1. Introduction
The requirement for online learning during the pandemic [
2] offered valuable opportunities to create and test virtual versions of in-person labs as well as to combine online and in-person laboratories in a blended learning environments. Students receive face-to-face instructions as well as complete activities at home using various technological resources in a blended learning environment [
A specific form of blended learning is the flipped classroom methodology [
4]. It is an active learning methodology [
5] and is regarded as one of the most innovative pedagogical approaches [
6]. In a traditional classroom, students learn the content in the lecture and practise on their own at home through homework [
6]. The learning activities are rearranged in a flipped classroom setting [
4]: the students learn at home using virtual resources, such as videos or texts, before attending the lecture. By doing so, the students are better prepared for the face-to-face session to practise and apply what they have learned beforehand [
7]. The interest in flipped classrooms is on the rise [
8] due to the increasing availability of emerging technologies [
4] such as Web 2.0 tools for use as personal learning environments [
9]. This allows students to learn ‘just-in-time’ and provides them with ‘at-your-fingertips’ learning opportunities [
9]. By personalising the learning process and changing it into a learner-driven rather than a tutor-driven approach, the students are empowered to control their own educational process [
4] and adapt their own learning environment to their personal preference [
Another promising learning technique is gamification [
11]. The aim of gamification is to increase the student’s motivation, engagement and productivity [
12]. Gamification usually does not require actual games to be included into the learning environment. The focus should rather be on integrating game design elements into the learning environment [
12] in order to transmit similar experiences [
11]. Gamification can be used to increase the learning performance, commitment, and satisfaction of the students, which are important elements in educational environments [
The contribution of this paper is an evaluation of a virtual lab for first-year mechanical engineering students. The virtual lab was integrated into the module as a flipped classroom lab (i.e., integrated with the in-person lab) and as a remote lab (i.e., to replace the in-person lab) depending on the student’s circumstances. It included gamification elements to increase student motivation, comprehension, and engagement with the lab.
At first, the students’ engagement with the virtual lab was analysed using the data gathered by the online platform of the virtual lab. Then, the feedback from the students about the virtual lab was evaluated. Finally, the exam scores of the students completing only the virtual lab experiments (V21), only the in-person lab experiments (P21), a mixture of both in-person lab and virtual lab experiments (Mix21), and both virtual and in-person versions of all the experiments (VP21) were assessed and compared along with student scores in the previous two years (P19, P20).
This paper builds on a shorter survey about the same virtual lab with fewer participants published in [
14]. Due to the overwhelmingly positive feedback from the first short survey, we created a more in-depth survey to gain valuable insights into the students’ opinion. By doing so, we not only evaluated the opinion of the students about the virtual lab but also their measurable performance.
3. Methodology
3.1. Overview
The way students engage with laboratory sessions had to be adjusted in the academic year 2020–2021 due to the restriction of in-person teaching caused by the pandemic. Hence, it was necessary to create a virtual version of the in-person lab. The lab is part of the Statics & Dynamics module (first year, second semester) for mechanical engineering students at Loughborough University, UK. Between 150–170 students enrolled each year between 2019 and 2021.
3.2. Description of the Experiments
The lab includes the following six experiments:
Experiment 1: Epicyclic Gear Train
Experiment 2: Rolling Down an Inclined Plane
Experiment 3: Toppling vs. Sliding on Inclined Plane
Experiment 4: Three Bar Linkage–Crank Connecting Mechanism
Experiment 5: Four Bar Linkage
Experiment 6: Energy Methods
A detailed explanation of the labs can be found in [
3.3. Description of the In-Person Labs
Before the COVID-19 pandemic, 12 groups of around 3 students worked on the 6 experiments (two sets of equipment per experiment). The groups were facilitated by 3 instructors in addition to a supervisor in-charge of overseeing all of the lab operations. The Epicyclic Gear Train experiment (experiment 1) requires the most instructions due to the complexity of the gear changes. Hence, one instructor supervised both groups of students who worked on experiment 1. Another instructor supervised the four groups working on experiment 2 and 3. The third instructor supervised the remaining students. The student-to-instructor ratio was between 6 students (experiment 1) and 18 students (experiment 4–6) per instructor. The students had 40 minutes to complete each experiment.
3.4. Description of the COVID-19 Compliant In-Person Labs
To reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19, a few changes had to be made to the lab. The students had to show the results of a recent COVID-19 test on their phone before they entered the lab and had to clean the equipment after they finished the experiment. We allowed the students to arrive and enter the labs during a specified timeframe to reduce queuing. We reduced the time per experiment from 40 min to 30 min to give the students sufficient opportunity to clean the experimental rig. The students worked alone and only rarely in pairs. To compensate for this, we increased the number of instructors to 4 instructors, plus a supervisor in charge of overseeing the lab operations (note: three of the instructors in 2021 were also instructors in 2020), therefore resulting in a student-instructor ratio of between two to a maximum of eight students per instructor (usually 2–4 students per instructor). The student-to-instructor ratio for the Epicyclic Gear Train experiment was 2 (maximum 4) students per instructor. Lower student-teacher ratios allowed the instructor to guide the students to the correct answer by applying inquisitive learning strategies. The instructor for the Epicyclic Gear Train experiment created the virtual labs. Hence, the instructor knew the questions used in the virtual lab to guide the students to the correct answer. Therefore, the students were guided to the correct answer in the virtual lab and in the in-person lab in the exact same way. This is not the case for all other experiments.
3.5. Description of the Virtual Experiments
The virtual lab was implemented on Loughborough University’s web-based virtual learning platform, LEARN. Hence, the students were familiar with the learning platform. Following the definition by Heradio et al. [
21], the platform was classed as a remote access-simulated resource. Web-based applications have the advantage that they do not require a specific operating system and are therefore more portable as well as not requiring access to the user’s hard disk [
The goal was to create the virtual version of the in-person lab to be as interactive as possible but without developing any new software. The students collected data in the virtual lab as they would do in the in-person lab. For example, they measured the time required for a cylinder to roll down an inclined plane using a stopwatch in experiment 2, or measured angles using a real protractor in experiment 4 and 5. Using real/physical equipment during the virtual lab allowed students to experience the hands-on feeling similar to in-person experiments.
Multi-cam editing and slow-motion cameras were used to enable students to gain a better understanding of the mechanics of the experiment. For example, they saw the Energy Methods experiment (experiment 6) from three angles in slow motion to enable the students to see the relationship between the tension in the spring, the extension of the spring and the movement of the weights in the dynamic experiment. Slow-motion footage allowed the students to determine the exact video frame when the cylinder starts toppling. Hence, the measurement precision of the virtual experiments was usually more precise compared to the in-person experiments.
Active learning methodologies such as inquisitive learning and inquiry-based learning techniques have been used to guide students to the correct answer in the interactive tutorials instead of telling them the answer. Inquiry-based learning encourages students to discover information themselves instead of the teacher stating facts [
22]. It is regarded as one of the most important teaching models and enhances the self-learning skills as well as the problem solving skills of the students [
23]. These learning techniques have been used to guide students to the correct answer in the interactive tutorials as opposed to telling them the answer.
To create an interactive learning environment, a variety of interactive question types have been used instead of multiple-choice questions. For example, the students used building blocks to construct equations and to draw free body diagrams etc. The students also used physical measuring equipment (e.g., stopwatch, protractor) to measure the data in the experiments. This level of interactivity ensures that the students must at least try to complete the virtual experiment and try to work through the theory before receiving any feedback. The instructor can check how the students interact with the virtual lab through the web-based virtual learning platform. Hence, it is not enough for the student to simply log into the web based virtual learning platform and then just do other things. In order to obtain the points or progress through the virtual lab, they have to physically interact with the virtual lab.
It should be noted that the virtual labs were created by the instructor who supported the first experiment (i.e., Epicyclic Gear Train) in the in-person lab. Hence, both the virtual version and the in-person version of the Epicyclic Gear Train experiment use the exact same script of questions to guide the students to the correct answer. In fact, the scripts were so similar that the instructor did not need to finish a question before the student gave the correct answer as they recognised the question from the virtual lab. This has the advantage that the virtual version of the first experiment can be seen as an exact copy of the in-person lab. Differences in the results are therefore caused by the delivery mode (virtual vs. in-person) and not due to the explanation given.
The students spent as much time as they wished on the virtual lab, worked at any time, from anywhere, and repeated the lab as many times as they wish.
Sometimes it was easy to predict which mistakes the students would make, and therefore the students received feedback with hints to specific mistakes they made. The performance of the students in the virtual lab was also monitored to identify opportunities to improve the virtual lab for future cohorts. The possibility to monitor the students’ performance while doing their out-of-class work is a unique advantage of flipped classroom and blended learning [
3.6. Evaluation Methods for the Effectiveness of the Virtual Lab and the Blended Learning Experience
The effectiveness of the virtual lab and the blended learning experience has been evaluated based on three aspects: first, the engagement of the students with the virtual lab was analysed, as the virtual lab was not a mandatory part of the module and could be done either before, after, or in between the in-person lab sessions. Second, a post-course survey has been used to gain insight into the students’ satisfaction and recommendations. Third, the academic performance has been evaluated by comparing class test results of various groups of students based on a Kruskal–Wallis test.
All students who completed all virtual labs regardless of whether they performed the in-person lab were asked to complete the survey (
Appendix A). The survey included open ended questions and Likert scale feedback. The survey was approved by the Loughborough University Ethics Review Sub-Committee (2021-5123-3838). A total of 25 students completed the survey between 13 May 2021 and 4 June 2021.
In addition, at the end of the semester, all students took part in a class test, which was conducted online using LEARN which provided insights on the improvements in learning outcomes as a result of the virtual lab.
3.7. Description of the Study Groups
Three different year groups have been compared. The 2018/2019-year group attended the in-person lab as normal. While most of the students in the 2019/2020-year group attended the in-person labs as normal, some students could only attend three of the experiments in-person and watched videos of the other three experiments due to the COVID-19 lockdown. Note: these videos were not the same as the videos used in the virtual labs. We accommodated seven different groups of students the 2019/2020-year: (1) those who only performed the virtual labs as they could not return to campus, (2) those who only performed three of the experiments as virtual labs and the other three experiments as in-person labs, as they returned too late on campus to complete all labs in-person, (3) those who completed all six experiments virtually before the in-person labs, (4) those who completed the six experiments in-person before doing them virtually, (5) those who performed all labs in-person and completed the virtual labs in between the two in-person session, (6) those who completed all labs in-person and no virtual labs, and (7) those who have done neither the in-person lab nor the virtual lab.
We are comparing the following six groups:
P19: Completed the in-person labs in the year 2019.
P20: Almost all students completed the in-person labs in the year 2020 (only a few students were unable to attend the second half of the labs because of the COVID-19 lockdown).
The groups for the year in 2021 are combined as follows:
P21: Completed all COVID-19 approved in-person labs in the year 2021 but no virtual labs.
V21: Completed all virtual labs in the year 2021 but none of the in-person labs.
VP21: Completed all virtual labs and COVID-19 approved in-person labs in the year 2021.
Mix21: Worked on a mixture of virtual labs and COVID-19 approved in-person labs in the year 2021.
3.8. Limitations
The students were not allocated into specific groups and chose the group that fits best to their living situation (e.g., cannot return to campus). While this approach was appreciated by the students, the disadvantage is that this study is not a randomised control study. Hence, the results might be biased given that the students in group VP21 are probably the students who are rather keen and might therefore be better performing students. On the other hand, the effort students put in also varies in a properly randomised study and therefore might affect the results especially when the number of students is low. The authors refrain from conducting statistical test in most cases given that the number of students who took part in the survey was low.
5. Conclusions
The student feedback from the survey highlights the students’ appreciation for the virtual lab. While the students rejected the suggestion to use the virtual lab as a replacement for the in-person lab, most students preferred to complete both the in-person and the virtual lab. This result is interesting given that this option apparently doubles the workload of the students. The main advantages of the virtual lab mentioned by the students was the ability to complete the virtual lab anytime from anywhere. In addition, the interactivity of the virtual lab was appreciated by the students. Based on a Kruskal–Wallis test, it can be concluded that the test scores in a class test are significantly different between students who completed all and those who completed none of the virtual labs. The median score for the students who completed all of the virtual labs was higher than for the students who completed only the COVID-19 secure in-person lab. This indicates that students not only preferred having a virtual version of the in-person lab, but it also improved their learning outcomes. Even though the virtual lab was not mandatory, each of the six experiments was fully completed at least once by half of the students who attempted it. Around 9% of the students completed the experiments multiple times.
The results of this study indicate that it is best to offer both virtual and in-person learning environments to maximise student satisfaction, learning outcomes, and class test performance.