routinely using the following basic identities: For all
2. Preliminary Results
be a ∗-ring. Following [
43], an additive mapping
is called a ∗-derivation of
for all
. An additive mapping
is called a Jordan ∗-derivation of
for all
. In [
19], Brešar showed that if a prime ring
admits nonzero derivations
such that
for all
, where
I is a nonzero left ideal of
, then
is commutative. Further, this result was extended by Argac [
44] as follows: let
be a semiprime ring and
be derivations of
such that at least one is nonzero. If
for all
, then
contains a nonzero central ideal. Motivated by the above mentioned results, the first author together with Alhazmi et al. [
35] studied a more general problem in the setting of rings with involution. Precisely, they proved that if a
-torsion free prime ring with involution of the second kind admit Jordan ∗-derivations
e and
g of
such that
for all
m and
n are fixed positive integers), then
is commutative. In the sequel, very recently, Nejjar et al. ([
4] Theorem 3.7) established that if a 2-torsion free prime ring with involution of the second kind admits a nonzero derivation
e such that
for all
, then
is commutative. The goal of this section is to initiate the study of a more general concept than ∗-centralizing mappings; that is, we consider the situation where the mappings
of a ring
for all
, where
is an arbitrary ring and
is a prime ideal of
. Precisely, we prove the following theorem.
Theorem 6. Let be a ring with involution ∗ of the second kind and be a prime ideal such that . If and are derivations of such that for all , then one of the following holds:
- 1.
- 2.
and ;
- 3.
is a commutative integral domain.
The following are the immediate consequences of Theorem 6. In fact, Corollary 1 is in the spirit of the result due to Posner’s second theorem.
Corollary 1. Let be a ring with involution ∗ of the second kind and be a prime ideal of such that . If admits a derivation e such that for all , then one of the following holds:
- 1.
- 2.
- 3.
is a commutative integral domain.
Corollary 2. Let be a ring with involution ∗ of the second kind and be a prime ideal of such that . If admits a derivation e such that for all , then one of the following holds:
- 1.
- 2.
Corollary 3. Let be a prime ring with involution ∗ of the second kind such that . If admits a ∗-commuting derivation e, then or is a commutative integral domain.
Corollary 4. Let be a prime ring with involution ∗ of the second kind such that . If admits a derivation e such that for all , then .
For the proof of Theorem 6, we need the following lemmas, some of which are of independent interest. We begin our discussions with the following.
Lemma 1 ([
42] (Lemma 2.1))
. Let be a ring and be a prime ideal of . If e is a derivation of satisfying the condition for all , then or is commutative. Lemma 2 ([
45] (Lemma 1))
. Let be a ring, be a prime ideal of , and be derivations of . Then, for all if and only if and or is a commutative integral domain. Lemma 3. Let be a ring with involution ∗ of the second kind and be a prime ideal of such that . If for all , then one of the following holds:
- 1.
- 2.
is a commutative integral domain.
Proof. We assume that
. By that assumption, we have
for all
. Direct linearization of relation (
1) gives
for all
. Replacing
ℓ with
in (
2), where
, we obtain
for all
. Since
, it follows that
for all
. Combining (
2) and (
3), we obtain
for all
. This implies that
for all
. Since elements of
are cosets, and noticing that
implies that
, the above equation gives
for all
; hence, we infer that
for all
. This can be written as
for all
. This implies that
is commutative. Now, we show that
is an integral domain. We suppose that
for all
. This is equivalent to the expression
for all
. This implies that
for all
. For any
, we have
for all
. This gives
. Hence,
. Thus, we obtain
. This further implies that
. This shows that
is an integral domain. Consequently, we conclude that
is a commutative integral domain. This proves the lemma. □
In view of Lemmas 1 and 3, we conclude the following result.
Lemma 4. Let be a ring and be a prime ideal of . If e is a derivation of satisfying the condition for all , then or is a commutative integral domain.
We are now ready to prove our first main theorem.
Proof of Theorem 6. We assume that
. By that assumption, we have
ℓ with
in (
9), where
, we obtain
We replace
h with
in (
10), where
, to obtain
in place of
ℓ in (
9), where
, we arrive at
for all
. From (
9), we have
Adding (
12) and (
13), we obtain
this implies
for all
. Using (
11) in (
14), we have
, we have
In particular, for , we obtain for all . Therefore, from Lemma 2, we conclude that and or is a commutative integral domain. □
Corollary 5. Let be a prime ring with involution ∗ of the second kind such that . If admits derivations and such that for all , then or is a commutative integral domain.
We now prove another theorem in this vein.
Theorem 7. Let be a ring with involution ∗ of the second kind and be a prime ideal of such that . If admits a derivation e such that for all , then one of the following holds:
- 1.
- 2.
is a commutative integral domain.
Proof. Suppose that
. By that assumption, we have
for all
. First, we assume that
. Then, the result follows by Lemma 3. Henceforward, we suppose that
. Linearizing (
16), we obtain
for all
. Replacing
ℓ with
in (
17), where
, we obtain
for all
. Replacing
h with
in the last relation, where
, and using the hypothesis, we arrive at
for all
. Replacing
ℓ with
in (
17), where
, we find that
for all
. Using (
18) and the condition
in (
19), we obtain
for all
. The addition of (
17) and (
20) gives
for all
. This implies that
for all
. In particular, for
, we have
for all
. In view of Lemma 4, we conclude that
is a commutative integral domain. □
The following result is interesting in itself.
Theorem 8. Let be a ring with involution ∗ of the second kind and be a prime ideal of such that . If and are derivations of such that for all , then one of the following holds:
- 1.
- 2.
is a commutative integral domain.
Proof. Assume that
. By that assumption, we have
for all
. We divide the proof in three cases.
Case (i): First, we assume that
. Then, relation (
21) reduces to
for all
. In view of Theorem 7, we obtain the required result.
Case (ii): Now, we assume that
. Then, relation (
21) reduces to
for all
. This can be further written as
for all
. If
, then the result follows by Lemma 3. Henceforward, we suppose that
. Linearizing (
22), we obtain
for all
. Replacing
ℓ with
in (
23), where
, we obtain
for all
. This implies that
for all
. Replacing
h with
in the last relation, where
, we arrive at
for all
. Since
, the last relation gives
for all
. Replacing
ℓ with
in (
23), where
, we find that
for all
. Left multiplying in (
23) by
k, we obtain
for all
. Combining (
25) and (
26), we obtain
for all
. Replacing
in (
27) and using (
24), where
, we obtain
for all
. Using the assumption
, we find that
for all
. Application of the primeness of
. The first case
implies that
, which gives a contradiction. Thus, we have
for all
. In particular, for
, we have
for all
. Therefore, in view of Lemma 4, we conclude that
is a commutative integral domain.
Case (iii): Finally, we assume that
. Then, direct linearization of (
21) gives
for all
. Replacing
ℓ with
in (
29), where
, and using it, we obtain
for all
. Replacing
ℓ with
in (
30), where
, we obtain
for all
. The combination of (
30) and (
31) yields
which implies that
h with
in the last relation and using the hypothesis of theorem, we obtain
This implies either
. If
, then, by Lemma 3,
is a commutative integral domain. On the other hand, we have
. Similarly, we can find
. Writing
instead of
ℓ in (
29), where
, and using the fact that
, we arrive at
for all
. Comparing (
29) and (
32), we obtain
Now, replacing
ℓ with
in the above expression, we obtain
In particular, for , we have for all . This gives for all . The primeness of infers that or . Set and . Clearly, A and B are additive subgroups of such that . But, a group cannot be written as a union of its two proper subgroups; consequently, or . The first case contradicts our supposition that . Thus, we have for all . Therefore, in view of Lemma 3, is a commutative integral domain. This completes the proof of theorem. □
Using a similar approach with necessary variations, one can establish the following result.
Theorem 9. Let be a ring with involution ∗ of the second kind and be a prime ideal of such that . If and are derivations of such that for all , then one of the following holds:
- 1.
- 2.
is a commutative integral domain.
In view of Theorems 8 and 9, we have the following corollaries:
Corollary 6. Let be a prime ring with involution ∗ of the second kind such that . If admits derivations and such that for all , then is a commutative integral domain.
Corollary 7. Let be a ring with involution ∗ of the second kind and be a prime ideal of such that . If admits a derivation e such that for all , then one of the following holds:
- 1.
- 2.
is a commutative integral domain.
Corollary 8. Let be a ring with involution ∗ of the second kind and be a prime ideal of such that . If admits a derivation e such that for all , then one of the following holds:
- 1.
- 2.
is a commutative integral domain.
Corollary 9 ([
29], Theorem 3.4)
. Let be a prime ring with involution ∗
of the second kind such that . If admits a derivation e such that for all , then is a commutative integral domain. We leave the question open as to whether or not the assumption
is prime ideal of an arbitrary ring
) can be removed in Theorems 6 and 8. In view of Theorem 6 and Theorem
of [
35], we conclude this section with the following conjecture.
Conjecture: Let m and n be fixed positive integers. Next, let be a ∗-ring with suitable torsion restrictions and be a prime ideal of . If admits Jordan ∗-derivations e and g of such that for all , then what can we say about the structure of and the forms of ?
3. Derivations Act as Homomorphisms and Anti-Homomorphisms on Prime Ideals
Ring homomorphisms are mappings between two rings that preserve both addition and multiplication. In particular, we are concerned with ring homomorphisms between two rings. If
is the real number field, then the zero map and the identity are typical examples of ring homomorphisms on
. Let
S be a nonempty subset of
e be a derivation on
. If
for all
, then
e is said to be a derivation that acts as a homomorphism or an anti-homomorphism on
S, respectively. Of course, derivations that act as endomorphisms or anti-endomorphisms of a ring
may behave as such on certain subsets of
; for example, any derivation
e behaves as the zero endomorphism on the subring
T consisting of all constants (i.e., elements
ℓ for which
). In fact, in a semiprime ring
e may behave as an endomorphism on a proper ideal of
. As an example of such
e, let
S be any semiprime ring with a nonzero derivation
, take
and define
e by
. However in case of prime rings, Bell and Kappe [
46] showed that the behavior of
e is somewhat more restricted by proving that if
is a prime ring and
e is a derivation of
that acts as a homomorphism or an anti-homomorphism on a nonzero right ideal of
, then
. Further, Ali et al. obtained [
47] the above mentioned result for Lie ideals. Recently, Mamouni et al. [
48] studied the above mentioned problem for prime ideals of an arbitrary ring by considering the identity
for all
for all
, where
is prime ideal of
. In the present section, our objective was to extend the above study in the setting of rings with involution involving prime ideals. In fact, we prove the following result:
Theorem 10. Let be a ring with involution ∗ of the second kind and be a prime ideal of such that . If admits a derivation e such that for all , then one of the following holds:
- 1.
- 2.
Proof. Assume that
. By that hypothesis, we have
for all
. Linearization of (
33) gives
for all
. Replacing
ℓ with
in (
34), where
, we obtain
for all
. Taking
in (
35), where
, and using the hypothesis of the theorem, we obtain
for all
. Invoking the primeness of
for all
. Consider the case where
for all
. Replacing
ℓ with
in (
36) and combining with the obtained relation, we obtain
for all
. This implies that
for all
. In particular, for
, where
, we have
for all
. Substituting
in the last relation, we obtain
. This yields
for all
. Since
is a prime ideal of
, we have
. On the other hand, consider the case
. Replacing
ℓ with
in (
34), where
, we obtain
The combination of (
34) and (
38) gives
for all
. This implies that
for all
. Taking
in the above relation and using
, we obtain
for all
. Since
, one can conclude that
. □
Applying an analogous argument, we have the following result.
Theorem 11. Let be a ring with involution ∗ of the second kind and be a prime ideal of such that . If admits a derivation e such that for all , then one of the following holds:
- 1.
- 2.
Corollary 10. Let be a prime ring with involution ∗ of the second kind such that . If admits a derivation e such that or for all , then .
Theorem 12. Let be a 2-torsion free semiprime ring with involution ∗ of the second kind. If admits a derivation e such that for all , then .
Proof. Assume that
. By that assumption, we have
By the semiprimeness of
, there exists a family
of prime ideals such that
(see [
49] for details). For each
, we have
Invoking Theorem 10, we conclude that . Consequently, we obtain and hence the result follows. Thereby, the proof is completed. □
Analogously, we can prove the following result.
Theorem 13. Let be a 2-torsion free semiprime ring with involution ∗ of the second kind. If admits a derivation e such that for all , then .
4. Applications
In this section, we present some applications of the results proved in
Section 2. Vukman ([
2] Theorem 1) generalized the classical result due to Posner (Posner’s second theorem) [
1] and proved that, if
e is a derivation of a prime ring
of a characteristic different from 2, such that
for all
, then
is commutative. In fact, in view of Posner’s second theorem, he merely showed that
e is commutin; that is,
for all
. In [
50], Deng and Bell extended the above mentioned result for a semiprime ring and established that if a 6-torsion free semiprime ring admits a derivation
e such that
for all
, where
I is a nonzero left ideal of
, then
contains a nonzero central ideal. These results were further refined and extended by a number of algebraists (see, for example, [
51]). It is our aim in this section to study and extend Vukman’s and Posner’s results for arbitrary rings with involution involving prime ideals. In fact, we prove the ∗-versions of these theorems. Moreover, our approach is somewhat different from those employed by other authors. Precisely, we prove the following result.
Theorem 14. Let be a ring with involution ∗ of the second kind and be a prime ideal of such that . If admits a derivation e such that for all , then one of the following holds:
- 1.
- 2.
- 3.
is a commutative integral domain.
A derivation
is said to be ∗-centralizing if
for all
. The last expression can be written as
for all
. Consequently, Theorem 14 is regarded as the ∗-version of Vukman’s theorem [
2]. Applying Theorem 14, we also prove that if a 2-torsion free semiprime ring
with involution ∗ of the second kind admits a nonzero ∗-centralizing derivation, then
must contain a nonzero central ideal. In fact, we prove the following result.
Theorem 15. Let be a 2-torsion free semiprime ring with involution ∗ of the second kind. If admits a nonzero ∗-centralizing derivation for all , then contains a nonzero central ideal.
As an immediate consequence of Theorem 15, we obtain the following result.
Corollary 11. Let be a 2-torsion free semiprime ring with involution ∗ of the second kind. If admits a nonzero ∗-commuting derivation for all , then contains a nonzero central ideal.
In order to prove Theorem 15, we need the proof of Theorem 14.
Proof of Theorem 14. Assume that
. By that hypothesis, we have
A linearization of (
39) yields
for all
. Putting
in (
40), we obtain
for all
. Combining (
40) and (
41), we obtain
for all
. Replacing
in (
42), where
, we deduce that
, where
, and using the hypothesis, we have
Now, substituting
in place of
in (
42), where
, we obtain
for all
. The application of (
43) and the condition
for all
. From (
42) and (
44), we can obtain
instead of
ℓ, we obtain
z with
in (
45), we find that
In particular, for
, we have
Since is a prime ideal of , we have for all or for all . Let us set and . Clearly, A and B are additive subgroups of whose union is . Because a group cannot be written as a union of its two proper subgroups, it follows that either or . In the first case, is a commutative integral domain from Lemma 3. On the other hand, if for all , then we obtain for all . Hence, in view of Corollary 1, we conclude that or is a commutative integral domain. This completes the proof of theorem. □
Proof of Theorem 15. We are given that
is a ∗-centralizing derivation; that is,
for all
. This implies that
for all
. This gives
In view of the semiprimeness of
, there exists a family
of prime ideals such that
(see [
49] for more details). Let
denote a fixed one of the
. Thus, we have
From the proof of Theorem 14, we observe that, for each
ℓ, either
to be the set of
for which
holds and
to be the set of
for which
holds. Note that both are additive subgroups of
and that their union is equal to
. Thus, either
, and hence
satisfies one of the following:
Call a prime ideal in
a type-one prime if it satisfies
, and call all other members of
type-two primes. Define
as the intersection of all type-one primes and the intersection of all type-two primes, respectively, and note that
Clearly, from both cases, we can conclude that
for all
for all
. This implies that
for all
; that is,
for all
. Hence, in view of ([
18] Theorem 3),
contains a nonzero central ideal. □
The Jordan product version of Theorem 14 is the following.
Theorem 16. Let be a ring with involution ∗ of the second kind and be a prime ideal of such that . If admits a derivation e such that for all , then one of the following holds:
- 1.
- 2.
Proof. Assume that
. By that hypothesis, we have
A linearization of (
47) yields
for all
. Putting
into (
48), we obtain
for all
. Combining (
48) and (
49), we obtain
for all
. The substitution of
in (
50), where
, produces
, where
, and using the hypothesis, we have
Next, substituting
in place of
in (
50), where
, we obtain
for all
. The application of (
51) and the condition
for all
. From (
50) and (
52), we can obtain
that is,
for all
. A linearization for
ℓ in (
53) yields that
for all
. Replacing
ℓ with
in (
54), we have
which can be written as
ℓ with
in the last relation, we have
The application of (
55) gives
that is,
The above relation is the same as (
46). Therefore, using the same arguments as we used after (
46), we obtain that
is a commutative integral domain. If
, then the proof is achieved. On the other hand, if
is a commutative integral domain, then (
54) reduces as
, the above relation becomes
The primeness of forces that . Thus, the proof is complete now. □
The following results are immediate corollaries of Theorems 14 and 15.
Corollary 12. Let be a ring with involution ∗ of the second kind and be a prime ideal of such that . If admits a derivation e such that for all , then one of the following holds:
- 1.
- 2.
- 3.
is a commutative integral domain.
Corollary 13 ([
4], Theorem 3.7)
. Let be a prime ring with involution ∗
of the second kind such that . If admits a derivation e such that for all , then or is a commutative integral domain. Corollary 14. Let be a prime ring with involution ∗ of the second kind such that . If admits a derivation e such that for all , then .
Theorem 17. Let be a 2-torsion free semiprime ring with involution ∗ of the second kind. If admits a derivation e such that for all , then .
Proof. Given that
by the semiprimeness of
, there exists a family
of prime ideals such that
. For each
, we have
The application of Theorem 16 gives that . Thus, and hence . Thereby, the proof is complete. □
We feel that Theorem 14 (resp. Theorem 16) can be proved without the assumption for any prime ideal of an arbitrary ring , but, unfortunately, we are unable to carry this out. Hence, Theorem 14 leads to the following conjecture.
Conjecture: Let be a ring with involution ∗ of the second kind and be a prime ideal of . If admits a derivation e such that for all , then one of the following holds:
- 1.
- 2.
- 3.
is a commutative integral domain.
5. A Direction for Further Research
Throughout this section, we assume that
n are fixed positive integers. Several papers in the literature show evidence of how the behavior of some additive mappings is closely related to the structure of associative rings and algebras (cf.; [
34]. A well-known result proved by Posner [
1] states that a prime ring must be commutative if
for all
, where
e is a nonzero derivation of
. In [
23], Vukman extended Posner’s theorem for commutators of order two and three and described the structure of prime rings whose characteristic is not two and satisfes
for every
. The most famous and classical generalization of Posner’s and Vukman’s results is the following theorem due to Lanski [
8] for
Theorem 18 ([
8] (Theorem 1))
. Let and k be fixed positive integers and be a prime ring. If a derivation e of satisfies for all , where I is a nonzero left ideal of , then or is commutative. In [
52], Lee and Shuie studied that, if a noncommutative prime ring
admits a derivation
e such that
for all
, where
I is a nonzero left ideal, then
except when
. In the year 2000, Carini and De Filippis [
27] studied Posner’s classical result for power central values. In particular, they discussed this situation for
of a characteristic that is not two and proved that, if
for all
, a noncentral Lie ideal of
, then
. In 2006, Wang and You [
11] mentioned that the restriction of the characteristic need not be necessary in Theorem 1.1 of [
27]. More precisely, they proved the following result.
Theorem 19. Let be a noncommutative prime ring and L be a noncentral Lie ideal of . If admits a derivation e satisfying for all , then satisfies , the standard identity in four variables.
Motivated by these two results, Wang [
10] studied the similar condition for
of a characteristic that is not two and obtained the same conclusion. In fact, he proved the following results.
Theorem 20. Let be a noncommutative prime ring of a characteristic that is not two. If admits a nonzero derivation e satisfying for all , then satisfies , the standard identity in four variables.
In our main results (Theorems 6, 8, 10, 14 and 15), we investigated the structure of the quotient rings , where is an arbitrary ring and is a prime ideal of . Nevertheless, there are various interesting open problems related to our work. In this final section, we will propose a direction for future further research. In view of the above mentioned results and our main theorems, the following problems remain unanswered.
Problem 1. Let be a ring of a suitable characteristic with involution ∗ of the second kind and be a prime ideal of such that . Next, let be a mapping satisfying or for all . Then, what can we say about the structure of and f?
Problem 2. Let be a ring of a suitable characteristic with involution ∗ of the second kind and be a prime ideal of such that . Next, let be a derivation satisfying or for all . Then, what can we say about the structure of and e?
Problem 3. Let be a ring of a suitable characteristic with involution ∗ of the second kind and be a prime ideal of such that . Next, let be a derivation satisfying or for all . Then, what can we say about the structure of and e?
Problem 4. Let be a ring of a suitable characteristic with involution ∗ of the second kind and be a prime ideal of such that . Next, let be a derivation satisfying or for all . Then, what can we say about the structure of and e?