1. Introduction
In the framework of linear cosmological perturbation theory the Mukhanov-Sasaki equation plays a central role. It encodes the dynamics of the Mukhanov-Sasaki variable, which is a linearized and gauge invariant quantity that is built from a specific combination of matter and gravitational perturbations such that the resulting expression is gauge invariant up to linear order. A way to derive this equation is to consider the Einstein-Hilbert action together with a scalar field minimally coupled to gravity and expand this action up to second order in the perturbations around an FLRW background. One decomposes the perturbations into scalar, vector and tensor perturbations since these decouple at linear order. In the scalar sector, we are left with one physical degree of freedom that can for instance be expressed in terms of the Mukhanov-Sasaki variable denoted by
. Given this, we can express the scalar part of the perturbed action entirely in terms of the Mukhanov-Sasaki variable and the corresponding equation of motion takes the following form [
is the spatial Laplacian,
denotes conformal time,
a the scale factor,
the isotropic background scalar field and
the Hubble parameter with respect to conformal time. Contrary to the background quantities, the linear perturbations carry a position dependence breaking the spatial symmetries of the FLRW background spacetime. Throughout this article we will work with the Fourier transform of this differential equation. For each Fourier mode
, this leads to a differential equation given by:
where quantities with
-label corresponds to the associated Fourier transforms. The quantity in the brackets of the Fourier transformed equation is called the Mukhanov-Sasaki frequency
and reflects the backreaction of the matter degrees of freedom with the background spacetime. Further commonly used gauge invariant quantities in the context of linear cosmological perturbation theory are the Bardeen potential
as well as the comoving curvature perturbation
. The latter is related to the Mukhanov-Sasaki variable
v by
. Whether one considers a specific gauge invariant quantity is often influenced by the choice of a particular gauge in which these variables simplify and have an obvious physical interpretation. For the Bardeen potential this is the longitudinal gauge, whereas the Mukhanov-Sasaki variable naturally arises in the spatially flat gauge, where it is directly related to the perturbations of the inflaton scalar field. More details about the construction of these gauge invariant variables as well as the derivation of their dynamics from the perturbed Einstein equations in the Lagrangian framework can for instance be found in Reference [
2]. A similar derivation in the canonical approach is for example presented in References [
6]. Here we will not work in a particular gauge but take the form of the Mukhanov-Sasaki equation in (
1) as our starting point. As far as a comparison with experimental data is concerned, the relevant quantity is the power spectrum that is defined as the (dimensionless) Fourier transform of the real space two-point correlation function, that is in the case of the quantized Mukhanov-Sasaki variable
Obviously the power spectrum can only be determined if some initial state has been chosen with respect to which the correlation functions are defined. The most common choice for the initial state is the Bunch-Davies vacuum that can be uniquely selected by the conditions that it is de Sitter invariant and satisfies the Hadamard condition. The latter requires that the corresponding two-point function has a specific behavior in the ultraviolet, that is for short distances. If we drop the Hadamard condition, we obtain the family of so-called
-vacua that include the Bunch-Davies vacuum. Other choices for the initial conditions than the ones for the Bunch-Davies vacuum have been considered and their possible fingerprints on the power spectrum have been investigated, see for instance References [
9] and references therein. The Bunch-Davies vacuum is selected by requiring that in the limit of
the mode functions take the form of the usual Minkowski mode functions. Another method to choose an initial state is the so-called Hamiltonian diagonalization method, where one minimizes the expectation value
of the Mukhanov-Sasaki Hamiltonian at one moment in time, say
. Hamiltonian diagonalization refers to the fact that at
the coefficients of the off-diagonal terms involving second powers of annihilation and creation operators, respectivley, vanish for all modes. That is, at
the Mukhanov-Sasaki Hamiltonian is given by the field theoretical generalization of the standard harmonic oscillator. Considering this, a natural question to ask is whether such a Hamiltonian diagonalization can be obtained not only instantaneously but for each moment in time and particularly how this aspect is related to the choice of initial states. The usual form of Hamiltonian diagonalization has been critizised in the literature, see for instance Reference [
10]. In the framework considered in our work this corresponds to the question whether there exists a canonical transformation that maps the Mukhanov-Sasaki Hamiltonian to the time-independent harmonic oscillator for each moment in time. In order to work into that direction we take into account that the Mukhanov-Sasaki equation represents a time-dependent harmonic oscillator in each Fourier mode, whereas the specific form of the time dependence reflects the properties of the expanding background spacetime. What we are aiming at is a transformation that maps the time-dependent harmonic oscillator to the time-independent harmonic oscillator for each mode and all times. Defining such a transformation will only work if we consider time-depedendent canonical transformations, that are adapted specifically to the two systems of the time-dependent and time-independent harmonic oscillator, respectively. This is conveniently done in the extended phase space framework outlined below.
There has been considerable interest in the study of the time-dependent harmonic oscillator, both in a purely classical and quantum mechanical context. A distinct role in all of these considerations is played by the Lewis-Riesenfeld invariant, which is a constant of motion with respect to the evolution governed by a time-dependent harmonic oscillator. At the classical level, this invariant has been considered in the context of a canonical transformation in the extended phase space [
12] that involves time and its momentum as canonical phase space variables among the usual position and momentum variables. Such an extended phase space provides a convenient platform to implement time-dependent canonical transformations. The obtained canonical transformation allows to map the system of the time-dependent harmonic oscillator onto the system of a harmonic oscillator with constant frequency and thus completely removes the time dependence of the Hamiltonian, which drastically simplifies the task of finding solutions of the equations of motion after applying the transformation. As shown in Reference [
13], the invariant can also be defined in the context of quantum mechanics. In this case the eigenstates of the invariant can be used to construct solutions of the Schrödinger equation involving the original time-dependent Hamiltonian. Further application are to construct coherent states of the time-dependent harmonic oscillator by means of the eigenstates of the Lewis-Riesenfeld invariant as for instance discussed in References [
If we aim at relating the framework of the Lewis-Riesenfeld invariant to the notion of initial states associated with the Mukhanov-Sasaki equation, we need to generalize this approach to the field theory context. There exists already some work in this direction, see for example in References [
15] and references therein, although with a slightly different focus than we want to consider here, because both of them do not apply this techniques directly to the Mukhanov-Sasaki equation in the framework of the extended phase space, meaning that they consider different time-dependent frequencies in general and particularly the generalization to field theory was not analyzed in very much detail in Reference [
15]. The strategy we want to follow in our work is that first we consider the Lewis-Riesenfeld invariant and the corresponding canonical transformation at the classical level for finitely many degrees of freedom in the extended phase space, building on former work of References [
12], who however did not consider the quantization of the canonical transformation. In order to be able to implement the corresponding unitary map at the quantum level, we also construct the corresponding generator of the canonical transformation. For the reason that in the extended phase space the physical system of the time-dependent harmonic oscillator is described as a constrained system, we construct Dirac observables and use the technique of reduced phase space quantization to implement this unitary map on the physical Hilbert space in a quantum mechanical setting, where it can also be formulated in terms of a time-dependent Bogoliubov transformation. Given this setup, we could take the vacuum of the time-independent harmonic oscillator, apply the constructed unitary map to it and obtain a in this sense natural candidate for a vacuum state for the time-dependent harmonic oscillator, that has then been determined directly by means of the unitary map.
The question we want to address in this article is whether we can carry this idea over from finitely many degrees of freedom to field theory and use the Lewis-Riesenfeld invariant approach to obtain possible candidates for initial states. In particular, we are interested in the physical properties of such initial states and their relation to the Bunch-Davies vacuum and other adiabatic vacua. As we will show, the most straightforward generalization to field theory is not possible because the so constructed map involves an infrared divergence, hence the Shale-Stinespring condition is violated. As we will discuss, a suitable modification of the map in the infrared range can be obtained to cure the infrared divergenes. Furthermore, as we will show, if this map is not chosen carefully for all but the infrared modes it can also involve ultraviolet divergences strictly permitting a unitary implementation on Fock space. Interestingly, in the context of the Mukhanov-Sasaki Hamiltonian, different choices at this level can be related to different choices for the initial conditions of the associated mode functions. Moreover it becomes clear that we can recover the defining differential equation for adiabatic vacua from the Ermakov equation, where the latter is an auxiliary differential equation whose solution is needed to explicitly construct the Lewis-Riesenfeld invariant and the corresponding canonical transformation. This allows us to interpret the initial conditions and the result for the Fourier modes we obtain using the method of the Lewis-Riesenfeld invariant in the context of adiabatic vacua.
This article is structured as follows: In
Section 2 we introduce the framework of the extended phase space and rederive the canonical transformation that maps the system of the time-dependent harmonic oscillator to the time-independent one generalizing the approach in Reference [
12]. The time-rescaling that is involved in this canonical transformation naturally occurs in the extended phase space and the physical interpretation of the Lewis-Riesenfeld invariant can be easily understood. In order to deal with the constrained system in the extended phase space later on, we want to choose reduced phase space quantization and thus derive the reduced phase space in terms of Dirac observables. Their dynamics is generated by the Dirac observable associated with the time-dependent Hamiltonian. As the next step in
Section 3, we consider the quantization of the system and show that the canonical transformation can be implemented as a unitary map on the one-particle physical Hilbert space, where our results agree with already existing results in the literature for finitely many degrees of freedom. In order to simplify the actual application of the unitary operator we perform a generalized Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff decomposition by means of which we then rewrite the unitary transformation as a time-dependent Bogoliubov map.
Afterwards we consider the generalization of our results obtained so far to field theory, discussing the two most common cases in the literature, where one maps from a time-dependent harmonic oscillator to a harmonic oscillator with either frequency
. As far as the implementation on Fock space is considered, the first choice can be implemented unitarily, whereas the second cannot due to an ultraviolet divergence. This ultraviolet divergence is caused by a residual squeezing operation by which the two maps differ. To avoid issues that occur for the infrared modes, we discuss a possible modification of the map using the Arnold transformation discussed in Reference [
Section 6 presents practical applications of this formalism by considering the case of a quasi-de Sitter spacetime and the corresponding Mukhanov-Sasaki equation in a slow-roll approximation. We construct the Lewis-Riesenfeld invariant and, in the context of a quantum mechanical toy model, compute the lowest and next to lowest eigenvalue eigenstates associated to it and analyze their properties. Finally we summarize and conclude in
Section 7.
4. Implementing the Time-Dependent Canonical Transformation as a Unitary Map on the Bosonic Fock Space
For the reason that we were able to construct a unitary map for the toy model of the single-model Mukhanov-Sasaki Hamiltonian, the next obvious step is to aim at a unitary implementation of the time evolution operator
on the full Fock space
. Since every mode of the Mukhanov-Sasaki equation is a time-dependent harmonic oscillator, we need to treat every mode separately and with a different frequency, depending on the absolute value of
. Hence it is natural to equip the solution of the Ermakov equation, which also differs from mode to mode for precisely this reason, with a corresponding mode label, which in turn carries over to the time-dependent Bogoliubov transformation
. In the conventional formalism, the Mukhanov-Sasaki Hamiltonian and the mode expansion of the Mukhanov-Sasaki variable and its conjugate momentum are of the form:
denoting a derivative with respect to conformal time
is the scale factor,
is the conformal Hubble function and
stands for the homogeneous and isotropic part of the inflaton scalar field. Given the canonical commutator
together with the mode expansion of
as well as the following choice for the Wronskian
the corresponding annihilation and creation operators satisfy the commutator algebra
where all remaining commutators vanish. Compared to the one-particle case we obtain an additional factor of
here, which in principle needs to be considered when deriving the corresponding Bogoliubov coefficients in (
47) for the field theory case. In order to avoid to include appropriate powers of
in the derivation of the Bogoliubov coefficients, as an intermediate step we rescale the creation and annihilation operators such that they satisfy a commutator algebra that involves just the
-function. This yields:
Note that we consider a quantization of the inflaton perturbation in the context of quantum field theory on a curved background, where the background quantities are considered as external quantities and we thus neglect any backreaction effects.
Now we can let the Bogoliubov transformation act on the rescaled operators
and all results obtained in the previous
Section 3.3 can be easily carried over to the field theoretic case, where the Bogoliubov transformation maps
to a new set of creation and annihilation operators
that fulfill the same rescaled commutation relation. Due to the linearity of the Bogoliubov transformation, the rescaling affects both sides of the equation and thus can be easily removed and the standard algebra we started with is restored. In the field theory the generator in the exponential of
is smeared with the Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff coefficient functions that act as the smearing functions. The action on the operators
is then diagonal, because at each order of the iterated commutator, the to be found Dirac distributions can be absorbed into the integral involved due to the smearing. Hence, the generalization of Bogoliubov coefficients we obtained in the one-particle case in (
48) to the field theory case just consists of equipping them with a mode label. The questions that still needs to answered is whether the so defined extension of
to Fock space describes a unitary map on the latter. Fortunately, there exists a criterion whether a given Bogoliubov transformation can be unitarily implemented on Fock space, called the
Shale-Stinespring condition. A review on the Shale-Stinespring condition with a sketched proof can be for example found in Reference [
31]. The theorem essentially states that the anti-linear part of the Bogoliubov transformation under consideration needs to be a Hilbert-Schmidt operator. In our case, this condition carries over to the product of the off-diagonal coefficients in Equation (
48) being bounded when integrated over all of
are the Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff coefficients from the decomposition in
Section 3.2,
is the mode-dependent solution of the Ermakov equation and
is the derivative with respect to conformal time. At this point the advantage of rescaling the operator algebra becomes evident, since we can copy our results from previous computations of the Bogoliubov coefficients. A discussion on the initial conditions regarding the solutions
can be found in
Section 6 below, which will provide the basis for the investigations of the finiteness of the integral over the anti-linear part of
. Explicitly inserting the coefficients while still keeping
in the arguments and considering the rescaled operators such that they satisfy the same commutator algebra as in
Section 3.3 leads to:
Given the former definition of
we consider the extension of these quantities to the multi-mode case given by
. Inserting the explicit form of
from Equation (
37) we end up with:
Note that
for all modes
and all conformal times
, from which we can conclude that
since we already know that
holds. Explicitly substituting the definitions of
, we arrive at the following integral for the de Sitter case with
as derived in the succeeding
Section 6:
This expression allows us to consider a simple power-counting procedure of the individual contributions. For large
k, the first term behaves as
whereas the second term decays as
, so there is no divergence in the ultraviolet. For small
k we observe the first term to be proportional to
and the second contribution to
, which leads to an infrared divergence of the latter, which in turn shows that the integral above is not finite. Consequently, the Shale-Stinespring condition is not satisfied in our case and the Bogoliubov transformation
cannot be unitarily implemented on Fock space by simply extending the toy model of the single-mode case to the multi-mode case due to ’infinite particle production’ between mutually different vacuum states. Interestingly, there is no issue with the ultraviolet here but just in the infrared sector, showing that next to the large
k behavior one also needs to check whether there are occurring singularities in the infrared, as they can equally add a diverging contributions to the number operator expectation value with respect to different vacua. It is not obvious to us that this aspect has been considered in the recent work of Reference [
15], where a similar Bogoliubov transformation is used on Fock space. As can be seen form our analysis, the behavior of the BCH coefficients is different for small
k than it is for large
k, hence it is not obvious that even if the Bogoliubov coefficients are finite for large
k this is a sufficient check in order to conclude that the Bogoliubov transformation under consideration can be unitarily implemented on Fock space.
As discussed before at the end of
Section 3.1, the most common transformation in the literature in the context of the Lewis-Riesenfeld invariant is the one where the time-dependent Hamiltonian is mapped to the Hamiltonian of a harmonic oscillator with frequency
. For this reason we also analyze what happens to the Shale-Stinespring condition if we do not require the time-independent frequency to be just
but unity instead. This changes the solution
by an additional factor of
if we impose similar initial conditions, that is
and leads to the residual squeezing transformation in
in the limit of past conformal infinity already mentioned in
Section 3.1. Considering this modification in
compared to
, we can also analyze whether the Shale-Stinespring conditions is satisfied here. We have:
We apply a similar power counting to the two terms involved in the last line separately. For small
k the second summand in that line decays as
, whereas it is proportional to
in the limit of large
k, which yields a finite contribution in the ultraviolet and an infrared divergence. Similarly, in the small
k region at lowest order, the first summand behaves as
and thus is divergent in the infrared. Furthermore, it increases linearly in
k in the large
k limit causing a divergence in the ultraviolet. As a consequence, also the transformation associated with
is not unitarily implementable on Fock space, just as it was the case with
. However, there is a subtle distinction between the two cases. For
we found that the infrared modes lead to a divergence, whereas this time both small and large values of
are problematic. Let us understand a bit more in detail why it is expected that the infrared modes can be problematic in the case of the map corresponding to
. This map transforms the time-dependent harmonic oscillator Hamiltonian with frequency
into the Hamiltonian of the harmonic oscillator with constant frequency
. Hence, for
the latter corresponds to the Hamiltonian of a free particle because here the frequency just vanishes. This aspect has not been carefully taken into account in the map constructed so far. Therefore, in the next section we will discuss how the map constructed up to now could be modified for the low
modes such that the infrared singularity can be avoided. For the map corresponding to
, this attempt is possible because the problematic behavior of these modes constitutes only a compact domain in the space of modes, in contrast to the additional ultraviolet divergence involved in the map associated with
. For this purpose, we will introduce the so-called Arnold transformation that has been used already in Reference [
16] at the quantum level, which is designed to perform a mapping to the free particle Hamiltonian.
Proposal of a Modified Map for the Infrared Modes: The Arnold Transformation
In the previous section we have observed that the map
that maps the time-dependent harmonic oscillator system onto the system of a harmonic oscillator with constant frequency
is not a unitary operator on Fock space due to an infrared divergence that occurs in the off-diagonal trace of the Bogoliubov coefficients for the infrared modes. Given the fact that no ultraviolet singularities arise, the strategy we will follow in this section is to consider a modification of the map induced by
for a finite spherical neighbourhood
of the infrared modes in such a way that no infrared singularities occur. As mentioned above, the natural target Hamiltonian we should map to in the case of the zero mode is the Hamiltonian of a free particle. At the classical level this so-called Arnold transformation [
32] was introduced in order to transform a generic second-order differential equation, that physically describes a driven harmonic oscillator with time-dependent friction coefficient and time-dependent frequency, into the differential equation corresponding to the motion of a free particle. Its implementation as a unitary map at the quantum level has been investigated for instance in Reference [
16]. From our approach we can make an immediate connection to this formalism by going back to Equation (
15) that has played an important role in deriving our classical transformation. Now if we aimed at mapping the original time-dependent Hamiltonian
onto the free particle Hamiltonian,
would need to satisfy the harmonic equation of motion with the frequency
for each mode instead of the Ermakov equation, as it was presented in our case before. As already discussed in Reference [
16], one can recover the Ermakov equation when considering three physical systems, a time-dependent and a time-independent harmonic oscillator together with the free particle. Then one constructs the two Arnold transformations that relate the time-dependent and the time-independent harmonic oscillator to the free particle. From combining one of these Arnold transformation with the inverse of the second one, one obtains a map that relates the systems of the time-dependent harmonic oscillator with the time-independent one via a time-rescaling. For more details regarding this aspect we refer the reader to the presentation in Reference [
16]. In order to be able to discuss the approach from Reference [
16] and ours in parallel, we will denote the time-rescaling function associated with the Arnold transformation by
. The non-zero
modes lead to the well-known solutions of the Mukhanov-Sasaki equation for finite
, whereas for the
mode we need to find appropriate solutions. By construction,
satisfies the Ermakov equation with vanishing
, that is the time-dependent harmonic oscillator equation of the associated mode, given by:
where we are interested in the case where
is determined by the Mukhanov-Sasaki equation. If we compare the time rescaling in Equation (
11) with the one given in Reference [
16], we obtain an exact agreement if we take into account that the Wronskians of two solutions of the time-dependent and time-independent harmonic oscillator, respectively, are constant and can be chosen to be identical. Since in our work the physical system under consideration is described by a time-dependent harmonic oscillator (that is, the Mukhanov-Sasaki equation), let us first consider this equation for arbitrary modes
and prior to any gauge-fixing:
For the particular case of a quasi-de Sitter spacetime, the explicit form of this equation can be given in terms of the so-called slow-roll parameters. The Friedmann equations together with the Klein-Gordon equation describing the dynamics of the background scalar field
on a slow-rolling quasi-de Sitter background can be used to rewrite the Mukhanov-Sasaki equation in a convenient way. For this purpose we define a set of three slow-roll parameters
, that describe the fractional change of
per Hubble time, the fractional chance of
per Hubble time as well as the fractional change of
per Hubble time, respectively:
where a dot denotes a derivative with respect to cosmological time in these expressions. Inserting the Klein-Gordon equation and using the Friedmann equations along with an assumed subdominance of the second-order derivatives of
, we can rewrite
and its derivatives in terms of
. By truncating the resulting expressions after the first order in the slow-roll parameters, the time-dependent part of the frequency
Thus, the Mukhanov-Sasaki equation up to first order in the slow-roll parameters for a quasi-de Sitter background reads:
Given the equation above we can read off the time-dependent frequency that we considered for the time-dependent harmonic oscillator in our single-mode toy model approach. This is also precisely the equation that
needs to satisfy for a given but finite
. Let us emphasize that the solutions to Equation (
58) need to be computed separately for vanishing and non-vanishing
, respectively. The real-valued solutions for
are given by the Bessel functions of first and second kind, for details the reader is referred to
Section 6. If we consider the limiting case of
in the context of the quantum Arnold transformation, we obtain the following linear differential equation with time-dependent coefficients for the rescaling function
, omitting the label for the zero mode:
This differential equation with time-dependent coefficients can be transformed into an equation with constant coefficients, which then again can be solved by means of the substitution
and an exponential ansatz of this new variable incorporating the dependence on the effective slow-roll parameter
. The general solution of this differential equation is given by:
From this solution we readily obtain two linearly independent solutions
that can be used to construct the Arnold transformation for the
mode. Note that the differential equation above can be also solved for
, respectively. However, according to the parameter space of the slow-roll parameters in Reference [
33], this range is not physically reasonable and hence we only use the result for strictly positive, real-valued slow-roll parameters. Due to the range of conformal time (
), the relevant solution here is the growing branch proportional to
, since the decreasing branch diverges in the limit of past conformal infinity. This then coincides with the choice of the final time-rescaling transformation suggested in Reference [
16]. We reconsider the form of the transformation
and insert the corresponding solution for
to obtain an analogous transformation
by means of which we can transform the Schrödinger equation similar to Equation (
31) and according to:
This means that
maps the time-dependent Hamiltonian for the
mode into the time-independent Hamiltonian of the free particle modulo a rescaling of the momentum operator. It is important to emphasize that this unitary map can only be performed at the level of the full Schrödinger equation, as otherwise the spectrum of the two related operators would have to be equivalent, which is clearly not the case for the time-dependent harmonic oscillator and the free particle. It is the time-derivative in the Schrödinger equation that is crucial for removing the term proportional to
altogether. Furthermore we would like to stress that the time rescaling function
is different for
, respectively. In the first case, depending on the imposed initial conditions, it is given by the Bessel functions of first and second kind
. In the latter case,
corresponds to the above power-law solution. Unfortunately, there are some drawbacks of the implementation of the quantum Arnold transformation with the help of
. Firstly, the limit of past conformal infinity is not well-defined in terms of the generator
as depicted in (
26), for neither of the two cases. This especially means that we do not get an asymptotic identity map for an already free particle (i.e., the
case in the limit of past conformal infinity) as we do with the initially time-independent harmonic oscillator in the case of the original transformation
. Secondly, the attempt to relate the free particle with a Lewis-Riesenfeld type invariant does not work as smoothly as in the case of the previous map. If we construct a similar invariant in this case here for the initially time-dependent oscillator Hamiltonian, it can be trivially factorized and has the following form:
This quantity has for example been already obtained in Reference [
17] as a quantum invariant based on orthogonal functions in a similar context. It is immediate that the above factorization is in this sense pathological, as one can immediately see that the occurring operators
can not be interpreted as ladder operators due to
, since they only differ by a global sign. This can be also seen by looking at the original invariant (
24) which has an additional term proportional to
that is absent in the case of the Arnold transformation for
by construction, simply because of the lack of a term proportional to
in the transformed free particle Hamiltonian. Nevertheless, the transformation
is unitary for all finite times
and all considered modes. However, due to the non-preservation of the commutator structure between
, it is not a Bogoliubov transformation, hence it does not qualify as an infrared continuation of the map
used throughout this work.
In summary, it was not possible to find a transformation similar to
for the infrared modes. Regarding predictions in inflationary comsology, we are naturally interested in the large
k modes, which are properly implementable in the context of our symplectic transformation. Hence, as an alternative to the proposed maps for the infrared, we suggest the identity map as a proper choice, that is:
is the smearing domain and
denotes the mode-dependent generator of the Bogoliubov transformation depicted in Equation (
26) and especially in (
35) in terms of annihilation and creation operators, respectively. This is possible and well-defined since the occurring coefficients in the generator are smooth for
and moreover lie in
as can be checked by explicit integration. The reasons for choosing the identity map are twofold. Firstly, this trivially constitutes a Bogoliubov transformation with the off-diagonal coefficients in (
48) vanishing, rendering the Shale-Stinespring integral finite, thus allowing for unitary implementability of
on Fock space. Secondly, the functions multiplying the off-diagonal elements in the Mukhanov-Sasaki Hamiltonian remain unchanged compared to the standard case, which means that they can be neglected for sufficiently early times. This is due to the fact that the effective friction term in the equation of motion for these functions is subdominant in this regime. For details the reader is referred to the discussion in the succeeding section.
5. Relation of the Lewis-Riesenfeld Invariant Approach to the Bunch-Davies Vacuum and Adiabatic Vacua
In the context of the results of the previous sections, it is a natural question whether there exists a relation of the mode functions obtained in the framework of the formalism in this work and the ones obtained in the standard approach in cosmology. As we will show by taking time-rescaling transformation into account, we can relate the solutions
of the Ermakov equation to the mode functions associated with the Bunch-Davies vacuum and other adiabatic vacua. For this purpose we consider the following form of the Mukhanov-Sasaki mode function
corresponding to a polar representation of the complex mode
into a real function
and a complex phase that was in a similar form already mentioned in Reference [
is time-independent for each mode,
remains arbitrary at this point and
can take the values
k or 1 depending on the choice of map that is considered. We want to show that the Mukhanov-Sasaki equation
expressed in terms of the polar representation exactly coincides with the Ermakov equation. Starting from this polar representation of the mode functions we compute the second derivative and reinsert it into the Mukhanov-Sasaki equation to obtain:
We realize that summands involving
cancel each other and the Mukhanov-Sasaki equation can be rewritten as:
That is, we recover the Ermakov equation for the radial part of the polar representation in Equation (
62). The polar representation of the mode functions can also be obtained if we consider how the Fourier modes transform under the time-dependent canonical transformation that relates the time-dependent and time-independent harmonic oscillator. The mode functions in the system of the harmonic oscillator written as a function of conformal time are given by
. Here
satisfies the standard harmonic oscillator differential equation with respect to the time variable
T. Using that for each mode we have
, one can easily derive the corresponding differential equation that
fulfills with respect to conformal time
. Now the time-dependent canonical transformation rescales the spatial coordinate by
. Considering this as well as the fact that the mode
depends on
k only, the corresponding Fourier mode after the transformation is given by
, yielding again the polar representation of the Fourier mode shown in (
62), where we used how the Fourier transform changes under a scaling of the coordinates.
A second way to obtain this result is via the explicit form of the Bogoliubov transformation associated with the time-dependent canonical transformation. We denote the time-dependent annihilation and creation operators of the harmonic oscillator system by
respectively, where the time-dependent annihilation and creation operators satisfy the Heisenberg equation associated with the Hamiltonian of the harmonic oscillator. Once more considering the relation between
T and
for each mode, we can also understand
as operator-valued functions of conformal time
. The mode expansion in the system of the time-dependent harmonic oscillator can be written in terms of time-dependent annihilation and creation operators
which both satisfy the Heisenberg equation associated to the Mukhanov-Sasaki Hamiltonian. As shown in
Section 4, the time-dependent canonical transformation corresponds to a time-dependent Bogoliubov map at the quantum level. In the notation of the last section, this relates the two sets of annihilation and creation operators as follows
The explicit form of these coefficients is given by:
Given this time-dependent Bogoliubov map, the Fourier modes in the two systems are related via
Hence, we again recover the polar representation of the Fourier mode. At this point we did not yet clarify the purpose of the
, which is intricately connected with the commutator algebra of annihilation and creation operators as we will see. Recall the well-known (off-diagonal) form of the Mukhanov-Sasaki Hamiltonian if we insert the mode expansions into the Hamiltonian density:
where we used the isotropy of the mode functions due to the high degree of symmetry of the spacetime, the invariance of the measure under reflection and the following definitions:
Regarding the normalization of the mode functions
, we can transfer this condition to the polar representation given in Equation (
62) by just inserting the definition into the Wronskian. This removes the dependence on
completely and we can explicitly give a relation between
and the Wronskian of the original mode functions:
This is not surprising upon closer inspection. Recall that the
in the Ermakov equation corresponds to the time-independent frequency in the transformed Schrödinger equation. We conveniently chose to map the Mukhanov-Sasaki frequency into just the
-dependent part, completely removing the time dependence. This has the effect that
becomes the identity transformation for the case of an initially time-independent oscillator, whereas we would obtain a residual squeezing if we mapped every mode to unity. This freedom of choice is reflected in the explicit form of the normalization constant
, which depends on the choice of the oscillator frequency in the target system in order to preserve the normalization of the mode functions and hence the standard commutator algebra of annihilation and creation operators. Given the Mukhanov-Sasaki Hamiltonian in the form of annihilation and creation operators in (
68), we can discuss the assumptions for the initial condition regarding the Fourier modes associated with the Bunch-Davies vacuum and the ones obtained in our work and compare them, consequently. First, we rewrite the Fourier mode associated to the Bunch-Davies vacuum given by
in the polar representation as shown in (
62) for our general solution. This yields:
which corresponds exactly to the
that we obtained from the Ermakov equation by requiring appropriate initial conditions for
which carry over to initial conditions on the Fourier mode and the additional factor
i comes from the phase of (
71) compared to the one arising from the integral.
As far as the Hamiltonian diagonalization (HD) of the Mukhanov-Sasaki Hamiltonian is concerned, one diagonalizes this Hamiltonian instantaneously at some time
which requires the coefficients
to vanish at
. In addition it can be shown that the state satisfying this requirement also minimizes the energy at that time
, so that requiring both does not yield to further conditions on the state. If the requirement
and the normalization of the Wronskian
is satisfied, we choose the following initial conditions for the model:
If we consider the specefic choice
in this context we exactly end up with the initial conditions usually chosen to obtain the Bunch-Davies vacuum:
where we used that
, meaning that the modes become the standard Minkowski modes in this limit. Looking closer into the condition
we can rewrite this non-linear differential equations as:
We realize that
at all times
requires that
satisfies a differential equations that looks like the Mukhanov-Sasaki equation but with an additional friction term included. For a constant frequency
the friction term vanishes, which for the case of de Sitter where
is given in the limit of large
k. For de Sitter the friction coefficient reads
and thus, depending on the values of
k and
it will not always be negligible, which is the reason why in the case of Bunch-Davies one can only achieve an instantaneous Hamiltonian diagonalization. This is due to the fact that
satisfies the Mukhanov-Sasaki equation and at the same time needs to fulfill
, generally being in conflict already for the simple case of a de Sitter universe. Note that in our work the Hamiltonian diagonalization of the Mukhanov-Sasaki Hamiltonian can be obtained for each instant in time and is not obtained by setting
equal to zero but by a time-dependent unitary transformation that involves also a time-rescaling. Now since we fixed our initial condition in the limit
and, as we will show below, the solution we obtained satisfies the differential equation for adiabatic vacua without any approximation, it is very natural that our initial conditions at
are given by the following:
where we used again the same normalization of the Wronskian for the condition LR (II) and that
. Thus the initial conditions obtained here coincide with the initial conditions one chooses for adiabatic vacua to any order as well as the ones chosen for the Bunch-Davies vacuum where we fix them in the large
k limit and for
. However, in our work the latter was necessary in order that the unitary operator that implements the Bogoliubov transformation (see Equation (
35)) becomes the identity operator for an already time-independent harmonic oscillator and is hence considerably natural. Now let us discuss how the results obtained in our work are related to the notion of adiabatic vacua. In the framework of adiabatic vacua one uses the following ansatz for the mode functions:
is defined through the following differential equation
is the time-dependent frequency, so in our case the one involved in the Mukhanov-Sasaki Hamiltonian. If we compare the ansatz in (
77) with the form of the solution for the Mukhanov-Sasaki equation in (
62), we realize that we can map the two expression for
into each other by the substitution
, where we choose
, respectively to consider the case where the Mukhanov-Sasaki Hamiltonian is mapped to the harmonic oscillator with frequency
k and 1, respectively. As shown above, rewritten in terms of
the Mukhanov-Sasaki equation merges into the Ermakov equation. Hence, if we express the Ermakov equation in terms of
we can rewrite the Mukhanov-Sasaki equation in terms of
. For this we consider the second derivative
expressed in terms of
. We obtain:
Reinserting this back into the Ermakov equation yields:
Multiplying the entire equation by
we end up with:
and this agrees precisely with the defining differential equation for
in (
78). The adiabatic condition required for the modes in this context carries over to a condition on the large
behavior of the function
, being a solution of the Ermakov equation. As usual for adiabatic vacua, they do depend on the chosen extension to the infraed sector. In the formalism presented in this work this arbitrariness is encoded in the choice of how the unitary transformation is modified for the modes
. From this we can conclude that the ansatz for adiabatic vacua and the framework of the Lewis-Riesenfeld invariant leads to equivalent solutions for possible vacuum states if one reformulates the adiabatic condition in terms of the the solution
of the Ermakov equation. Furthermore, we can understand our solution obtained for quasi-de Sitter and de Sitter in this context now. For the modes associated with the Mukhanov-Sasaki equation on a de Sitter background, the adiabatic condition needs to be satisfied for
, that is
. Using the explicit solution for
in the case of de Sitter given by
we obtain
. This corresponds to
, where we only considered the map with
here because the second one with
was not unitarily implementable on Fock space. In the case of de Sitter, the integral can be easily computed and the solution is given by
In case the solution for
cannot be determined in a simple manner, one uses a WKB approximation for the integral involved in the adiabatic ansatz in (
77), yielding adiabatic vacua of a certain order at which the expansion is truncated, see for instance [
35] for applications. However, since we have determined an analytical solution for the Ermakov equation for
we did not get an approximate solution for
up to some adiabatic order and obtained the full solution for
. This way of relating the two formalisms also provides the possibility to have a very clear interpretation of the Fourier mode associated with the Bunch-Davies vacuum in the Lewis-Riesenfeld invariant formalism. Now comparing the phase factors of Fourier modes associated with the Bunch-Davies vacuum with the ones obtained from the ansatz for the adiabatic vacua in (
77), we realize the following: The Fourier modes we obtain from the Lewis-Riesenfeld invariant formalism, that agree with the conventional one, can be understood as an adiabatic vacuum of non-linear adiabatic order, that is without any truncation, using the relation between the Ermakov equation and the defining differential equation for adiabatic vacua. Considering the solution in (
81) in the limit
, we realize that these modes merge into the standard Minkowski modes up to an irrelevant phase and thus satisfy the adiabatic condition. Note that we have chosen the normalization of the Wronskian in such a way that the final mode functions
agree, regardless of whether we chose the map that relates the MS system with a harmonic oscillator to have frequency
, respectively. However, our analysis shows that on Fock space, the map that intertwines between the harmonic oscillator with
and the Mukhanov-Sasaki equation cannot be implemented unitarily due to ultraviolet divergences and thus the latter choice cannot be obtained in a natural way in the Lewis-Riesenfeld formalism. For the reason that the solution in (
81) was obtained from a unitary transformation that maps the Mukhanov-Sasaki Hamiltonian into the harmonic oscillator Hamiltonian for all modes
, we can interpret this adiabatic vacuum as the natural one associated to this unitary transformation.
We summarize these results of the last two sections in
Figure 1 below. We have seen that we can obtain a solution of the Mukhanov-Sasaki equation at the level of the mode functions (and find the associated vacuum) by means of the solution of the Ermakov equation
combined together with a time-dependent phase that corresponds to the time rescaling from the classical theory in Equation (
11). In our formalism we have the freedom of choosing the target frequency
as we map our Hamiltonian, where we considered two different choices in this work here. One natural choice is to just remove the time dependence and keep the time-independent
term in the frequency, which gives a transformation that is implementable for all but the infrared modes, where one can choose to modify the map appropriately as has been discussed above. It is in this sense natural to do so, since in the limit at past conformal infinity, this transformation is the identity as one would expect. Contrary to that, mapping all frequencies to unity results in a residual squeezing at very early times and most importantly in an ultraviolet divergence in the integral of the Shale-Stinespring condition. Using our results it can be shown that the non-squeezed adiabatic vacua are unitarily inequivalent to the generalized Bunch-Davies vacuum because the time-independent squeezing map that relates a harmonic oscillator with frequency
to the one with frequency
cannot be implemented as a unitary operator on Fock space.
7. Conclusions
In this work we used the method of the Lewis-Riesenfeld invariant in order to analyze in which sense the dynamical properties of the Mukhanov-Sasaki equation select possible candidates for initial states in the context of inflation. We started in the classical theory and rederived a time-dependent canonical transformation that relates the system of a time-dependent harmonic oscillator to the one of a time-independent harmonic oscillator, where in our case the explicit time-dependence is determined by the frequency involved in the Mukhanov-Sasaki equation. Using this map, the entire time dependence of the oscillator can be removed leading to a simplification as far as finding solutions for the time-dependent system is concerned. As a first step, this was done for systems with finitely many degrees of freedom using an extended phase space in which time and its corresponding momentum are part of the phase space, following the work in Reference [
11]. This has the advantage that the time rescaling involved in this transformation can be naturally embedded in the framework of the extended phase space, whereas in early work such as Reference [
13], the corresponding phase factor needs to be introduced with a less clear physical motivation. The ansatz we used employed techniques introduced in Reference [
11] and was based on an idea from Reference [
12], which was generalized to arbitrary even and finite phase space dimensions. This transformation revealed the relationship between the Lewis-Riesenfeld invariant, the time-dependent and time-independent harmonic oscillator Hamiltonian already implicitly used in Reference [
Since at the level of the extended phase space the system of the time-dependent harmonic oscillator is a constrained system, we could choose between Dirac and reduced quantization in order to later extract the physical sector of the quantum theory. Because the time rescaling included in the canonical transformation involves an integral over a time interval, a Dirac quantization might be problematic if an analytic expression for the anti-derivative does not exist. In order to circumvent this problem, we chose reduced phase space quantization for which it was necessary to construct Dirac observables and consider the physical phase space according to the methods introduced in References [
19]. Fortunately, the Dirac observables satisfy the standard canonical algebra so that representations thereof can be easily found. Their dynamics is generated by the Dirac observable associated with the time-dependent Hamiltonian that consequently becomes the physical Hamiltonian of the system. As a preparation for the quantum theory, we constructed the associated generator of the canonical transformation on the physical phase space, giving rise to a corresponding flow that represents the canonical transformation on the physical degrees of freedom. A crucial ingredient for the construction of the Lewis-Riesenfeld invariant as well as the corresponding canonical transformation that removes the time dependence from the Hamiltonian is a time-dependent auxiliary function
that has to satisfy the Ermakov differential equation. This requirement ensures that the Lewis-Riesenfeld invariant is a quadratic polynomial in the elementary configuration and momentum variables, that can be interpreted as a Dirac observable in the extended phase space because it commutes with the first class constraint. Given a solution of the Ermakov equation, we can use it to construct the canonical transformation on the finite dimensional physical phase space, whose generator is shown in (
For the quantum theory we first restricted our analysis to the case of finitely many degrees of freedom and as a special case considered the one-particle Hilbert space. All results obtained in this context can be easily generalized to more but finite degrees of freedom. On the one-particle Hilbert space, the time-dependent canonical transformation can be implemented as a unitary operator
whose explicit form is given in (
27). With the help of
we can remove the explicit time dependence of the Schrödinger equation, analogous to the treatment in Reference [
17] and map it to a Schrödinger equation involving a time-independent harmonic oscillator Hamiltonian. In this way we further obtain a time evolution operator
which can be shown to correspond to the Dyson series of the time-dependent theory, consisting of three individual unitary operators. When having a closer look at the occurring exponentials, there is an obvious explanation of the required additional phase factor in the solutions of the Schrödinger equation in Reference [
13], amounting to some function multiplying either the exponentiated time-independent Hamiltonian or the Lewis-Riesenfeld invariant, depending on the relative ordering we chose in
. The immediate effect of the time-rescaling
becomes evident in this exponential, as the relative phase is sensitive to the background spacetime. Each of the operators in
corresponds to an exponentiated unitary representation of the
Lie algebra, as can be shown by explicitly evaluating the Lie brackets of the generators. For practical computations and later applications, we used a generalized Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff decomposition of unitary representations of non-compact groups shown in Reference [
30] to decompose
into normal- or anti-normal ordered contributions, respectively. This gave us the possibility to rewrite the unitary transformation
on the one-particle Hilbert space as an explicitly time-dependent Bogoliubov transformation, where the time dependence enters through the solution
of the Ermakov equation.
This was an important preparation for the generalization to the field theory context we were mainly interested in in this work. The crucial criterion for the existence of a unitary implementation of a Bogoliubov transformation on the Fock space is the Shale-Stinespring condition [
31], which essentially denotes that the product of off-diagonal entries of the Bogoliubov map needs to be Hilbert-Schmidt. As our results show a straightforward generalization to Fock space where the time-dependent oscillator is described by the Mukhanov-Sasaki equation and the target system is for each mode a harmonic oscillator with constant frequency does not work because either infrared or infrared and ultraviolet divergences occur, leading to a violation of the Shale-Stinespring condition. Here we considered two common choices used in the existing literature, where the constant frequency is either
respectively, which corresponds to two slightly different Ermakov equations in our case. Both choices yield an infrared divergence caused by the infrared modes, whereas for the second choice in addition an ultraviolet divergence occurs. If we compare our results obtained with the existing results in the literature, the work in Reference [
15] takes as the starting point a charged massive scalar field in a de Sitter space time and hence the Ermakov equation in this case includes an additional friction term and cannot directly be compared to our result. The author of Reference [
15] also uses the map to a harmonic oscillator with frequency
and also obtains no ultraviolet divergences for his slightly different map. However, as far as we can see, a careful analysis of the Shale-Stinespring condition is not presented in Reference [
15] and thus we expect that, similar to our case, infrared singularities are present. In Reference [
14] the map with constant frequency
was considered and in agreement with our results, they also obtain an ultraviolet divergence for the operator
. In their work the theory is defined on a torus allowing them to isolate the zero mode and exclude it from their analysis, hence no infrared divergences occur. Thus, we can conclude that the second choice, where the target frequency is chosen to be
, cannot be implemented unitarily on Fock space, whereas for the first choice there might be a chance to find a unitary implementation for the first case with target frequency
if we are able to consistently modify the map for the infrared modes such that the infrared divergence are no longer present. One possibility can be to also formulate a model where the spatial slices have the topology of a torus chosen in such a way that experimentally one cannot distinguish between a model whose spatial slices have the topology of a torus and one with non compact spatial slices. In this case we could also exlucde the zero mode and modify the map for this specific mode in a way that the Shale-Stinespring condition is satisfied. The corresponding Bolgoliubov transformation can then be defined for all but the zero mode. Note that this case further allows to identify the background with the zero mode, as it is for example usually done in hybrid loop quantum cosmology, see for instance Reference [
39]. However, if we stick to non-compact spatial slices we have to consider a slightly different strategy.
As possible solutions in this direction we discussed the quantum Arnold transformation introduced in Reference [
16]. The goal was to apply it to the modes below a certain infrared cutoff, that is for the sphere with
in Fourier space. We found that the Arnold transformation cannot be understood as a Bogoliubov map, since it renders the creation and annihilation operators in the transformed picture equal up to a global sign. A closer look at the involved terms shows that the reason for this pathological behavior is the absence of a the
contribution in the Lewis-Riesenfeld invariant. It is precisely this aspect that disrupts the commutator algebra and hence does not qualify as an infrared extension of
. Our proposal for an infrared extension is to use the identity map within the cutoff region, the reasons are twofold. Firstly, the identity map can be trivially regarded as a Bogoliubov transformation that exists on this sector of the Fock space. Secondly, by not altering the form of the Hamiltonian in the infrared regime, the off-diagonal terms remain as in the standard case, which means that they are subdominant for very early times where
. Hence, by adopting this strategy we are able to define a unitarily implementable Bogoliubov transformation on the entire Fock space as depicted in Equation (
61), that performs a Hamiltonian diagonalization on all modes with norm greater than the infrared cutoff
Section 5 we showed how the solution of the Ermakov equation can be used to construct a solution of the Mukhanov-Sasaki equation and as expected, the time-rescaling plays a pivotal role here. If we rewrite the solution to the Mukhanov-Sasaki equation in a polar representation as shown in (
62), the Mukhanov-Sasaki equation requires that the real part in the polar representation needs to be a solution of the Ermakov equation, opening a clear connection between the two formalisms. Following this route further, we can also recover the defining differential equation for adiabatic vacua from the Ermakov equation, meaning that if we have a solution of the Ermakov equation given, from this we can easily construct a non-linear solution of the adiabatic vacua differential equation, where non-linear refers to the fact that it is a full solution without truncating the solution at any adiabatic order. The adiabatic condition usually required in this context carries over to a condition on the solution of the Ermakov equation for each mode. This in turn can be directly related to specific properties of the unitary map corresponding to the time-dependent canonical transformation between the time-dependent and time-indepdendent harmonic oscillator. Hence, there is an interesting interplay between the characteristic properties of the unitary map and the choice of adiabatic vacua. Considering this and the fact that we set our initial condition at the limit of conformal past infinity, the Lewis-Riesenfeld method leads to mode functions that can be interpreted as a non-squeezed adiabatic vacuum of non-linear order, that is without performing any truncation. The property of being non-squeezed reflects our freedom of choice of mapping to a target frequency
that causes no residual squeezing if we apply the unitary operator to an already time-independent harmonic oscillator. Furthermore, the time rescaling involved in the mode function becomes
in the limit of large (negative) conformal times, showing that the mode function obtained here are compatible with the condition used in the Bunch-Davies case.
Finally, in
Section 6 we have illustrated how the formalism we used throughout this work can be used in terms of computing eigenstates of the Lewis-Riesenfeld invariant associated to a particular system. In our case, this was a time-dependent harmonic oscillator corresponding to the Mukhanov-Sasaki equation on a quasi-de Sitter spacetime for a single mode. Together with the construction of these eigenstates via
, we outlined how to find a solution
of the Ermakov equation with this particular time-dependent frequency
corresponding to the background geometry of quasi-de Sitter. This was done by using the asymptotic behavior of the Hankel functions (which solve the Mukhanov-Sasaki equation on quasi-de Sitter analytically) and the fact that the Wronskian of two linearly independent solutions of this equation is a constant. Finally, we provided a visualization of the time-dependent squeezing operation
in terms of the probability densities of two time-dependent eigenstates of
for different values of the slow-roll parameters, which precisely correspond to the probability densities of solutions of the Schrödinger equation of the associated time-dependent Hamiltonian
. As far as the computation of the power spectrum is concerned, we do not expect new insights from our obtained results because what enters into the computation is the final Fourier mode that we constructed in both cases in such a way that the results agree with the standard result for the Mukhanov-Sasaki mode. Our results however, give new insights on whether there exists a time-independent harmonic oscillator Hamiltonian associated with the Mukhanov-Sasaki Hamiltonian that is unitarily equivalent in the field theory context. In future work we want to analyze applications of this formalism to other than quasi de Sitter spacetimes. This requires in particular to find solutions of the Ermakov equation in this more general case and analyze whether the corresponding transformation can be implemented unitarily. Furthermore, we plan to investigate in future research how the transformation in the classical theory on the extended phase space can be lifted to the field theory context. This might be realizable in the framework of the Gaussian dust model presented in Reference [
26] where the dust fields can be used as reference fields for physical temporal and spatial coordinates.