Collaborative Multimodal Writing via Google Docs: Perceptions of French FL Learners
:1. Introduction
2. Theoretical Background
3. Empirical Research
3.1. Learners’ Perceptions on Collaborative Writing
3.2. Learners’ Perceptions on Multimodal Writing
- How do French FL learners view the benefits and challenges of collaborative multimodal writing?
- What factors do French FL learners perceive as mediating their writing processes in the collaborative multimodal writing task?
4. Methods
4.1. Context and Participants
4.2. Task Description
4.3. Description of Data Sources
4.4. Data Collection and Instructional Procedures
4.5. Data Analysis
5. Results
5.1. Perceived Benefits
To be honest, I felt a little nervous in the beginning because I usually prefer to do my work alone and don’t really like it when other people view my work or critique it. […] But after working with Eva for over a month, I think that I have grown a lot and I’m a lot more open to the idea of working with other people. I also really liked getting feedback from other people and seeing their postcards was fun; I ended up spending more time on ours because of that.(Interview, 8 December 2020)
I think ah … talking things over with Christine and looking for new ways to convey our message on the postcard was quite interesting. […] because I’ve never done this type of work before … like um … normally you don’t get to do that in my Spanish class. So being able to add like pictures and thinking about even small things like color and font was sort of new and exciting for me … and yeah I think that all that stuff helps to make the postcard even better.(Interview, 9 December 2020)
Like … how we all already know what a postcard kinda looks like in English … like there’s the the stamp (of course), the address, the date and all that stuff. And so when I saw the examples in French it was way easier to understand because they all follow the same pattern even though the French ones always seem so formal. [laughs]
When I compared our postcard with everybody else’s, it gave me a different perspective … Like I realized that ours needed to be developed more. So I left some comments for Mary-Ann on what needed to be changed in our introduction. That part was very helpful because if we didn’t do that I don’t think we would have made any progress.(Interview, 8 December 2020)
5.2. Perceived Challenges
I don’t think ah … we all contributed equally and that was just because … um most of the time I didn’t know what was up with Brian and there was a time I even emailed him and he didn’t get back to me for three days and I was kinda like dude I can’t wait any longer for you to do things so that part was really frustrating because we were all supposed to work on this together as a team.(Interview, 11 December 2020)
Yeah I think it was hard sometimes because … um … maybe I added something and then when I checked later it was not there anymore. But me […] before you erase something you have to ask first. I always comment before I delete or add something but I don’t think that everybody is like me.(Interview, 8 December 2020)
5.3. Mediating Factors
Using Google Docs was very helpful because it allowed us to work together while not looking at the same screen and also instead of working on it at fully at home, I think the fact that we did it face to face in the multimedia lab made it successful.
For me … um I would say that I was a bit unsure about how the project was going to go but after the first workshop I felt a lot better because everything we needed to know about the project was right there … uh like right from the get-go what me and Eva did, was to compare the example postcards that you showed us and decide what makes a postcard look good and what does not … that really helped us figure out how we wanted ours to look.
Normally you just do the work and then later you can go and check to see what grade you got … like after the fact. […] in this one we already knew what things we would be graded on before we even started so it was kinda different.
I feel like it is kind of difficult to be in a group with your friends. Like last semester, I was in a group with my roommate and she didn’t take the work serious […] she kept distracting us and making stupid jokes. So like working with Britney was cool because she was nice and she always did her part of the work.(Interview, 11 December 2020)
6. Discussion
7. Implications and Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Name 1 | Age | Gender | Major | |
Group 1 | Britney | 2020 | Female | Theatre |
Eva | 20 | Female | Art | |
Group 2 | Joshua | 21 | Male | Music |
Christine | 20 | Female | English | |
Brian | 20 | Male | History/Political Science | |
Group 3 | Alejandro | 23 | Male | Music |
Mary-Ann | 21 | Female | Music/Theatre |
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Akoto, M. Collaborative Multimodal Writing via Google Docs: Perceptions of French FL Learners. Languages 2021, 6, 140.
Akoto M. Collaborative Multimodal Writing via Google Docs: Perceptions of French FL Learners. Languages. 2021; 6(3):140.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAkoto, Miriam. 2021. "Collaborative Multimodal Writing via Google Docs: Perceptions of French FL Learners" Languages 6, no. 3: 140.
APA StyleAkoto, M. (2021). Collaborative Multimodal Writing via Google Docs: Perceptions of French FL Learners. Languages, 6(3), 140.