Impact of the 2016 Policy Change on the Delivery of MedsCheck Services in Ontario: An Interrupted Time-Series Analysis
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Design
2.2. Data Sources
2.3. Analytical Approach
3. Results
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Before October 2016 | Since October 2016 Policy Change |
Patient Assessment Summary with Pharmacist’s Signature and Date |
Specific to MCH
Specific to MCLTC
Service | PIN | Fee |
MedsCheck (MC) 1 | ||
MC annual | 93899979 | $60 1 |
MC follow-up | ||
• Hospital discharge ≤ 2 weeks | 93899981 | |
• Pharmacist decision | 93899982 | $25 |
• Physician or nurse practitioner referral | 93899983 | |
• Planned hospital admission | 93899984 | |
MedsCheck Diabetes (MCD) 2 | ||
MCD annual | 93899988 | $75 |
MCD follow-up | 93899989 | $25 |
MedsCheck at Home (MCH) 3 | ||
MCH annual | 93899987 | $150 |
MedsCheck Long Term Care (MCLTC) 4 | ||
MCLTC annual | 93899985 | $90 |
MCLTC quarterly | 93899986 | $50 |
Service Type | MedsCheck (Annual or Follow-Up) | MedsCheck Diabetes (Annual or Follow-Up) | MedsCheck at Home | MedsCheck Long Term Care (Annual or Quarterly) |
Number of recipients | 647,740 | 209,060 | 57,583 | 95,191 |
Number of Service claims | 2,952,434 | 848,911 | 103,591 | 1,084,410 |
Age, mean (SD) | 58.3 (17.3) | 60.6 (14.2) | 74.4 (16.4) | 82.6 (10.5) |
Women, % | 52.4 | 45.2 | 62.1 | 64.0 |
MedsCheck | MedsCheck Diabetes | MedsCheck at Home | MedsCheck Long Term Care | ||||
Parameter | Annual | Follow-Up | Annual | Follow-Up | Annual | Quarterly | |
Total Claims | 2,356,615 | 595,819 | 664,483 | 184,428 | 103,591 | 285,403 | 799,007 |
Monthly Claims | |||||||
• Minimum number | 22,973 | 5768 | 4314 | 896 | 1151 | 4493 | 14,000 |
• Maximum number | 70,554 | 21,353 | 23,443 | 8304 | 3482 | 7074 | 18,687 |
Results of Segmented Regression Models | |||||||
Baseline (October 2014), number (95% CI) | 63,223 (60,452, 65,994) | 16,698 (15,826, 17,771) | 18,984 (18,069, 19,899) | 6704 (6157, 7251) | 2575 (2454, 2697) | 6274 (6199, 6349) | 16,848 (16,355, 17,341) |
Pre-intervention slope, mean monthly claims (95%CI) | −173 (−373, 27) | 67 (−1, 135) | 81 (14, 149) | −19 (−57, 19) | 15 (6, 24) | −6 (−11, −0.3) | 18 (−17, 52) |
Level Change at Intervention (October 2016) | |||||||
• Number of claims (95% CI) | −28,167 (−32,034, −24,302) | −11,854 (−13,205, −10,503) | −14,876 (−16,244, −13,508) | −5214 (−5942, −4487) | −1635 (−1828, −1442) | −929 (−1034, −825) | −1656 (−2348, −965) |
• Relative percent change (95% CI) | −46.7 (−52.9, −40.4) | −64.3 (−71.1, −57.3) | −70.5 (−76.7, −64.3) | −83.2 (−94.3, −72.1) | −55.0 (−61.2, −48.8) | −14.4 (−16.0, −12.8) | −9.4 (−13.2, −5.6) |
Post-intervention slope, mean monthly claims (95% CI) | 521 (42, 1002) | 52 (−110, 215) | 139 (−17, 296) | 16 (−77, 108) | 22 (4, 40) | 42 (30, 54) | 50 (-33, 132) |
Relative difference to forecast (September 2018), proportion (95% CI) | −21.0 (−27.7, −14.3) | −61.0 (−67.3, −54.5) | −58.9 (−64.6, −53.2) | −75.8 (−87.7, −63.8) | −44.9 (−50.4, −39.3) | 3.5 (1.8, 5.1) | −5.1 (−8.8, −1.3) |
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Shakeri, A.; Dolovich, L.; MacCallum, L.; Gamble, J.-M.; Zhou, L.; Cadarette, S.M. Impact of the 2016 Policy Change on the Delivery of MedsCheck Services in Ontario: An Interrupted Time-Series Analysis. Pharmacy 2019, 7, 115.
Shakeri A, Dolovich L, MacCallum L, Gamble J-M, Zhou L, Cadarette SM. Impact of the 2016 Policy Change on the Delivery of MedsCheck Services in Ontario: An Interrupted Time-Series Analysis. Pharmacy. 2019; 7(3):115.
Chicago/Turabian StyleShakeri, Ahmad, Lisa Dolovich, Lori MacCallum, John-Michael Gamble, Limei Zhou, and Suzanne M. Cadarette. 2019. "Impact of the 2016 Policy Change on the Delivery of MedsCheck Services in Ontario: An Interrupted Time-Series Analysis" Pharmacy 7, no. 3: 115.
APA StyleShakeri, A., Dolovich, L., MacCallum, L., Gamble, J.-M., Zhou, L., & Cadarette, S. M. (2019). Impact of the 2016 Policy Change on the Delivery of MedsCheck Services in Ontario: An Interrupted Time-Series Analysis. Pharmacy, 7(3), 115.