1. Introduction and Physics Motivations
The solution of SU(
N) QCD with
flavors [
2] of massless quarks (massless QCD for short)—whose elementary fields are massless to every order in perturbation theory and whose perturbation theory is weakly coupled in the ultraviolet (UV) but strongly coupled in the infrared because of the asymptotic freedom (AF)—must unavoidably be nonperturbative.
Indeed, the AF and renormalization group (RG) require that every physical mass of the theory must be proportional to the RG-invariant scale
—the only free parameter in the massless QCD S matrix [
is the ’t Hooft bare gauge coupling [
1 and
are the renormalization-scheme independent first-two coefficients of the beta function
while the remaining coefficients in the dots and
are scheme dependent.
vanishes to every order of perturbation theory according to Equation (
Thus, the solution for the physical mass spectrum—and a fortiori for the S matrix—is equivalent to solving a nonperturbative weak-coupling problem—for
in terms of
—of the finest asymptotic accuracy, since
vanishes as the cutoff
diverges, in order for
to stay finite.
In fact, the preceding equations and our further considerations apply—mutatis mutandis —not only to massless QCD but to confining asymptotically free gauge theories with a single coupling massless in perturbation theory (massless QCD-like theories for short).
In relation to the above nonperturbative problem a considerable simplification occurs in the ’t Hooft large-
N limit with
fixed [
In such a limit the aforementioned nonperturbative solution of large-
N QCD would appear as a theory of an infinite number of glueballs and mesons [
4]—the real asymptotic states in the S matrix to the leading large-
N order—weakly coupled at all energy scales as opposed to perturbation theory, with coupling of order
for the glueballs and
for the mesons [
1] and masses proportional to
Consequently, to the lowest nontrivial
order, i.e., in the ’t Hooft planar limit [
1], the 2-point connected correlators—normalized to be of order 1 for large
N—of single-trace gauge-invariant operators in the glueball sector and of quark bilinears in the meson sector must be an infinite sum of propagators of free fields [
4]. For example, in Minkowskian space-time for Hermitian scalar operators
of canonical dimension
D to the leading large-
N order
is the planar limit of the RG-invariant scale,
are dimensionless positive numbers and the dots denote contact terms [
5], i.e., polynomials in the momentum squared
, with
the mostly minus metric.
Indeed, as observed qualitatively in the early days of large-
6], the number of glueballs and mesons must be infinite in order for the exact spectral representation of 2-point correlators to match to the lowest nontrivial
order the UV asymptotics of perturbation theory. The asymptotic theorem [
5] on the UV asymptotics of the spectral representation of large-
N 2-point correlators of multiplicatively renormalizable operators refines quantitatively the preceding statement by taking into account the RG improvement of the Euclidean perturbation theory.
Similarly, for spin-1 conserved currents with
and for the conserved stress-energy tensor with
Each massive propagator is conserved only on the corresponding mass shell because of the factors . However, after subtracting the sum of contact terms denoted by the dots, the resulting massless projector implies off-shell conservation, as it must be for conserved currents.
Yet, for integer higher-spin currents with a conundrum occurs: The above argument about the off-shell conservation up to contact terms applies to the spectral representation of large-N 2-point correlators of operators of pure spin s, so that it would follow the wrong conclusion that higher-spin operators are conserved as well to the leading large-N order.
The way-out is operator mixing of nonconserved currents. For example, higher-spin twist-2 operators mix with derivatives of twist-2 operators of lower spins [
7], so that the above conservation is spoiled in the spectral representation of planar correlators of renormalized higher-spin operators.
Hence, the aim of the present paper is to extend to operator mixing the aforementioned asymptotic theorem [
5] for multiplicatively renormalizable operators in large-
N confining massless QCD-like theories.
Such an extension involves the differential geometry of operator mixing and the Poincaré-Dulac theorem [
8], by constructing generically a renormalization scheme where the operator mixing may be reduced to the multiplicatively renormalizable case [
8], provided that a certain nonresonant condition [
8] for the eigenvalues of the ratio
of the one-loop coefficient
of the anomalous dimension matrix
holds according to the Poincaré-Dulac theorem.
The aforementioned scheme may generically apply to the mixing of higher-spin twist-2 operators [
9], specifically in SU(
N) YM theory [
10], so that we work out the corresponding extension of the asymptotic theorem.
3. Differential Geometry of Operator Mixing and UV Asymptotics
In massless QCD-like theories 2-point correlators in Euclidean space-time at different points (
of renormalized local gauge-invariant operators
that mix under renormalization
the bare operators
2 and
Z the bare mixing matrix, satisfy the Callan-Symanzik equation [
in matrix notation, with
the transpose of
D the canonical dimension of the operators,
the matrix of the anomalous dimensions
3 and
the beta function, where
is the renormalized coupling at the scale
, whose UV asymptotics for large
is given by Equation (
3) with
. The general solution of Equation (
11) has the form
RG invariant
is the renormalized mixing matrix in the coordinate representation,
P denotes the path ordering of the exponential and, by an abuse of notation,
, with the leading and next-to-leading universal, i.e., scheme independent, UV asymptotics as
is diagonalizable, Equation (
14) reads in the diagonal basis
that implies
and consequently within the universal UV asymptotics as
provided that
—the conformal correlator in the diagonal basis to the lowest order of perturbation theory—does not vanish. Therefore, we may wonder under which conditions an operator basis exists where
is diagonalizable.
The key observation in [
8] for answering the above question is that renormalization can be interpreted in a differential geometric setting, where a change of operator basis, due to a change of renormalization scheme, is interpreted as a formal
4 real analytic invertible gauge transformation
Accordingly, the matrix
that occurs in the system of ordinary differential equations defining
by Equations (
12) and (
is interpreted as a (formal) real-analytic connection, with a simple pole at
, that for the gauge transformation in Equation (
21) transforms as
is interpreted as the corresponding covariant derivative that defines the linear system
whose solution with a suitable initial condition is
As a consequence
is interpreted as a Wilson line associated to the aforementioned connection
that transforms as
for the gauge transformation
Besides, by allowing the coupling to be complex valued, everything that we have mentioned applies in the (formal) holomorphic setting, instead of the real-analytic one.
According to the interpretation above, the easiest way to compute the UV asymptotics of
consists in setting the meromorphic connection in Equation (
22) in a canonical form by a suitable (formal) holomorphic gauge transformation [
As a consequence of the Poincaré-Dulac theorem [
8], if the eigenvalues
of the matrix
, in nonincreasing order
, do not differ by a positive even integer, i.e.,
k a positive integer, then it exists a renormalization scheme where
is one-loop exact to all orders of perturbation theory. Hence, if
is diagonalizable, the UV asymptotics of
reduces essentially to the multiplicatively renormalizable case
in the aforementioned scheme, where
denote the eigenvalues of the corresponding matrices.
This is the nonresonant diagonal case (I) of the classification in [
8], where Equation (
30) is satisfied and actually implied by the nonresonat condition for the eigenvalues of
in Equation (
29) and
is diagonalizable. The remaining cases, where
is not diagonalizable, are worked out in [
4. Asymptotic Theorem for Scalar Multiplicatively Renormalizable Operators
In a massless QCD-like theory the planar connected 2-point Euclidean correlators of multiplicatively renormalizable scalar local gauge-invariant single-trace operators or fermion bilinears,
, that are Hermitian in Minkowskian space-time satisfy within the universal UV asymptotics as
in the scheme of Equation (
30) [
provided that, according to Equation (
is normalized in such a way that to the lowest order in perturbation theory
by unitarity and the dots in Equation (
32) are contact terms, i.e., polynomials in
of maximum degree
that occur by the identity [
The asymptotic theorem [
5] states that for
, under mild assumptions, from Equation (
32) it follows asymptotically for large
the multiplicative renormalization factor at the scale
Section 3) and
the asymptotic spectral density [
6. Extension of the Asymptotic Theorem to Higher-Spin Twist-2 Operators
The asymptotic theorem [
5] (
Section 4) may be straightforwardly extended from multiplicatively renormalizable operators to operators that mix under renormalization in the basis where they become multiplicatively renormalizable, provided that it exists.
is diagonalizable, for the existence of the aforementioned basis it suffices that the nonresonant condition for the eigenvalues of
is satisfied (
Section 3).
Actually, the nonresonant condition is sufficiently generic, so that it may hold for large sets of operators that mix among themselves.
Twist-2 operators of integer higher spins in Minkowskian space-time mix [
23] between themselves under renormalization. Indeed, the maximal-spin components
along the + direction of the Hermitian twist-2 operators in Minkowskian space-time
of higher spin
s in the conformal basis [
23] mix with derivatives of twist-2 operators of lower spins [
with the mixing matrix
Z and the matrix of the anomalous dimensions
lower triangular [
7]. Moreover,
is diagonal [
23] in the Minkowskian conformal basis.
As a consequence, after the Wick rotation to Euclidean space-time, if the nonresonant diagonal basis of Equation (
30) exists, it restricts [
10] to the lowest order of perturbation theory to the Euclidean conformal basis because
is diagonal in this basis, so that
in Equation (
20) is computed in the aforementioned basis. Hence, by assuming that the nonresonant condition is satisfied, the asymptotic theorem for the Euclidean twist-2 operators in the nonresonant diagonal basis reads within the universal UV asymptotics as
provided that, according to Equation (
is normalized in such a way that to the lowest order of perturbation theory
obtained from
by the substitution
as in the scalar case (
Section 4).
The asymptotic equality in Equation (
64) follows from Equations (
19) and (
20), where the conformal contribution reads
a suitably normalized (Equation (
71)) and symmetrized [
24] dimensionless polynomial in
Then, it follows from the asymptotic theorem [
5] for multiplicatively renormalizable operators
is the multiplicative renormalization factor at the scale
Section 3) and
is the asymptotic spectral density [
Indeed, since twist-2 operators are conserved [
25] to the leading order of perturbation theory in a massless QCD-like theory, the universal UV asymptotics in Equation (
64) arises only from particles of pure spin
s, while the dots in the first line of Equation (
64) include subleading contributions of nonconserved propagators involving derivatives of propagators of lower-spin particles. Hence, the asymptotic theorem for twist-2 operators can be reduced to the scalar case by employing Equation (
32) with
within the universal UV asymptotics as
Specifically, for the analytically continued operators
we get from Equations (
62) and (
70) within the universal UV asymptotics as
where we have employed
Moreover, with the normalization in Equation (
35), for
it follows from [
5] within the universal UV asymptotics as
up to possibly divergent contact terms in the dots. For
the rhs of Equation (
73) is computed by means of the limit
For conserved currents
In [
10] it has been verified that in SU(
N) YM theory the nonresonant condition in Equation (
29) is satisfied for the gluonic twist-2 operators in the conformal basis up to
. Hence, the nonresonant diagonal basis exists for twist-2 operators in SU(
N) YM theory and the above asymptotic theorem applies.
7. Conclusions and Outlook
We have extended to operator mixing—specifically, to the mixing of twist-2 operators—the asymptotic theorem in the UV for the residues of the poles of the propagators in the spectral representation of 2-point correlators of multiplicatively renormalizable gauge-invariant operators in large-N massless QCD-like theories.
Apart from the intrinsic interest, one of the main applications of the above asymptotic theorem is for the program of the asymptotically-free bootstrap [
26] that we summarize as follows.
Suppose that in some way we are given a candidate nonperturbative partial solution of a large-N QCD-like theory, not for the correlators of gauge-invariant operators, but for certain S-matrix amplitudes only, where gauge-invariant operators are employed as interpolating fields for the asymptotic states. We need to verify that the proposed S-matrix amplitudes arise from an asymptotically free theory.
In principle we may check the AF reconstructing the correlators from the S-matrix amplitudes by working out the LSZ reduction formulae the other way around, attaching to the amplitudes the canonically normalized propagators multiplied by the appropriate (square root of the) residues and summing on the corresponding tower of states.
Yet, the residues of the poles of the propagators are not actually included in a candidate solution for the S matrix amplitudes only.
However, if we are interested in checking the AF in the UV, which is indeed the only a-priori information that we can verify on the basis of the RG improvement of perturbation theory, it suffices to know the residues of the poles only asymptotically for large masses, i.e., in the UV, that is precisely the information provided by the aforementioned asymptotic theorem.